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My chi had gone to the wrong channels in the legs and were leaking sexual energy so I tried to lift the chi up. As a result, the chi is now in my head and I feel very uprooted! I feel afraid all the time and dizzy. I read that this can be even more dangerous:


"It may just result in headaches and the such, but if it is continually practiced without a suitable teacher or guide to monitor progress correctly then it can get worse and go to migraines, nausea, mental confusion, insommnia and eventual hallucinations and possible pychosis. The heat from the Qi alone accumulationg in the head and being generated there could cause tissue swelling and possible thrombosis of cerebral passageways alone."


So please, if you have any ideas how I can get my rooting back and chi out of my head, thanks!

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So please, if you have any ideas how I can get my rooting back and chi out of my head, thanks!

Stillness meditation. Just be still and let things settle as they want until you are back to normal. It might be hard in the beginning when everything is running wild, but the more you do it, the more things settles, and the easier it gets to be still.


There is of course a lot of other things like positions, visualizations, etc etc, but it too often will only make things worse. Or just give a temporar relief. Stillness meditation brings you back to equillibrium throughout you whole being.


May I ask what you did to screw up the chi flow?

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Stillness meditation. Just be still and let things settle as they want until you are back to normal. It might be hard in the beginning when everything is running wild, but the more you do it, the more things settles, and the easier it gets to be still.


There is of course a lot of other things like positions, visualizations, etc etc, but it too often will only make things worse. Or just give a temporar relief. Stillness meditation brings you back to equillibrium throughout you whole being.


May I ask what you did to screw up the chi flow?


Thanks for advice :).


I had some problems with the governor channel dropping below the feet and not flowing through the spine. So I did standing meditation and focused to push the chi up with the pressure of my legs.


I also imagined the chi rising up from my body to above my head at the same time. I did not now that this was incorrect.


I had this condition of too much chi below the legs for weeks so I was trying to figure out how to fix it. I used to train chi kung maybe 3 years before but forgot most of it.

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how can I root properly without the Governor channel(Governor vessel was probably the other name) leaking to the legs? this would propably solve the problem.



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how can I root properly without the Governor channel(Governor vessel was probably the other name) leaking to the legs? this would propably solve the problem.







my first thought reading this post was 'how old is this guy?'


given how wrong you were about the remedy for your initial condition, how are you so certain that you had diagnosed the problem correctly?



"My chi had gone to the wrong channels in the legs and were leaking sexual energy..."


--what made you reach that conclusion?


what have you been practicing?


have you been keeping your tongue up in your practices? lightly contracting the hui yin?


how much study have you done prior to this? and what did you study?



if you lived near me i could probably straighten you out in one afternoon.


you don't sound like you're in too bad of shape. especially if you're talking about getting back on track with your practices.



if you were in really bad shape, you would just want out, and you probably wouldn't want to mess with this stuff ever again. i've met people like that.


hell, i've BEEN people like that! lol! i kid you not.





so where are you located? i may know someone in your area with the skills to straighten you out, and maybe even give you some necessary instruction.

Edited by Hundun

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This is an example of not having a master to teach you..How did you learn this "qigong"?

You can sweep the energy down out of your head. Cup you hands over your head and gently sweep the energy down the front of you body use your hands to sweep the excess energy down your arms and legs. Also you should always invoke for divine blessings when doing any form of qigong or meditation for protection and guidance. FIND A GOOD EXP PRANIC HEALER... PM ME IF YOU LIKE..


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Just a couple of weeks ago my chi was flowing nicely to legs and rooting was fine. but then the chi from spine started dropping to the legs


It still wasnt good though because jing was not forming and there was good amount of leaking of sexual energy. Now I now it was most likely because I did not sink the vertebraes in spine correctly.

Edited by salaam123

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Just a couple of weeks ago my chi was flowing nicely to legs and rooting was fine. but then the chi from spine started dropping to the legs


It still wasnt good though because jing was not forming and there was good amount of leaking of sexual energy. Now I now it was most likely because I did not sink the vertebraes in spine correctly.



i asked what have you studied and for how long. you told me what you practiced. that doesn't answer my question. or maybe it does.



you're playing with fire. you seem to know almost nothing about what you're attempting to practice. you haven't studied enough. you grabbed an exercise off the internet and then considered yourself skilled enough to start making up practices? practices that mess with the crown and spine??


are you stoned???



if you had read even one decent introductory book, you should have known about the hui yin/perineum. especially if you've been practicing the tree pose!


you need a teacher. you're making WAY too many assumptions about what the sensations mean that you've experienced up to this point. you need to stop playing with powerful practices you got off the internet until you've done some real study. many of us can give you a reading list. but if you're gonna go deep, you can't be lazy with the homework. not if you're gonna try to go your path alone.



idon't know anyone in finland, unfortunately.



if you don't stop playing with this stuff, you can damage yourself in a way that will prevent you from reaching high levels.

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