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Five Element Qigong in Spring Forest Qigong

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Hello everyone!


I was reading about Five Element Qigong in Spring Forest Qigong but I couldn't find much people talking about it or testimonials, I just want more information on how exactly are the exercises, are they moving forms like the other Wu Xing(five elements) qigong we see out there or are they exercises more focused on visualization? And how does it relates to SFQ level one or the whole SFQ system? And how these exercises work in our body to heal, do they remove past traumatic emotions, trapped emotions, etc..?


I know probably there are a few people here who know these answers and they might not even see this post haha it's a very specific question and probably I will have no replies, but I hope someone can help me.


Thanks in advance!

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42 minutes ago, almaxy said:

Hello everyone!


I was reading about Five Element Qigong in Spring Forest Qigong but I couldn't find much people talking about it or testimonials, I just want more information on how exactly are the exercises, are they moving forms like the other Wu Xing(five elements) qigong we see out there or are they exercises more focused on visualization? And how does it relates to SFQ level one or the whole SFQ system? And how these exercises work in our body to heal, do they remove past traumatic emotions, trapped emotions, etc..?


I know probably there are a few people here who know these answers and they might not even see this post haha it's a very specific question and probably I will have no replies, but I hope someone can help me.


Thanks in advance!




I only had a very passing experience with five element practice and spring forest in general 


The movements are similar to level one. You can get a sense of it here, not sure if it's the full practice or not 



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thank you!


Yes very similar to level one, do you know a place where people only talks about this specific practice?


I know there is the Learning Strategies forum but they only talk about SFQ main practices, I believe this meditation(5 elements) work but it feels so vague, I'm used to buy things I read a lot about first, like forum online, testinonials, etc.. and unfortunately in this case I can't find much info besides SFQ official website and youtube channel.



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10 hours ago, almaxy said:

thank you!


Yes very similar to level one, do you know a place where people only talks about this specific practice?


I know there is the Learning Strategies forum but they only talk about SFQ main practices, I believe this meditation(5 elements) work but it feels so vague, I'm used to buy things I read a lot about first, like forum online, testinonials, etc.. and unfortunately in this case I can't find much info besides SFQ official website and youtube channel.




There's a Facebook group where they have livestreams. There's also a very active community.

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SFQ doesn't have too much info on their 5 element practices or the new "Qi Activation" program for that matter. Your best bet would be asking that facebook group Vajra Fist posted, and even emailing the closest teacher directly. 


During the daily practices that are posted on the fb page, they incorporate some movements that are not part of level one or two, so I assume its from the five elements. One in particular seem to be bowing with gratitude, the other like in the video posted above. 



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On 11.05.2023 at 12:07 AM, almaxy said:

Hello everyone!


I was reading about Five Element Qigong in Spring Forest Qigong but I couldn't find much people talking about it or testimonials, I just want more information on how exactly are the exercises, are they moving forms like the other Wu Xing(five elements) qigong we see out there or are they exercises more focused on visualization? And how does it relates to SFQ level one or the whole SFQ system? And how these exercises work in our body to heal, do they remove past traumatic emotions, trapped emotions, etc..?


I know probably there are a few people here who know these answers and they might not even see this post haha it's a very specific question and probably I will have no replies, but I hope someone can help me.

Hello, Chunyi Lin is a scammer.

Selling all those phone call healings and claiming to have miraculously cured thousands people from cancer.

His training goes into pyramid scheme, level 1 costs 1x$, level 2 costs 2x$, level 4 costs 10x$.
His instructors (certified to teach) look unwell both physically and mentally.

I can guess what he is teaching is entry level energy practice, with no access to anything profound or deep.

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40 minutes ago, Neirong said:

Hello, Chunyi Lin is a scammer.

Selling all those phone call healings and claiming to have miraculously cured thousands people from cancer.

His training goes into pyramid scheme, level 1 costs 1x$, level 2 costs 2x$, level 4 costs 10x$.
His instructors (certified to teach) look unwell both physically and mentally.

I can guess what he is teaching is entry level energy practice, with no access to anything profound or deep.


Oh you're just guessing?


You mean you didnt astrally traverse the planet (as per your claimed siddhi) to investigate this first hand?


How disappointing...

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5 hours ago, Neirong said:

Hello, Chunyi Lin is a scammer.

Selling all those phone call healings and claiming to have miraculously cured thousands people from cancer.

His training goes into pyramid scheme, level 1 costs 1x$, level 2 costs 2x$, level 4 costs 10x$.
His instructors (certified to teach) look unwell both physically and mentally.

I can guess what he is teaching is entry level energy practice, with no access to anything profound or deep.


