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It seems that Kabbalah has more than one God.

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Hi I'm reading these books on Kabbalah and it reads like there are more than one God of Kabbalah.  There is the infinite, unknowable God, and there is the manifested God as revealed by the Sephirot.  Then there are the gods below God in the lower spheres.  If I understand correctly, we are all God, and so we are all gods, but yet the Kabbalists believe in One revealed God above all the other gods, yet that God is not the ineffable God of Ein Soph, or is it?  


I also don't understand when I read that there is the pursuit of "Union with God", yet if God is all that is, aren't we already united with God?  

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The Kabbalah is a semi-religious construct derived from the Sumerian traditions of Abraham.


Mystical experiences are combined with prehuman spiritual science and modified to suit the priests.


The geometry of the Tree of Life fits on to the Ancient of Ancients as well as on to Earth humans.   That geometry is arguably the most important aspect of the Kabbalah.


The ToL also fits on to the energy structure of this planet and its land masses



Edited by Lairg

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