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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Neikung Master Around John's Level (Demo)

    Actually one can start a fire with that as well. During 'free demo' just touch the two terminals together and hold them there. The auditor may yell and scream and say 'Don't do that!" ... but at this stage you have to ignore the distraction, just keep pressing them together ... eventually the machine will start to smoke and fire will be produced. Actually, I liked the sound track in the OP.
  2. Yeah ... I was imagining it in my local rainforest environment. I especially like the 'floating' roof.
  3. Lone Wolf and Cub - Kozure Ōkami

    "the nafs has a rosary and a Koran in its right hand, and a scimitar and dagger in the sleeve.” Rumi. My Nafs has developed , but only up to the stage of nafs-i-radiyya, where ; “ One is pleased with whatever comes from Allah and doesn’t live in the past or future, but in the moment." It is essential for good sword practice and enjoyment of life (but you already know that from Samurai tradition). Beware of Hasad. ..
  4. That's weird! Barbara sorta looked like my space girl .
  5. Lone Wolf and Cub - Kozure Ōkami

    (ooops - double post)
  6. Lone Wolf and Cub - Kozure Ōkami

    Zatoichi uses one hand reverse grip; forehand - down at 45* deflect then backhand counter - cutting up at 45* - very quick, one move. Many similar moves are executed when using karma - sickle . I practice both sword and karma (and other weapons). It can be a very effective move.
  7. Exactly ! and they are all projections of individuals dying processes ... its hard for some to accept alone .... so they project them on to everyone .... their internal and perhaps unconscious psyche is disturbed and throws up conclusions, hopes and fears, this is hard for them to handle so they project ; this is what will happen to everyone. I say to them ; "Look me straight in the eyes and do not waver your glaze .... " You are going to die . Accept it .... we all have to .... there is nothing wrong with that .... your death is your business and you must face it yourself .... it is okay, it is a natural occurance ... it will take care of itself " - Not that that will change anything - < shrug > they might just run off screaming.
  8. No ... that is not a comet's return ... that is Jesus' return. I do wish people would get their 'facts' 'right' . {And because we haven't been introduced I will add a .... } Update; C loudy AGAIN pre dawn on the eastern horizon So I travelled there in my imagination; the comet is close to the Sun ... it is travelling at terrific speed with high momentum entering an inner sphere of Stella radiation plasma vortexes and twisted magnetic fields, the forces contending are quiet terrifying to get any where near it, the interplay between momentum and gravity is frightening ... then a space girl invited me to unzip her green metallic suit and I began to think my concentration was drifting .... so I came back. More updates later .
  9. I don't understand how a comet's 'vibrational effect' effects the weather. I was seeing more of a change in the human psyche. On an astrological level comets have always portended significant events ... but that is more ancient and not modern astrology, and thing with this (ancient astrology and comets) it really only relates to eye-visible comets But perhaps you mean effect the Earth on a 'Anima Mundi' level via an 'astrological' influence? I suppose theoretically that could effect the weather .
  10. It was cloudy on the horizon at sunrise this morning ... looks like it will be tomorrow as well I have high hopes of at least some of it landing on earth ... a bit of E.T. ice ... I have a large glass with two fingers of scotch in it out on the front lawn to attract it. I will let you know how it goes.
  11. Sorry, are you just postulating or do you want in on our bet?
  12. Thankyou for demonstrating how emotions are not overwritten when one doesn't eat sugar - I see what you mean
  13. I would also like to add that one should read the Smithsonian Paper on these Bosnian 'pyramids'. Another thread around here about ancient peoples had an article referenced that sounded good - it seemed to have valid proof and cited a Mexican anthropologists paper. I looked for that paper and it was hard to find, I found it and read through the more than 20 pages of small print text. No where in that article did it say what the original article claimed. However I realise many people don't do or have not time to do the back up follow up and research.
  14. Actually my first 'opinion' on this was swayed towards it hopefully being correct as I believe there were advanced civilizations before history ... look at Gobleki teki ... with this centre; I was very curious to hear about that so I looked up many sources and read about it and saw pictures of it that are very unambiguous. Soft sciences (like history and anthropology are stumped by it and cant really explain how it fits into their picture and they admit that and are thinking they may have to revise their idea of history. I did the same thing when examining this' Irrefutable Proof' .... a lot of falsity and suspicion abounds ... even from other fellow scientists in Bosnia. No I don't think my opinion is the only one valid as , unlike some people, my opinion is flexible and changes as information and evidence and logic is collated together to form an opinion but it still remains fluid ... not set in stone . I also find ignoring challenging opinions and information not conducive to forming a clearer opinion .. but each to their own.
  15. Jeeze man ! That's a BIG loss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was going to say .... if I loose you get a Nungali Tarot or astrology reading, if you loose I get a (whatever Brian is offering ... maybe a beer here; ? ). I cant accept your terms .... I have been too close to a Turkish mental institution as it is .
  16. Spirit->Organ Healing

    I am an advocate for doing both; I had a doctor that was CTM and western trained ... he was great ... also very alternative and saw the benefit of 'visualisation'. It has been shown that some patients benefit greatly from this -eg. imagining that the white blood cells are an army of white knights on horse back fighting and defeating the invading organism imagined as dark coloured foot soldiers. The might be 'imaginings' or they might be actual spirits ... or both. I know that, for me, and other 'artistic/visual' types .... or 'imaginative types' the idea of a 'spirit' (I prefer to call them daimonic being or entity) inhabiting or 'ruling over' and organ or process can be greatly beneficial , one can honour, make offerings to or even just acknowledge that spirit and gain benefit.
  17. Spirit->Organ Healing

