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I see dead people

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"I see dead people... This is some good shit!" -Scary Movie



So I like to chat with dead people in the obits from time to time and I've been looking for a change of direction from just straight up lising and selling real estate and whala I found chocolate in my peanut butter!!


I can buy and sell houses from dead people!! God, I think of the most obvious things sometimes. I'm too damn smart. Dead people are chatty, nice, pleasant to work with, not laying any more earthbound trips on you or anything. Just plain good folk.


I know what you are thinking... the other side is guarded by attorneys, doctors, and priests...


I have considered this.


Actually, it's an advantage. There's so much murky existential/legal/medical voodoo out there that probate sales is a relatively overlooked way to make a buck for both investors as well as real estate agents. Of course, focused attention is needed and there is "competition" as they allege on the nature shows. But it's a hot angle. There's a nice $3 overview article on if anyone is interested and Creating Wealth Through Probate by James Banks is a good intro on amazon and he'll personally respond to your e-mails if you have questions.


My brother is an attorney in Phoenix and he has told me that this is the way to go for years, but it finally clicked.



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