As of right now, level one cost $99, level two costs $119, level three costs $129, and anything further requires in person training. Master Chunyi Lin has said multiple times level one is all that is needed to bring about deep healing.


As someone who has attended an in-person seminar by one of his instructors, Misa Tsuyoshi, who learned directly from Master Chunyi Lin, I do not think she looks unwell: . She was remarkably nice and fit enough to stand and teach us for the 4+ hours we were there. 



Similarly, the rest of these people do not strike me as particularly unwell both physically or mentally:



I will let readers draw their own conclusions. If you think this is a scam, then you would have to bring up other reasons than charging money (which is not the definition of a pyramid scheme) and the instructors looking unwell. 


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2 hours ago, searcher7977 said:


As of right now, level one cost $99, level two costs $119, level three costs $129, and anything further requires in person training. Master Chunyi Lin has said multiple times level one is all that is needed to bring about deep healing.


As someone who has attended an in-person seminar by one of his instructors, Misa Tsuyoshi, who learned directly from Master Chunyi Lin, I do not think she looks unwell: . She was remarkably nice and fit enough to stand and teach us for the 4+ hours we were there. 



Similarly, the rest of these people do not strike me as particularly unwell both physically or mentally:



I will let readers draw their own conclusions. If you think this is a scam, then you would have to bring up other reasons than charging money (which is not the definition of a pyramid scheme) and the instructors looking unwell. 



Astral attack incoming in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....



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3 hours ago, searcher7977 said:


As of right now, level one cost $99, level two costs $119, level three costs $129, and anything further requires in person training. Master Chunyi Lin has said multiple times level one is all that is needed to bring about deep healing.

You are lying, a first click on the website and recordings (not live sessions) of level 4 seminar cost $1100.


There is another business selling instructor certification for $3000. A network marketing scheme where you profit from promising others that they can also profit.


3 hours ago, searcher7977 said:

As someone who has attended an in-person seminar by one of his instructors, Misa Tsuyoshi, who learned directly from Master Chunyi Lin, I do not think she looks unwell: . She was remarkably nice and fit enough to stand and teach us for the 4+ hours we were there. 


Rest assured, before stating anyone is a scammer, we are scanning those people and their instructors.
However, this guy will not require ESP skills or Third Eye abilities to identify a problem - that something is wrong here.



A general rule of thumb with any scamgong teacher is that a golden goose cannot give birth to fly eggs. A high-level teacher will produce appropriate results for his students. That is why looking at senior students of any given teacher is a good sign of reality vs. fantasy.
Looking at this video briefly, I have never seen so many 'positive' affirmations being done. It is good to have a view of the method taught by the senior instructor.
There is a massive problem with affirmations, not that it is a totally not-working thing, they can do something, but people can easily delude themselves into believing affirmation, and when we talk about healing, this is all getting way worse.
Health is an objective reality that can be diagnosed with medical facilities. Your feeling of being healthy is just a sensation and a feeling. A person can "feel very healthy" and die on the same day.
Selling "feel yourself healthy" and selling health is a big insurmountable gap.


3 hours ago, searcher7977 said:

readers draw their own conclusions. If you think this is a scam, then you would have to bring up other reasons than charging money (which is not the definition of a pyramid scheme) and the instructors looking unwell. 

I don't have any interest, I only looked briefly into the guy and his "method" after someone asked on our discord. If you like being scammed and wasting time on shady practices it is your choice.

But with claims that teacher X healed thousands of people from incurable diseases and cancer, It is on his side to prove it. If even 0.01% of his healing cases were true and real, the whole world would know of him as the best cancer healer. He would have long been a billionaire. If he is lying, which he does, tells a lot about his moral principles and priorities in life. Healing sells well, because so many people are unhealthy and sick.

He is a typical snake oil seller.

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48 minutes ago, Neirong said:

You are lying, a first click on the website and recordings (not live sessions) of level 4 seminar cost $1100.


I am most certainly not lying. I myself purchased level one and two online for the amounts I posted. I do concede that those seminars are expensive af. I don't know why they are offered at such a high price, but I think that is different than the original trainings. I don't know, I haven't made it past level 2. 


48 minutes ago, Neirong said:

Looking at this video briefly, I have never seen so many 'positive' affirmations being done. It is good to have a view of the method taught by the senior instructor.
There is a massive problem with affirmations, not that it is a totally not-working thing, they can do something, but people can easily delude themselves into believing affirmation, and when we talk about healing, this is all getting way worse.
Health is an objective reality that can be diagnosed with medical facilities. Your feeling of being healthy is just a sensation and a feeling. A person can "feel very healthy" and die on the same day.
Selling "feel yourself healthy" and selling health is a big insurmountable gap.




