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How to pratice the keysound...?

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I am curious as to how many of you practice the keysound & get results...


I have experimented around with that sound abit & Mr. Johnston emphasizes that it is important to get the upward downward roraring movement properly...


I just did it the following way: starting from deep continuously raising the voice still roaring until I feel the sound in my head and at the end getting lower with voice again leading it down the front...


this is basically doing the microscosmic orbit using a sound to allow the energy to raise and get lowered again.


I get a definite vibrating effect in my head that is more profound than other microscosmic orbit practices...


anybody willing to try and report their results





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I just did it the following way: starting from deep continuously raising the voice still roaring until I feel the sound in my head and at the end getting lower with voice again leading it down the front...


this is basically doing the microscosmic orbit using a sound to allow the energy to raise and get lowered again.


I get a definite vibrating effect in my head that is more profound than other microscosmic orbit practices...


Cool idea Harry. Missed this post at first. I think I will give this a try at home. I just internally vibrated the keysound now (can't do it out loud, I'm at work) and allowed it to travel up and then down and it made me tingle ... :)



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