
Relationship between thoughts and the Cosmic Mind

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Very good, you fall into specific capability of realisation, due to energetic thought patterns, which are potentially resistant in energy/vibration in their essence of being self contradictory, so they contradict the self. This causes a lessening of your conscious, due to lessening of your capability of flowing this universal life force or chi or cosmic energy or mind or consciousness or beingness thourhg you. It flows, but in self contradiction, so you feel negative emotion, due to entertaining self contradictory thought. It is all the breath or soul of the source of all creation, and through this we create, through our own soul, we create, our own life experiences and all that matters to us and all that we come to know we want, it all is known by our own soul, and it's creation is handed off to our own soul, which allows its being and becoming evermore, as us, for us and through us. And as we meditate, let go of all thought, we naturally fall back into alignment with the realisations of the creations, being and becoming, evermore, as our soul, through us, and for us, and as us. Because when you no longer think, you no longer offer contradictory vibration or energy, which block your self realisation. So it simply naturally... HAPPENS. Just automatically effortlessly. Joyously. Because you feel better, and now the self contradictory thoughts feel even worse in contrast to how you are normally suppose to feel, so you are less likely to entertain them now, and so you feel better ongoingly MORE AND MORE and so you realise better feeling thoughts, untill eventually, you begin to find true SOURCE THOUGHTS of INFINITE INTELLIGENCE AND ETERNAL WISDOM! PURE BLISS!


Now when he talks about cosmic mind, this is very important to make a distinction between human thought forms, and thought forms of our own soul, or thought forms which are supported and flowed by the Source of All Creation, which have the energy which creates worlds behind these thoughts. Because every thought that has ever been thought by human, still exist. But those thoughts do not necessarily always have Source Energy flowing behind them, and how do you know the difference? You know by how you feel!


And so that is why he is teaching, suggesting and examplifying positive thinking. Why? Because if your energy is not lined up with the Source of All Creation, you simply wont receive Source Thought! You wont ever get to perceive the world through the eyes of Source! So this clearing our mind, meditating, and thinking positive, good feeling thoughts, it's really the only way to be on the same wavelength and thus receive Source thought. And why is that so important? Because all of creation is being and becoming through that energy which creates worlds. So ofcourse you want receive that, be aligned with it, flow it through you. First of all, it feels very good, you will feel very happy with those thoughts, but your entire body will simply become very healthy, it is a powerful energy that flows through you of pure life force, and secondly, your life will flow naturally into the direction of all things wanted, naturally effortlessly and joyously. Why? Because your soul knows, and the source of all creation, knows everything that you want, infact, it knows you are the reason of that realisation! You are inseperable from this Source of All Creation! Your desires is what puts the eternalness in eternity! And so ofcourse you have no choice but to eventually come back into alignment with this source energy... But it is way more fun, in this here and now life, to do it consciously, deliberately, without waiting untill you die before you do it.


Cause when you die, all humans, that is a vehicle through which you withdraw your consciousness out of the physical experience, coming back into full realisation of all that you've truely become. You cannot feel negative emotion, more like feeling of relief, or if you've been in alignment most of your life, it will simply feel like a mere walking from one place to the next joyous place of eternal becoming. But the negative emotion comes from flawed perspectives, misunderstanding, self contradictory thoughts of us humans, which are not necessary and can be let go of easily. With some deliberate focus, on any of your senses, like meditation, to let go of thought, therefor naturally feeling better.


So again, you are not surrendering who you are. You are surrendering all the self contradictory aspects of your self, in order to allow yourself to be and become the evermoreness of all that you've truely become and are being and becoming evermore. To allow your natural good feeling nature of all who it is that you truely are being and becoming evermore. in full joy and freedom. You are coming back to full realisation of all that you truely are. That is what that meditation and letting go of thought really is all about. And then when you feel good, and you realise suddenly, good feeling thoughts, those thoughts will allow everything to come back to full realisation for you, because those are YOU! Your thoughts, of your own soul, thoughts which harmonize with your own soul! That's why they feel so good emotionally, because they are compatible with your true nature! So important to know how you feel, and let go of thinking in ways that feel bad. Unconditionally, under any and all conditions. Because all that you want is already a done deal. 99% of it is already been created, and being and becoming evermore. But to allow those creations, non-physical, energetic, to come into full manifestation, physical. You have to allow them. Someone has to allow them. Doesn't matter who, but eventually everyone will allow them, because it is OUR creation! That's the whole reason why we are here. To flow with the new being and becoming that WE came to realise for ourselves of what it is we truely want! Because they are truely in alignment with our own true nature, good feeling nature. Resistance free nature. Of evermore being and becoming evermore. As they are becoming evermore. 


