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Everything posted by Shad282

  1. LOA and Trump?

    yeah seems a big fight going between democrats and republicans, and democrats seems have paid a lot of money and investments on hillary and such. and since trump is stupid, they are using it against him. seems like trying to do something more of american spring to change him. but who knows. seems like the other parties have big plans.
  2. hey, Hope my words and point of view don't sound mean, but it is out of curiosity with a little doubt. I m someone who is more into traditional/core oriented teaching, that does not involve anything but observing the body, and thoughts and allowing things to be as they are and nothing more. and also, i do come with a scientific background in terms of psychology with focus on how the mind work. Doing my researches in how the mind works and observing the mind on a daily basis and such. We can say that the mind is a very powerful tool and has a lot of depth that we still yet didn't discover and is able to trick our consciousness. The technique that you are preaching about in this thread, on facebook and such, involves spirits, channeling, projections and many other stuffs as i have read so far. Also, i have checked testimonials. it is quite interesting and i would like to try it one day. But my issue with it, is that it involves spirit, deity and such sort of stuff which actually contradicts my understanding of mind, meditation and the traditional school of buddha and tao. The thing is, how much aware do you need to be in order to see, feel, project and do those sort things?. because of my understanding of the mind, it is a very powerful tool. I m sure you went through times when meditating, you find yourself in a place that is totally real, or in the middle of an action and then you wake up on yourself dreaming while meditating, or your teacher wakes you up. it happens to all of us. and that is a simple thing of what the mind can do during intense focus and it is a result of mind escaping the present, the now. my point is, how are you able to verify what you're describing as spirit, projection, channeled spirits, are not some sort of mind escapism but on another level, based on your own belief. knowing that the mind is able to project many stuff, like angels, beings, and make you see stuff that are not real, just to escape what is, as it has been described by the buddha " mind monkey". in other words, how much is your ability to verify that the mind is not interfering with what you are seeing/feeling/sensing and that what you r seeing is not a mind made theming/ illusion to interrupt your awareness and your present moment ? I would like, to use the Virtual reality machines used nowadays, and have been used in many science tests, on how your consciousness no matter how much are aware, can be tricked into believing that what you are seeing is real, and you instantly react to what you see physically, emotionally. example: a person playing a horror game, even tho he is consciously aware that it is not real, he still reacts. which reflects that even tho we acknowledge that it is not real, the mind still believes it is real and so the body (knowing that is not real). So what if we acknowledge something is real and we feel it in my mind and body and does that make it real? in other words, is there an objective way for an outsider to verify it is real, without having to believe consciously and unconsciously? Other, example the placebo pill that is given to someone who think he is sick, or sometimes is sick, and the person heals just because he believes that what he took heals him.... can't it be similar to someone believing light is healing him or a spirit or someone sending healing? Thank you for your time
  3. LOA and Trump?

    What the fuck ! ? do people believe in that shit ??
  4. Hillary and Trump

    But now, i wonder what the American government will create as a fear (linking it to religious people), for: clinton = they made Taliban Bush = Al-Qaeda Obama = ISIS Trump= ??? hmm....
  5. Hillary and Trump

    LOL... yes she is racist... i know a lot of french people, and been there.. and i know, what they think and what the majority think about her and her ideas and her plans and her islamophobia and ....etc.
  6. Hillary and Trump

    Marine Le Pen is very racist ! and way worse than donald in racism !!
  7. Hillary and Trump

    not really, that is a limited and an old, traditional view of politics and diplomacy. Diplomacy: the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations.
  8. LOA and Trump?

    if i focus that the loa does not exist... will it not exist?
  9. LOA and Trump?

    so the LOA can be used to serve bad/negative intentions that might hurt or destroy other people. is there a way to destroy that law ?
  10. Hillary and Trump

    hating is not healthy.
  11. Hillary and Trump

    Do you think trump is better than hillary? AS we know that, the president is just a representer of his party and even tho presidents have changed, the overall mindset of economy and country management still the same. but i think maybe trump is better, since he is stupid and more likely to be honest unlike hillary who acts and hide stuff while acting all angel and that she is good... hillary may be racist but hiding it, but trump due to his stupidity, he was honest. but does that mean, that a big part of the Americans are racists against islam, african american, and accept/see the personality of trump and the way he thinks is the best and as a leader of USA? I do understand that he played with fears of people from immigrants, islams, and other stuff... also Nationalism like how it was used in UK in order to motivate people to separate from the EU because they want to preserve their culture and identity. are we headed toward an area of racism, nationalism, narcissism = separation ?
  12. LOA and Trump?

    the idea is that... the media was against him, in the debate he failed, he said stupid and dumb stuff. investors companies made losses due to financial markets losses, wall street in chaos and recorded decrease in prices, worries about economy because trump became president. Protests in states, against trump...etc. who voted? what happened ? even the simpsons: was making fun of this happening in real life, and it actually happen now!!
  13. Hillary and Trump

    so Trump will win ?
  14. Eczema in terms of energy and healing?

