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spring equinox

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So tomorrow march 20 is the spring equinox,

how are you bums going to celebrate it?



Myself I am just going to do a directional meditation(bathing the marrow) with a focus on the east, maybe take a walk in he sun and be happy.



Edited by abramelin

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This is actually the first equinox I have put any thought in that matter.

but what I think is the idea within taoism(correct me please if I'm wrong) is to get connected with the flow of nature, and the equinox is a time when the natures Yang energies gets moving, to then culminate in the summer and then move into more Yin in the fall and winter.


So my Idea is to get more connected to the spring energies.


comments, addition, ideas?

I'm just exploring so hopefully someone with experience can explain this better.




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This is actually the first equinox I have put any thought in that matter.

but what I think is the idea within taoism(correct me please if I'm wrong) is to get connected with the flow of nature, and the equinox is a time when the natures Yang energies gets moving, to then culminate in the summer and then move into more Yin in the fall and winter....So my Idea is to get more connected to the spring energies...comments, addition, ideas?...I'm just exploring so hopefully someone with experience can explain this better.



As my avatar would suggest I tend to focus on the earthly and solar cycles and have done for decades escpecialy as I participated in the Western Taoist [aka neo-pagan/occult/theosophist] movement for many many years, where great emphasis is placed on the earth/solar cycles/festivals and I thoroughly enjoy their arrival.


Personaly I regard the Vernal Equinox as the realisation of the birth of the sun [not son LOL] as witnesed at Winter Solstice. At this point his/er influence upon the earth is now recongnisable and we can enoy the warmth and light of his/er rays just as the earth also starts to react to that same warmth and light.


Those evergreens I have kept up after the Winter Solstice [now dry and brittle but still green] in anticipation of new growth will eventualy be cleared away in a flurry of spring cleaning as I welcome the new year into the house.


Tomorrow morning I will be up at the crack of dawn [6.03 am] and wrapped in a blanket [as its a bit chilly at present] will sit in the garden to welcome the sun over the horizon, say my prayers, meditate and absorb the exceptionaly strong prana/chi that is present at this time [in my opinon of course LOL].


All day I will practice a special vegan fast that I have devised from foods that do not cause the death of any living thing even plants [ie mainly fruitarian], to celebrate life to its fullest, will study, meditate, plant the garden with bulbs and seeds that I have already prepared and try to avoid toooo much of the usual everyday trivia, without being tooooo harsh upon myself of course allowing myself some enjoyable distractions so as not to be toooo intense with myself or the world.


In the eve at 18.14 I will once again watch the sun sink beneath the horizon remembering that night is as much part of the day and light is only recognisable in the dark and vise versa. Of course it would be nice to share this day with others as I do the Winter Solstice when there is always an abundance of people willing to enjoy the season [even those with no spiritual connections] and at the Summer Solstice when I always go to Stonehenge. But the Equinox's often get ignored in this country [especialy the Autumn Equinox], though in Mexico attending the Vernal Equinox at Teotihuacan has became a huge tradition which is just as popular as the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge here in Britian [so if you are American and near the Mexican boarder it might be worth going].


Anyways Abramelin Happy Vernal Equinox and I hope this your first celebration will be as enjoyable as mine always are and I hope that you will find it expedient to continue this practice through the years, as I have always found this practice of great benefit to my body, mind and spirit.



Light, Warmth and Colour


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As my avatar would suggest I tend to focus on the earthly and solar cycles and have done for decades escpecialy as I participated in the Western Taoist [aka neo-pagan/occult/theosophist] movement for many many years, where great emphasis is placed on the earth/solar cycles/festivals and I thoroughly enjoy their arrival.


Personaly I regard the Vernal Equinox as the realisation of the birth of the sun [not son LOL] as witnesed at Winter Solstice. At this point his/er influence upon the earth is now recongnisable and we can enoy the warmth and light of his/er rays just as the earth also starts to react to that same warmth and light.


Those evergreens I have kept up after the Winter Solstice [now dry and brittle but still green] in anticipation of new growth will eventualy be cleared away in a flurry of spring cleaning as I welcome the new year into the house.


Tomorrow morning I will be up at the crack of dawn [6.03 am] and wrapped in a blanket [as its a bit chilly at present] will sit in the garden to welcome the sun over the horizon, say my prayers, meditate and absorb the exceptionaly strong prana/chi that is present at this time [in my opinon of course LOL].


All day I will practice a special vegan fast that I have devised from foods that do not cause the death of any living thing even plants [ie mainly fruitarian], to celebrate life to its fullest, will study, meditate, plant the garden with bulbs and seeds that I have already prepared and try to avoid toooo much of the usual everyday trivia, without being tooooo harsh upon myself of course allowing myself some enjoyable distractions so as not to be toooo intense with myself or the world.


In the eve at 18.14 I will once again watch the sun sink beneath the horizon remembering that night is as much part of the day and light is only recognisable in the dark and vise versa. Of course it would be nice to share this day with others as I do the Winter Solstice when there is always an abundance of people willing to enjoy the season [even those with no spiritual connections] and at the Summer Solstice when I always go to Stonehenge. But the Equinox's often get ignored in this country [especialy the Autumn Equinox], though in Mexico attending the Vernal Equinox at Teotihuacan has became a huge tradition which is just as popular as the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge here in Britian [so if you are American and near the Mexican boarder it might be worth going].


Anyways Abramelin Happy Vernal Equinox and I hope this your first celebration will be as enjoyable as mine always are and I hope that you will find it expedient to continue this practice through the years, as I have always found this practice of great benefit to my body, mind and spirit.

Light, Warmth and Colour



Happy equinox to you too, and a happy equinox to all of ya bums out there!!


I might add watching the sunrise/sunset to my new "equinox routine" all depending if I wake up in time for it :P

// abra

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Celebrate my sons birthday. Waking up early and doing some chi gung outside sounds good.




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