I agree with you. There are a lot of affirmations done, and it is one my few sticking points with this qigong practice. It would be one thing if it were hoping or wishing, or even visualizing healing energy, but to flat out believe we are being healed is certainly problematic, at least at first glance. Maybe it works differently on an energetic level, I don't know. 


I want to say, I do value your evaluations on these things. I have read all of the articles on your site. I am certainly not at the level to judge these things with anything other than my limited experience, which is not enough, unfortunately. 

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On 13.05.2023 at 3:31 AM, searcher7977 said:

I agree with you. There are a lot of affirmations done, and it is one my few sticking points with this qigong practice. It would be one thing if it were hoping or wishing, or even visualizing healing energy, but to flat out believe we are being healed is certainly problematic, at least at first glance. Maybe it works differently on an energetic level, I don't know. 

As I mentioned earlier, suggestions and affirmations have their place and can be effective. Similarly, guided meditations work well for those who are new to meditation and spirituality, but may not be ready to fully immerse themselves in the practice.

However, if you train your mind properly and develop your energy bodies, you can reach a much deeper level of practice that is far more potent.

Regarding health, it is critical to understand that humans can confuse their senses and perception of their own health. This means that when you are actually experiencing health issues, you may still feel positive and healthy, which can overwrite important signals from your body. This can prevent you from receiving proper diagnoses and qualified treatment in a timely manner, potentially leading to negative outcomes.

Consider how painkillers work. Pain is a signal from the body, and by taking painkillers, you are removing that signal without actually fixing the underlying issue. This can lead you down the wrong path.

Each of these New Age miracle healers likely has a long list of individuals who were misled, denied proper treatment, and ultimately developed serious illnesses, leading to tragic consequences.

You can keep practicing those methods just be mindful of delusion.

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On 12/05/2023 at 8:36 PM, Neirong said:

But with claims that teacher X healed thousands of people from incurable diseases and cancer, It is on his side to prove it. If even 0.01% of his healing cases were true and real, the whole world would know of him as the best cancer healer. He would have long been a billionaire.


I can explain this part 


But first: Wow, I've been away for some days and this publication went to a whole different subject haha

At the moment I'm practicing only level 1 and I can say that I felt chi in my hands in the first few days of practice, then the feeling went up to my arms , I feel good practicing it so for me it's working. I had heart palpitations sometimes and pain in my lower back which lasted for months, after starting the practice it all went away in 2 weeks of daily practice.  If you think it's a scam that's completely fine as long as we can respect each other, I like to exchange ideas :D


Ok so going back to that part I quoted you:


I know a guy here where I live, he also treats people from distance, he is a vajrayana buddhist and also a clairvoyant. He treated a lot of people from mental, emotional and physical problems, and also treated people with cancer, he has medical reports of people who he treated, one of them with the doctor saying "it's a miracle". He has everything he needs to be a "billionaire" as you said, but you know what people think when they see this? They think "Oh, western medicine says that what he does is impossible! Energy blockages? Hungry ghosts? He pays people to give false medical reports, he is a scam!".


Unfortunately that's how people look at Master Lin too. That's why they aren't rich, people just don't believe.


Let me give you another example, my mom has severe depression and anxiety, I told her about this guy who can treat her, he already treated me from some problems I had in the past and with great results, but when I tell her what he can do, she just don't believe. It's fascinating, It got to the point where it's funny, because it just don't make sense to me, I'm telling her he helped me, I'm telling her "ask for just one session of treatment, if you don't feel nothing I never talk about that guy again" and you know what? She still says no because she just.. don't.. believe.


And that's how people are, a medical report or a testimonial isn't enough. People are still blocked by western medicine concepts. I know in the future it will be different, people will start to believe and see that these things are possible, they will realise that you can be treated from cancer without chemotheraphy, you can be treated from your depression without drugs that can cause you more harm than good, you can be healed from your physical pains like magic, but unfortunately, that day is not today.


English is not my first language, but I hope it's ok to understand.





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Affirmations might have their place. The mind has a interesting effect on the body through placebo.


The opposite is true. Sometimes the mind can make symptoms worse. 



Of course, there's limits to this, but as a way to help along the actual healing through qigong, I think it has its place.


That said, I find it personally jarring. It feels cheesy and fake and saccharine sweet in a new agey way. And yes, I dont like the prices they charge for their courses, healings and retreats.


But I can't deny that spring forest has benefitted many people, and in the short amount of time I practiced it, produced tangible feelings in me at least.

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