    I had TCM treatment for my liver and also was having liver function tests to monitor IT showed gradual then increasing improvement. Also my feelings indicated improvement and I was able to go back to work and do 10 hours a day at least with people half my age and I worked better than most of them. Also people noticed and commented on my appearance approving, clear eyes etc. Back then western allopathic medicine wanted to treat me with some drug made from altered material from pig livers. I refused. Now I still have the condition, I don't treat it anymore, liver function tests are reasonable, western doctor examines me and is confused at my good condition and can not understand why if I have been 'sick' (as tests show I still have the condition) I have not deteriorated as they think I should have ...when they ask why and I tell them TCM all but 2 of them (over 25 years) bet impatient and a bit cranky but then go on to say it is unusual that I am not worse and scratch their heads and look confused. I am sure they would love to actually transplant an animals organ into me and see what happens. Sorry guys .... not up for that.
  18. Actually I am betting that it breaks up at perihelion .... any takers ... anyone into betting on a comet
  19. yes anything is possible (Maybe that chunk will bounce off a UFO and snookerball into the North Pole ) ... but what is usual ... for me, is that astro events ' flop ' ... the southern hemisphere is out of sight of events (like this one mostly) ... they happen in the day time .... or its overcast or raining Once ... I saw a tiiiiny blur of a comet with a hint of a tail on one night .... that was it. Come on comet ! I want some fireworks! ... But no big splashes .... But just in case ... get your water proof comet watching umbrellas here folks ! ( only $199.99)
  20. I haven't looked deeply into this but it could have an effect ... it is quiet simple to realise (by just using a simple process od deduction ) if it survives the trip around the sun ... what if it doesn't? That mean it breaks up and spreads itself through space around the Sun. If it passes within Earth's orbit ( between Earth orbit and the Sun) or the debris is attracted towards the Sun, the path of the Earth may intersect it. The Earth COULD end up passing through the remains of the Comet (or some of its ejecta even if it doesn't break up ) - gravity does the rest - comet stuff comes to Earth . If that is mostly water .... ? [ The Earth gains about 40,000 tonnes of dust each year. A decent meteor storm can add a tonne in a single go. The gravitational field of our Earth sucks it in. ]
  21. Questions for the scientists in our midst

    'Telling lies' ( just a certain type of lie ) is apparently necessary for certain healthy social arrangements. Someone, in some book somewhere (?) lists it as one of the 4 'psychological truths' (if I can remember them off the top of my head) 1. Stick to Reality (Review the Internal Map) 2. Delay Gratification (Practice Sublimation of Desire) 3. Witholding Truth 4. Combine and balance the above. Withholding truth; modification of our own truth in communication to the level that the other is able to handle. Not to do this can cause trouble for the self and socially. (E.g. It might not be appropriate, YET, to tell little Johnny that there is no Santa, even though it is a ‘truth’.) I think the WAY we reveal truth should be a virtue.
  22. Of course advance civilisation predate recorded history ... we know that from the Early Vedas and Avestas, archaeology, etc still that doesn't prove anything about giant-biggest-in-the-world-pyramids in Bosnia. Oh of course !!! When a faker finds something it is 'Irrefutable Proof' but when nothing is found it is a cover up It isn't hidden ... it IS OBVIOUS - look at the time .... the currents situation ... what happened to the Minoans ... the effects in Egypt and the remains at Santorini etc. etc. Oh well ... I guess you just proved it - by that deduction. What about this for a cover up : Ancient people were so brilliant that they built things like the Great Pyramid with natural ability and tools and what was available and their OWN INTELLIGENCE ... and we nowadays are so DUMB we cant figure it out ... but we cant admit that so we will believe in stories about UFO assistance and levitation beams and and and to make us still try to feel some superiority even though we cant do any of that and are destroying environment so badly that we may not be able to survive anymore That Aaron is a cover up! Do you realise that the Moon landing (only just back then) was done with the computer power of a good modern day mobile phone and today the guys at NASA are dumbfounded about how they actually did that back then with such limited technical ability.
  23. 300 Year Old Carved Tibetan Skull

    This guy must have been Vaticanly popular
  24. 300 Year Old Carved Tibetan Skull

    My favourite skull is Pope Whatsisname (Cant remember but he is listed in David Yallop's Book 'Vicars of Christ - a History of the Popes' - one of the weirdest and sickest books I have read ) He was a good Pope and died so they preserved his remains. Two Popes later ... hey wait a minute that guy wasn't that good after all, lets desecrate his remains and throw them over the Vatican wall. People outside the 'Heavenly Estate' go 'No he WAS a good guy' and look after the remains. New Pope, hang on he was a good guy, bring em back, Next Pope, he was a GREAT guy ... lets fix the body up, patch it up and dress it all nicely and give him a nice spot. Next Pope ... Nah, he was a real arsehole ... the only way to get to this bottom of this is a full inquisition. Inquisition meets and dead Pope is put on trail ... but he wont even answer the questions ... even when they hit him with a stick ... all that does is make his arm fall off. Okay, over the wall with him again. next Pope ... the poor guy, get him back ... he is a saint ... what? Only the head left ... Okay we will have that. next Pope ... he was a truly great guy, lets decorate his skull with Jewels for eyes and nose and insert some gold and silver inlay, actually , lets stick jewels all over it (we need to use them up somehow) and give him a GREAT spot. next Pope (?) somehow spent ALL the money and totally bankrupted the Vatican - no one seems to know how he did that ? next Pope discovers all the jewels and gold and silver had been prised off the skull. And that's how it sits today at the Vatican ... the plane skull with the marks of where the jewels and metals WERE . What a guy !
  25. 300 Year Old Carved Tibetan Skull

    Ooooo! I like this what do you keep in there?