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Hi. I'm here out of an interest in Daoism, because this forum seems nice, and because I've recently started trying to re-learn some Mandarin  (my previous experience is just high-school level) and the 道家学说 and Daoist Textual Studies boards might give me some extra motivation and exposure to Chinese language. I've enjoyed some very speculative western interpretations of Daoism from Brook Ziporyn and the like, but I'd really like to understand the non-philosophical developments of Daoist practice beyond the early texts.

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Hi, greetings to you too. Welcome to the forum. 

The Brook Ziporyn DDJ translation, yeah, I’m not a fan. E.g. Ch. 6, 玄牝  “obscure she-beast”. … :wacko:  


There are lots of threads on later Daoism. Have a browse around. Enjoy. :)


Edited by Cobie

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