So there is no vulnerability. Thinking bad thoughts will just create temporary bad experiences, and they wont manifest instantly, only when you hold on to them, as you ignore how bad you feel, then a physical manifestation comes to let you know you are not in alignment with your own soul of evermore being and becoming. So you can now do something about how you feel. To come back into alignment. And the benefit of such an experience is helping you know, that you have control over how you feel, and thus you can always find your way back home towards your own eternal and infinite nature. You may not be capable of feeling super good just instantly on the spot, when you are feeling very bad. So this negative emotion, it amplifies your desire, and thus it gives you power to focus. When you can focus then, with on anything that quiets the mind, and therefor dissipates the self contradictory thoughts, like in meditation, then you can simply naturally effortlessly, feel better. And then when you feel better, you can deliberate feel your way, deliberately thinking, in the direction of that which feels better, ongoingly. Untill eventually you do find those Source thoughts of true realisation. They will FEEL lighter, they will feel enlightening. RELIEF. Emotional, energy motional, relief. Because everything in your life experience is about this relationship between you, physical, and You, non-physical. And as both meet, in the here and now. That's where all the fun is, that's why we are all here. For the joy of the eternal journey. Of all that matters to us. And when you think positive thoughts... Now, how do you know?


You know by how you feel. If you think a thought that doesn't feel good, feels worse, let's call it a self contradictory thought, you feel negative emotion. As you allow this thought, continue to focus upon it, you continue to feel worse, and more thoughts like that come to your mind, and eventually, physical life experiences, which are like that negative emotion, will happen in your life. So you instead, stop the thought, early. You cannot stop the physical reality from being and becoming evermore. So you stop the thought, before it gets that far. You stop the negative thought, when you feel negative emotion. By focusing elsewhere. On something else. On something that feels better. And usually, when you already feel very bad, it's kind of too late, so the only thing you can do, is simply reset your energy field, by meditating, letting go of all thoughts. And starting fresh and clean. And then simply reaching for a better feeling thought.


Now you don't have to try so hard to accomplish this. All you gotta do, is focus less on things that don't feel good to you. Not because they are bad, but because your perspective of them is self contradictory! So it isn't helpful to continue thinking those things, untill... You are capable of receiving true joyful Source aligned thought. Because then, it wont feel bad, it will just inform you, allow your evermore greater realisation, along the path of least resistance, effortless and joyfully. So all you gotta do, is simply focus elsewhere, anywhere that feels better. And neutral thoughts, like in meditation, are also helpful. Because when you think no thought, your ability to realise fully aligned source thought, which feel like tremendous positive emotion, which feel like tremendous relief, emotional, energy motional relief, will be effortless, automatic, natural. Way easier, infact, very often almost the only way, you can ever receive those good feeling thoughts. As we humans often have picked up allot of resistance in this physical life experience, so we have the tendency to block our own greater allowed knowing and realisation for ourselves. So simply thinking no thought, skipping our habbits, focusing on anything that quiets the mind, then simply meeting your own inner being / soul / source, and allowing it to flow fully, without resistance, feeling very good, for our own natural self allowed, effortless full blown realisation, of true aligned thought which feels very good.


So you are not creating your own reality on your own. You are co-creating it with your own soul. And that is why you feel emotion. As the true communication of your own soul, you translate that energetic thought stream of realisation as positive energy in motion, as positive emotion. Of a fully realised being. Physical and non-physical hand in hand, co blended, co harmonized. Fully allowed flow of evermore being and becoming evermore. And anything less than that, is really not relevant. It wont ever be satisfying to you. And once you experience this, you wont ever be satisfied with anything less than all of that. Because this is who you truely are. So you are unconditionally, meaning under any and all conditions, regardless of any and all conditions, worthy of flowing the total you through you here and now, and therefor feeling good, emotionally. Flowing with the ever abounding stream of well-being, of the entire cosmos. To be do or have anything you can or will ever want to be do or have. Cause you realise it for yourself, and you flow with that realisation because it feels good emotionally, because it is in alignment with all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. As your evermore joyful journey to your evermore greater allowed freedom of allowed being and becoming evermore in alignment with all that you truely are being and becoming evermore, of all that you thus also truely want to be and become evermore.


Flowing with and in alignment with all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. That feels very good. Because it is the true realisation of all that you truely are. It is what people call the enlightenment experience. Because it simply feels so much lighter, so much better. It simply feels so good. So free. So worthy. So loved. So true so resonating and so expansive with all of creation. Why? Not because you are speaking words, but because you are truely realising that love for yourself, from within as an allowed alignment with your own true nature of unconditional love, emotionally. Literally. Energy motionally. Meeting your own soul, for the purpose of your joyous life experience here, where a part of your greater non-physical consciousness is flowing, here through your physical time space reality experience through the lens of your physical body.