    Thank you that is what i was looking for. I m 24. few days ago i used aloe vera, what an amazing plant!!! i went to look if aloe vera gel is available and didn't find in the market, since the aloe vera tree isn't big enough to provide me with the needed amount, and i don't have much sun on my balcony. True, it is related to fire element, i noticed that when i eat food that contains chilli or black pepper the eczema re-appears.. the main places the eczema appears are: few on chin, around the nose, eyebrow and on scalp. the doctor related that to my very oily skin (seborrheic dermatitis/eczema) , and since you mentioned testostosterone could be related to over-masturbation. and thus i m stopping to maintain the level of testosterone and so the body don't keep producing it in high levels. (i m not sure if i have an issue with testosterone really, since my bead is not fully complete, i have empty space of no hair but other places are thick) and yeah that is why i was looking maybe through chi or some kind of food i can balance the hormonal thing that is causing that unbalance (now stopping mastubation). Also, i m wondering does the black seed / black garlic works like coconut and aloe vera on the symptom level ? or deeper level and heals? and do you eat it or just like a cream ? I read that Aloe vera, you can drink it in the morning if you make it into a juice and would that help in healing the real cause from internal rather than applying it on the skin symptom level? I ll try to find artificial light and raise my aloe vera since not enough sun comes into my house. P.S. the black seed, is mentioned in Islam as being very important and heals a lot and such. knowing that the islam appeared in desert/hot climate. it is widely available here in terms of oil or food but never actually used it.
  15. Eczema in terms of energy and healing?

    Eczema isn't that different from psoriasis, and also have similar causes, so what energetically causes psoriasis is also similar to eczema. Eczema as the doctor said it is the result of stress+ skin oil that turns a normal skin bacteria to cause an infection on the skin. The more stress i have, the more they increase and grow around + hair fall... so yeah similar to psoriasis. so answering psoriasis is the same as eczema. could be related to stress, worry and such. Thank you for your answer.
  16. Eczema in terms of energy and healing?

    true i don't have enough sun, and summer almost gone, do u suggest any vitamins? i do take supplements, it makes my pee phosphoric but i m taking one pill a day.
  17. Eczema in terms of energy and healing?

    but now I m not having any rush or anything to use coconut oil that is why i m asking on permanent thing.
  18. Eczema in terms of energy and healing?

    hahahahahaha I have already calmed it with meds but it comes and go. that is why i m asking about permanent thing. plus i have seborrheic eczema which is related to eczema on oily, hot skin. so adding oil = bad idea.
  19. Eczema in terms of energy and healing?

    Autohemotherapy, or self-blood therapy, is a technique that involves the withdrawal of blood from the body and the reinjection of the same blood back into a vein or through the skin or muscle. The aim of the therapy is to enhance the immune system's ability to fight disease.? ? what is TCM ?
  20. Eczema in terms of energy and healing?

    I meant permanent healing and to understand the reason for genetic activation for it to starts and exist. your suggestion is temporary and for a limited period of time, can be replaced with Elocon med.
  21. Energy Feeling and Pain Around the Heart.

    Well you wrote a lot, but to be honest, it is a lot, but for me, i don't believe in negative effect of focus and intention. it is something natural. it is introspection, and won't actually kill you just pointing your mind on a specific place. Also, i studied vipassana, in a vipassana retreat and it is for free and 2 teachers and assistant there and everything was for free the sleep+food all... so wasn't commercial plus i used to practice it without actually knowing about it. Also, i don't believe in the negative or bad entities, energy, or magic and negative result of energy or focus. believing in such stuff is like add imagination and mind thoughts into the concept of chi and energy because: A fish won't choke on water.
  22. Energy Feeling and Pain Around the Heart.

    Actually it is been days without mastubating and such related releasers ... and a lot of thoughts of sadness and depression coming into my head. and made me discover that a lot of my sexual and love desires are related to past lacks and problems that is been into my life.... every attraction is caused by something from the past. for a second i thought, what i heal all those, will i have any sexual attraction or even maybe need for love?
  23. Energy Feeling and Pain Around the Heart.

    what?? why to stop vipassana ?? frying my heart ?? why, how
  24. Energy Feeling and Pain Around the Heart.

    where are they ?? ...
  25. Energy Feeling and Pain Around the Heart.

    this is the pic, i pointed where i feel pain original pic with legend of the meridians: