Earl Grey

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Posts posted by Earl Grey

  1. On 9/12/2022 at 6:25 AM, Nungali said:

    I would agree .


    Any successful result I have had was not  due to my "consciousness"  .

    God forbid the weather be controlled by someone’s consciousness when it includes self-taught chaos magickians from Internet forums, self-righteous system zealots with extreme anger management issues, horny adolescents trying to summon a succubus to copulate with, and grumpy old men who get annoyed when their students ask too many questions.



    The few times I’ve seen qigong masters with weather control, the best way to characterize them is that they’re happy and enlightened, they just don’t care about you or how you feel when they tell you to fuck off after begging to know how to control weather like them.


    • Haha 3

  2. 2 minutes ago, Cobie said:

    [my highlighting]

     You don’t strike me as  ’comfortable’ with yourself at all, quite the opposite. You strike me as a person with such faulty thinking as to make yourself deeply depressed; then trying to make yourself feel better by hectoring others on the forum, trying to convince them you are the enlightened master to kowtow to. Barf.

    “Better for one to remain silent and have others think him a fool than to open his mouth and confirm all suspicions.” - Mark Twain


    • Haha 1

  3. 1 hour ago, -_sometimes said:

    is it okay to do just one or two?


    Of course! Any one meditation is enough to impart healing and bliss.


    1 hour ago, -_sometimes said:

    I imagine it's best not to mix and match to start with, so only in sequential order if starting from MGM.


    Incorrect. Start with any meditation you like--the system is completely safe. ridingthe ox began with long form before doing earlier meditations.


    1 hour ago, -_sometimes said:

    If not, say we were to practice Bending the Bows, just to do that one and not progress to MHPearl after, would that be appropriate?


    Do any meditation you like. No order, no time. Just follow the breath sequences properly for opening and close properly, as well as other basic rules such as waiting 30 minutes before and after eating for practice.

    • Like 2

  4. 1 hour ago, BluePickle said:

    Never said its my hobby nor my only one


    I never said it was your only one or that it is a hobby. Re-read what I said to say "go find better hobbies" because the implication is you don't have enough going on and as a result you end up flogging the dolphin.


    But because you're not interested in reading carefully or clarifying, you're on your own, which I think is what you want anyway.


    No more contributions from me.

  5. 5 minutes ago, -_sometimes said:

    I just received the first volume today and excited to start! I do have a question before I begin though - can the meditations in Volume 1 be done at any time throughout the day? What about close to sleeping, 1 hour to half an hour before, would this effect one's sleep negatively in any way?


    Any time. You likely will get better sleep and have an easier time waking up.

    • Like 2
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  6. 23 minutes ago, Nuralshamal said:

    @Cheshire Cat
    Thanks for sharing!!

    Checking it out now :D

    @Earl Grey
    Great idea :D

    Do you know someone you trust, who could help us find it through the Akashic Records?

    @Dao Bums
    Thanks guys for chiming in, I appreciate your help :D 

    I used to do it but I now no longer do the method I was taught due to ethics of the lineage that I learned from. You can consult them if you want and I’ll give you the contact info of one of the readers, but I don’t endorse them, so caveat emptor.

    • Like 1

  7. On 8/29/2022 at 12:29 PM, Rcc said:

    Hi.  In the end, the realization is the same, correct?  It's just a matter of semantics that there is a difference.  I remember reading a book written by a taoist. He said that even though  taoists have high realization, there are Buddhists that have achieved even higher accomplishments. This leads me to believe that it's the same thing though they have different approaches to meditation. 


    Read some more books.

  8. 1 hour ago, Ethan singh said:

    I thought the message wasn’t sent through to you because there were no clear signs of it going through 

    so I tried to reach out to you here at first which turns out to have been unnecessary   

    By the time I got your message via email it was too late to take back the initial message I sent to you 

    So let me get this straight:


    24 hours didn’t even pass from the time you PMd me and then posted here looking for me,


    You thought the message didn’t go through,


    You got a response from me,


    You couldn’t take back your message to me you sent,


    and now you’re posting here?

  9. 5 hours ago, Ethan singh said:

    Do you know how I would contact earl gray directly on Tao bums to ask him this question without having to create a whole new topic and just hope that he gets on because I am still working out some of how the mechanics on Tao bums works since I am a fairly new member on Tao bums 

    Just in case earl gray is reading this I just want you to know that I ask this question because I have health problems that I am still working out and so I have to temporarily put on hold my plan to learn Fa jin properly from a master and so for now I would just like to understand how they do this without injuring themselves 


    Do you realize you already messaged me yesterday and I replied? 🙄

    • Thanks 1
    • Wow 2

  10. 1 hour ago, FarangLao said:

    would you perhaps be able to give me any of your own personal insights as to which type(s) of qi gong he teaches would be compatible/recommended for my needs?


    Best to ask him because I don't know your needs or your current health state, or what you are looking for. Otherwise, send a PM because this is private info you don't want publicly posted as you will get swarmed by opportunists.


    1 hour ago, FarangLao said:

    are both FP and the type of Qi Gong John Dolic teaches compatible?


    Yes, with the exception of Fragrant qigong.


    1 hour ago, FarangLao said:

    .Are practicing Qi Gong (say that of FP and/or John Dolic's methods) and Nei Gong  compatible or contra indicated?


    Depends on the qigong you do. I don't recommend some of the sleeping qigong exercises from Dolic if you do the neigong recommended as the big body practice is incompatible, but everything else works fine. Don't do Fragrant from Dolic either with the neigong I recommended. Everything else is just fine.

    • Like 1
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  11. 1 hour ago, FarangLao said:

    did see a gentleman by the name of Damo Mitchell advertising a Neigong program online also.....any advice on his material/teaching?


    He's popular in a lot of circles and I have friends who do his practice and swear by it, but I personally don't endorse him and go with the one I linked instead.

  12. 45 minutes ago, G_in_Training said:

    Thanks, I'll definitely check it out. Would you say it's better to form the LDT first before practicing FP or is doing them both at the same time better ?

    Both simultaneously work wonderfully.

    • Like 2
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  13. 2 hours ago, hierundjetzt said:

    Earl Grey, do you happen to also know if FP can be practiced complimentary to sleeping qigong as thought by John Dolic, or would be contraindicated?


    No problem at all; I practiced both for years, but separated the Big Body practice from FP by a half hour. For the sleeping exercises, I can do them right after FP no problem, it's the Big Body practice during the day that I try to keep separate.

  14. 8 hours ago, -_sometimes said:

    Hi all, I'm interested in taking up FP to complement a taiji practice (just getting the wuji down at the moment). Is it safe to practice for individuals who lack grounding? I tend to be stuck in the head, so much so it doesn't take much to trigger headaches if I strain a little too much when studying or get a little too stressed. 

    Can FP be an issue for people like myself, might it actually help resolve the issues, or perhaps only ideal if complemented by other activities to balance things out? 


    I don't want to try FP for any particular reason, I'm just curious, given how much @Earl Grey and @Pak_Satrio like to recommend it! Just want to be sure I'm not going to make things worse for myself :)

    Totally safe and is great for Tai Chi students as it improves your song (relaxation). 

    • Like 3

  15. 22 minutes ago, zerostao said:

    true, I didn’t suggest otherwise. 
    my content was on respect and lack of. 


    Oh that was clear; I wasn't challenging or correcting you. I was adding to what you said.

    • Like 1

  16. 40 minutes ago, zerostao said:

    sking something again one has already asked is in bad form, bad faith, the way of the inferior. the superior or virtuous will respectfully take care in the interaction/communication with the Divine.

    And the I Ching itself says it is for the superior’s not the inferior’s benefit.


    to add// the I Ching is a guidebook for accumulating merit. I will suggest that the superior or virtuous is collecting merit far more than the disrespectful does.


    The Iching doesn't tell you what to do with your life, it's like the wise one (or many wise ones, really) giving you the best counsel for the most beneficial conduct to remain in harmony with De.


    People who demand clairvoyance, to find their shoes, help deciding if they should fight someone or not are not only going to be disappointed with the answers it gives, but its honesty.


  17. 5 hours ago, zerostao said:

    I agree

    and why would anyone choose to do that?


    I know a man with a cocaine addiction who lost millions of dollars and recorded his thoughts when asking the Iching about it.


    When he didn't get the answer he wanted, he even wrote down the following several follow-ups:


    "Don't understand."

    "What about my money?"


    "Thank you. As usual, you have been useless to me."


    I showed these to my teacher who said this was absolutely disrespectful and that he would receive if not already appropriate responses for this behavior.


    People don't know they are disrespecting the Iching, whether it's this attitude in the example or using it for reasons beyond its scope, and another one I've see is someone using it to scam others who don't know how to read the Iching while also giving the wrong interpretation and manipulating the people they're reading on behalf of to do what they want.

    • Like 1

  18. 3 hours ago, Spicyfood said:


    At times during MHPeach and BTB, sometimes I shake or sway, and my balance will shift in ways that make me think that I should be losing my balance - but I haven't yet fallen over.  Has anyone ever shaken/swayed/been pulled off their feet while practicing these meditations? 


    During the MSW meditations, when the hands are brought down to around the level of the throat and the hands and forearms are rotated from facing-away to facing-toward, before hands are brought together in 'pearl' mudra, when should I begin the slow rotation? At the level of the throat? At the level of the shoulder? This is a part of my practice that I'm trying to iron out - sometimes, I think that I begin the rotation too early, and the rotation is stiff or sticky. 


    Does anybody have any tips for a newbie? 


    Happy practicing everybody,



    Sifu Terry tells students to endeavor to remain as still as a mountain. If you are swaying a lot, it means you have a lot of blockages in your channels (meridians) and the movement of the qi is correcting some of this.


    It seems you are referring to MSW1 (90 50 40 30 10), and generally I've found that your body shape, specifically your arm length can affect this. As I have shorter arms, I tend to rotate downwards just past the chin at throat level in the earth meditation mudra (not pearl) and is usually roughly halfway twisted by the time I'm at heart level.


    You can find tips on the AG forum and annotated practice FAQs as seen in my signature.


    Your post and this answer will be copied there for the 2022 thread.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  19. 2 minutes ago, Ethan singh said:

    Do you know if they just talk about internal Chinese martial arts on Rudi’s seminar or do they actually practice the exercises as a group during zoom 

    Do you think people with health problems will still be able to try out these exercises 

    Do you know how long the seminar is and if it is early in the morning 

    How about you contact him yourself and get answers directly from him? It would be a lot more useful and save you time.

    • Like 2

  20. 2 hours ago, Kojiro said:

    I don't think there is a better therapy for improving your health than fasting.


    If you're meant to encounter highly realized teachers who will most definitely disabuse you of this notion, good for you. If you want to hold onto this idea either way, more power to you.

    • Like 1

  21. 3 hours ago, Ethan singh said:

    I read that there is something called the golden wave energy that can be used after you become a spirit immortal so what exactly is this 

    Is it the same heat energy that Zhou Ting the national treasure of China uses or is it something different and so can this energy be used for combat 


    There are thousands of systems of  Chinese martial and terms specific to them and their training and resulting skills. Once again: no way to generalize a very specific thing you’re asking. Best to find the appropriate teacher.