So you allow True realisation of what true love feels like. Why? Because your experience shows it to you, 24/7, all day and everyday! Of why you are here! What your purpose is! What feels so good about here and now! Because this is in full alignment with all that you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now. Through all the things that feel good to you evermore, as the path of least resistance for you, to your very own evermore greater allowed realisation of all being and becoming evermore, in full harmony and alignment with the Source of All Creation, The Energy Which Creates Worlds. That is flowing through you, as your own soul, as the breath of the Source of All Creation, as the life force of all things which exists. It all flows fully through you, and so you are always fully capable of allowing yourself more and more to be and being  more fully in alignment with it evermore ongoingly, being and becoming evermore. And your life experience is one of evermore greater allowed being and becoming of evermore greater being and becoming of evermore greater freedom and joy and love and all true knowing and realisations evermore. And you are ment to feel that way all of the time, that's why you are here and that's the whole point of all of existance. Because that is who you truely are, as you are an unconditionally worthy nature, and so you allow all those conditions to come back to full realisation for you effortlessly! Meaning under any and all conditions. You simply release all energetic thought patterns of resistance, and everything falls back into harmony, so physical and non-physical meet and synchronise and resonate and align, and flows into your evermore being and becoming in and as and for and thorugh you. As all that you truely are. Being and becoming evermore. Simply for the joy of the evermore being and becoming.


So again, you don't need to fix anything that is broken. Because all is good, you just need to let go of insisting that things are bad. And then, when you do, you allow your natural realisation to come about fully for yourself. Unconditionally. And you come to know the physical time space reality around you, through the eyes of the source of all creation, in full joy, and so your very presence becomes a beneficial one, because it brings everything back into full harmonized being and becoming, full realisation, back into full realisation. Just your perspective of someone. They do not have to allow that, remember, they are always free to contradict their own greater allowed being and becoming of their very own everore greater allowed self realisation. But that doesn't affect you in anyway, and also, you are of no benefit to them, if you contradict your own true nature! So the greatest benefit you can offer, is always, to be your full self. Because all healing is simply done, by offering the state of being where one is already healed. They are already perfectly good in their normal natural nature. And that is also why they feel so good, as they allow themselves to be all that it is, who it is, and what it is they truely are being and becoming evermore. And so through their leading example, so too can you, find your way back home to all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. releasing resistance, one step at a time. Emotional relief, after emotional relief. Into full blown realisation of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now. Feeling very good. Enjoying all life experiences. Being and becoming evermore. In full harmony with the whole of all that you truely are, in full alignment with your very own greater non-physical consciousness. As all that you truely are. You simply can only know it, by feeling better emotionally. As your natural energy motional allowed self realisation, feels very good, naturally. 

Edited by Everything

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I don't agree.  I think that enlightenment is in not thinking positive OR negative thoughts, and instead, witnessing reality based on what it is, rather than what I want it to be.  Its not bliss, but it is rational.

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So you need to see things for the way they are in order to be enlightened, but in order to see them for what they are, you need to know the various ways they could be.  This takes some effort, and it involves naming your Will to the want for how things should be, but the way things "should be" are really only the way you want them to be, and aren't always the way things "should be".  The way things should be are easily defined by the Laws of your society, but the Laws of your society aren't always in line with the Law of the people.  So not only do you need to want a way for things to be, so you can measure it against the way things are, you need to be detached from the way you want them to be so you aren't blinded by the Truth of how things are.  This is why I think this guru is a little misleading, for while we want to emit positive good Will for all, the Truth is that not all people Will Good for you, and that they may even be out to harm you.  You need to protect yourself, unfortunately.  This isn't to say not to emit Good Will, but blinding yourself with Love is just that; blindness.  In then end, and I think this holds True as an absolute- is Law, and Law is the final say in what is, and what should be.

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The thing with witchcraft, or the occult, or the OTO is that its true that this is about personal want, but society isn't only about personal want, its about the want of others as well.  These views need to meet, hopefully without compromise, and when we can strike the balance where all parties are satisfied that we have declared a perfect Order, then we can have peace and a perfect civilization.  Good luck, right?  The message here is to know what is good for you and for me, and for all of us.  Then we can have perfect Law.  Some magicians are only invested in their personal want, and I don't think this is what anyone calling themselves Master intend, though I am sure there are many gurus out there that encourage this, and we do need them, for until we can name Law, we have to investigate all options of what is Good on an individual level.  Ive considered Crowley for a long time, and I believe he begins his training in this fashion, but ends with the Good For All motto.  His system is convoluted and not very well organized in volumes of 1 to 2 to 3, but if you care to, you can read his libers that are classified as Class A and see if you agree.  I actually think he is really just revealing all the options and doesn't particularly end on one pointedness.  Stories of his life would indicate this as well.,  Its the push and pull of the wheel of life, its probably always in balance, and I don't think one side will ever win.

Edited by Mskied

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Get to the point @Mskied. What are you trying to communicate? I’m missing your point amidst the long winded paragraphs. Please summarize? 

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Thinking positive thoughts about someone is ignorant, especially when they are breaking the Law (yours or otherwise)

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It isn't about emitting Good Will to people, hoping to change the world with Love.  When things are correct, which is what we should focus on, rather than blinding ourselves with feeling Good for one another, the True emotion of Love will come.

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4 hours ago, Mskied said:

It isn't about emitting Good Will to people, hoping to change the world with Love.  When things are correct, which is what we should focus on, rather than blinding ourselves with feeling Good for one another, the True emotion of Love will come.

What does that have to do with the OP? Are you writing about something else? Have you even watched the video? 

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It takes more than Good Will to change this place.  We have to see things for how they actually are, and address it.

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