
Hey everyone

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Hey there!


So I linked to this site from a brainsturbator.com forum post a buddy of mine sent me. I'm pretty excited to meet some new and interesting people with a sort of common interest.


Anyway, a little about me. I'm nestled up in the North Coast of California where the trees are big and the oceans wild. For a long time I denied myself spirituality and told myself that if I got a job and house and a car and all the other things of the American Dream I'd be okay. I find myself disagreeing now and realize I have some urge to see the truth of the world and myself. I've tried a lot of approaches to the world, including Zen meditation and Buddhist philosophy, Hindu philosophies, the psychedelic approach, thelemick and chaos magick, and lately have been reading the writings of Krishnamurti. Basically, I've found a lot of interesting things in every approach and have been trying to reconcile the differences of each into a foundational whole.


Well, that's a bit about me.


Peace everyone

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K is funny and annoying but I figure that he was just trying to get us to stop picking our nose!


Now are you going to sit on the left or the right or have you got that one handed clap! LOL


Good to see you here and have fun.

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Love Krishnamurti !

Have been reading and reading some of his stuff lately.

He's got this book on fear That SUCK's , It's So Bad.

It is just so relevant , can hardly stand it at times!

It seems to repeat every thing ten thousand times

and then i find him contradicting himself

but he's arguing the same points and it works!?!

How do u do that??? Very Cool.

That's a book read and now being re-read SLoowwyyy.


Haven't got it yet. : (


Good Stuff : )


I Just joined here, too, Have Fun!





Northern Cali. is supposed to be so beautiful!

You folks have some Great Rocks out there!

(...sorry, i like stones : ) )

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