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Has anyone done Wisdom CHi Kung?

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Has anyone done Mantak Chias wisdom chi kung meditations or does anyone have any opionions of them?

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I found it as a somewhat preliminary form, sort of preparation for other forms.


Was it my mistake? Why are you interested in it?

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I am interested because I very much like the inner smile and I am also interested in practices that enhance cognitive skills. Wisdom CHi kung seems to give the benefits of the inner smile, cognitive enhancements and at the same time grounding you in your body. I can imagine that many other excersizes for increasing memory and IQ makes you too much stuck in your head. Another reason for my interest in it is that it (and the inner smile) don`t seem to conflict with my Vipassana which I think Mantak Chias 7 formulas might easily do.


What do you mean by it being preliminary? THat it`s not an enlightenment practice? Or that there are meditations that work on the same things but are more advanced? Does anyone know of other practices that are good for training cognitive skills, particulary memory?

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you might try looking up super brain yoga. Some people here like it.


You could also try brainwave entrainment. i would recommend jeff thompsons gamma meditation system. You could also try the awakened mind system and the theta meditation system by him. Pretty much everything ive gotten from him has had good results. you basically just listen to a cd with stereo headphones and the different pulses allow you to experience different mindstates and make them more accessable to you in your life.

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