
Self-Hitting Massage (revisited)

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As a result of the previous hitting thread, I've been exploring a lot since January, just beefed up the hitting section (link) at my site.


Basically, a progression of:

1. hitting acupoints and along channels

The bonger I find to be the most amazing thing for hitting points, and along channels.


2. vibrating the core

bonger: low abdomen

rubber mallet: mid-abdomen

rubber ball: rib cage







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Hopefully that guy and anyone else doing pai da exercises is extremely careful and is using internal as well as external formulas to repair any damage that results from this training.


Iron shirt, iron vest or whatever one wants to call it is usually done daily and supplemented with dit da wan (injury pills) and dit da jow to repair any internal and external damage that is occuring. Usually very specific exercises (qigong, neigong) are done daily to strengthen the body internlally to dissipate the shock from such blows. The damage to the body from incorrect training might not show up immediately but can manifest in later years like in guys who do breaking and don't use formulas that repair the damage incurred through the toughening exercises of the hands and later can't even hold a cup of coffee.


There are also sets of exercises that do not use external pounding and will develop the body in a way that it can accept blows. The best thing to do is to find someone who knows what they are doing to learn directly from them. You only get one body.



Be careful.

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Thats true w/ Iron Shirt. But I think what Trunk is talking about is quite an order gentler. I did some Kaishan Golden Bell, which got pretty extreme and needed an experienced and certified teacher.


Gentle and medium hitting are great for waking up the nerves, tendons meridians etc.


I don't do Kaishan any more but there are light chest thumping routines from it that invigorate the body. Michael Winn also has routines on bumping along the arms and legs. I've seen variations in a wide variety of cultures Japanese, Russian.


Maybe any vibration is good, waking up parts of us that have gone asleep.




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You might try playing with the idea of shaping your hands into different shapes depending on where the location of the acupoint or shape of the cavity is. Ie for example the flat palm creates a different resonance than a loosely balled fist which is different than a tight fist. How the hand naturall curves around and through different resesses, etc. If there is a large gong or bell around in a chinese or japanese garden or something you can experiment with lightly tapping the outside surface with the various surfaces of your hand to see if the resonance of the bell changes, if you can FEEL what brings out the ring, etc...


Good luck to your continued training/seeking,



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Thought of some of the other aspects to the different hand shapes today is the surface edge that is doing the work and the angle you approach from. For instance you can change "Swinging Plumb Blossoms" into a kidney kindler with one breath and working surface shape (think how you would... condense energy into your hand?) or a cleaner w/ another, (think how would you... dissipate energy w. your hand?) Front of back? movement = light to dense, dense to light? These are interesting experiments to play with when all that is around you is sticks and rocks, the hands become very advance tools!


Just food for thought. If you need specific step by step I can be more descriptive, but prefer to let you discover on your own so it stays with you. One Mind Style.

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