silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Upping Sticks

    holy simultaneous post.... get out of my brain man!
  2. Upping Sticks

    although... when you're all moved in... I really do want pictures...
  3. Upping Sticks

    My response of late is... 'i want pictures' that usually garners a pause...
  4. What are you listening to?

    I have a friend with pretty harsh tinnitus. Whenever he's around we have to have something going so he can sleep at night without going bat-shit crazy. But gods... CNN? ouch... We opt for something along these lines:
  5. Upping Sticks

    well... they are certainly out there, or in here... er... I've run into them often enough we'll say.
  6. in my experience the two things that are beyond compare: 1 a real, live, in person teacher who you resonate with. 2 practicing every day at the same time, with a clear, open heart.
  7. To make any assessment or statement of worth about a topic or idea... one must be a qualified observer. Otherwise, it's just a rather mindless spouting of opinions based on preconceived notions or worse, outright projection and this undermines any credibility from said source, rendering it, in my perception, invalid and useless.
  8. You disrespect your master every time you mouth off and disrespect any and all other paths or schools that you don't understand and have never had one experience with mate.
  9. well good... that's all cleared up now. phew. finally got the real word from the master on what's what... I'm convinced. is there an echo in here?
  10. the truth is murdered everyday by clowns, thieves and bucket-heads... fortunately, the Truth is immortal... to Ken... I can't point out the forest for you bud, but... it's near the trees.
  11. +1 on not desiring to convert anyone to anything...
  12. naive realism and reality tunnels

    Robert Anton Wilson and his concept of reality tunnels is fascinating. By age seven (roughly), our world view has been solidified by the stories and actions of our parents, reinforced by our cultural dogma. Once this tunnel has been created, it is rarely ever changed. We will perceive everything in our world through this tunnel. Anything that we encounter after this that contradicts our view of reality is either attacked or ignored outright. Anything that supports our tunnel is held up for all to see as 'proof' we are right. All perception is based on gambles... we operate on two false premises. A: that we perceive the world accurately B: that we interpret what we perceive correctly What I perceive is reality... this is naive realism Most are never even aware, that they are making interpretations at all, so remain unaware of the process. This can be observed again and again in any discussion between a theist and an atheist here on the board. I get a lot of mileage from e-prime language adjustments. Our thinking so shapes our experience of reality and words are the basis of most thought, through thought-forms/word/symbols and our very personal definitions of them, we define our world based on our tunnel and anything outside this tunnel becomes 'crazy or stupid or both'. Fascinating stuff... If I had a time machine, I'd roll a couple of big fatties, grab a few bottles of wine and head straight for RAW's house... followed quickly by a stop at Alan Watt's place. here's a quick 7 minutes of RAW discussing this...
  13. naive realism and reality tunnels

    “If the words 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on.” McKenna So many aspects of life can open up our consciousness and give a glimpse beyond our tunnels. The most effective I've experienced is breath work.
  14. I find the analogy of looking up at skyscrapers and judging their height to be near perfect. Perspective is perception is reality... relatively speaking
  15. Well, it's a public forum and his words don't reflect those of someone just trying to enjoy his path, He's publicly pissing on pretty much everyone he comes in contact with who offers anything other than complete obedience to his self claimed mastery... action-reaction it's pretty predictable and natural
  16. Upping Sticks

    lol I read sceptic as scepdick... it's early... but I'm laughing
  17. I don't cultivate to arrive or get somewhere. I cultivate to be now... these days, seems like anything and/or nothing can be used in that
  18. Upping Sticks

    I've done a few Japanese style sets. I love Japanese architecture and their use of wood, their techniques. When I retire, one of my hobbies will be Japanese Joinery, puzzle boxes and such... no metal fasteners, all interlocking and self setting. No rush, just sitting in my shop tinkering and sipping tea and watching the world spin.
  19. on being really strange

    Everyone is strange... I've never met a normal person. The only ones who appear normal to me are the ones I don't know well enough yet...
  20. naive realism and reality tunnels

    So glad I posted this... you've all just added some outstanding candy for me to go pick out at my favorite used book store.
  21. naive realism and reality tunnels

    I wish I'd come across him 24 years ago! Man I could have skipped some serious self induced bullshit...
  22. naive realism and reality tunnels

    Or it gets turned flipped 90 degrees and we drop out into.... As to the drugs getting in the way, that really doesn't fit with my experience. It does depend on the affects of said plants, substances. However, I think we have far too limited a list of what drugs are... I am finding it harder to discern anything that affects me (body mind and emotions), as not a drug. The 'highest' and most intense body high I've ever experienced, was during and after pranayama breathing. It was way beyond any of my LSD or Mescaline experiences. It was about on par with my experience of psilocybins. For me, the crux is not in the substances, nor the thoughts, but in my reaction to the affect life has on me, based on my reality tunnel (perception), to use RAW's and my attachment or aversion to that which I consider beneficial, or harmful. Some things we consider harmful and beneficial because of results in cause and effect that we can repeat and observe. I reach into fire and owie. Others, have no apparent of observable affect of harm or benefit, yet I am prone to placing a value judgment on it, based on what I consider normal because of where I was born and how I was raised... this is the area I find so fascinating and where I think RAW is at his best in describing the benefits of using e-prime in our writing and speech.
  23. naive realism and reality tunnels

    Thanks for bringing up Leary... He actually came up with the tunnel analogy first, RAW adopted it and ran far and wide to good effect. I was just wondering who it was that inspired RAW and bam, you come through! Thanks!
  24. naive realism and reality tunnels

    I may have found an exit to my birth tunnel around the age of 13-15, coinciding with reading the bible for myself and realizing there was some serious dissonance going on in my perception of reality, reality itself and what I'd been sold by culture and family. More realistically, I didn't undergo any real change, I just realized that my tunnel had been different from my parents' and that of my culture all along and I was just playing along before that...