
Get to know the real Procurator

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The ultimate irony in all of this is the very idea of a racist cultivating Dao.


If the racist ever awakens to the true nature of Dao, he will find that he IS that which he hates and that which he hates IS him. The distinction between the two is the very illusion he is trying so hard to transcend. Clearly Procurator has not experienced that truth and I wonder what effect it would have on him if he ever does. Such a poisoned and closed mind may never be capable of that sort of realization, it seems to me, as the truth would be too threatening.



I know this must have been a very difficult decision and action for you to take. I applaud your decision to ban Procurator. As always, you have displayed patience, wisdom, and clarity in how you handled the situation.

Procurator stepped way over the line in my opinion and I, for one, have no interest in being a voluntary part of a community that would welcome, support, or even tolerate such behavior as he demonstrated. In my view, your action has demonstrated the integrity of this forum and you as its moderator.


Daoism, unlike most other religious traditions, has relatively little in the way of explicit moral codes or guidelines and this leads to the mistaken assumption by the ignorant or inexperienced that Daoism lacks morality. The very process of true and meaningful cultivation naturally leads to true morality, which is an extension of life. I believe this is the very reason why moral codes are not more explicitly spelled out in the Daoist canon - morality from a book is artificial. That which arises naturally from the human who is in balance with life is real and meaningful and cannot be misunderstood or abused.




I have found profound moral imperitives in the YiJing. It admonishes us to be the great men that we have within us. There is a strict adherance to marality throughout the book... That much morality is not spelled out in dogmatic ways only underscores the inherent basis for our collective sence of morality -


It comes from within us and is the linkage we hold with eachother -the basic... do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That is the basic moral code of our humanness our very beings are hard-wired to understand when we are trying to do harm or good, being selfish or giving/sharing.


The warped-(sociopathic) mind misses this factor and is dangerous to all. Those who would only think of themselves their own family, their nation, and work only to preserve those given values are misssing the bigger picture -that we are all one -


as you stated -


love to all-Pat

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that we are all one, in a sense, i could agree with. though myself i would rather say it in the way that we are all equally important, to a very high degree.

Edited by froggie

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that we are all one, in a sense, i could agree with. though myself i would rather say it in the way that we are all equally important, to a very high degree.


of course we are each individual- but all life is united - universally united actually as a single entity -which is the Tao- that is the basis for Taoist thought in a nutshell


we are interconnected in such a way that the interaction creates a oneness that refutes the singular nature of "being" in any real sense... so


we are all one thing -



that is also how we "know" right from wrong



In a sense wrong is that which is a selfish instant taken away from the whole and negates the unity in an unthinking way -


each carnivore realizes it takes a life -there is no morality in that- life needs to go on -but to take life uselessly is wrong. etc etc...


as it is wrong to demean other life for random illogical ideas -such as racism


The moral question of abortion is thus so hard to answer -when is it needed or not? etc -the right to choose is the right to one's own karmic reality in a way - as are the rest of our questions - if procurator chooses racism it is his own moral downfall that is summond forth- sobeit-


Love to all-pat

if that is Taoist enlightenment than I guess there is hope for me yet!

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