
Embody the Emptiness through Forest-Mind Ecology

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 Embody the Emptiness through Forest-Mind Ecology

Or, one hectare of mature black spruce (2,000 trees) can offset the yearly gas consumption (24,000 km) of fifty or so compact cars.



I will be moving to the 5 acre forest in a couple months to meditate full time while I cultivate the shiitake mushrooms. Forest mushroom cultivation is part of forest stewardship which also stores carbon, thereby offsetting carbon emissions. One hectare = 2.45 acres. So I have about 1 hectare of mature trees as my mini-forest mushroom cultivation farm.


If people are interesting in private donations to invest in their personal carbon offsetting while also investing in meditation cultivation - then you can PM me here.


I will set up a paypal account then for a $50 donation plan for the year - and this will cover my full time meditation - so you can send an image if you want for me to visualize while meditating. You can also send any personal info you want to share.


I did this cultivation practice before as an experiment in full time 8 hours a day full lotus meditation. There were half a dozen participants and people reported experiencing energy. I know, for me, that doing full time meditation greatly increased the energy results. I am not claiming any client nor customer relationship nor results. This is simply a private donation to the Emptiness.


So I won't be reporting any results on my blog.


You get a literal "investment" (vest meaning body) in my meditation and in the forest - both of which I am cultivating. And so the plan is to Embody the Emptiness through Forest-Mind Ecology.


The cost to each participant is thus 365/50 = 14 cents per day. So you get to join in my Forest Farm cultivation experiment for the year for 14 cents per day.


Since I will not have internet access at the forest farm then there will not be any normal means of contact during meditation. But when I return to my permanent residence, then I can respond to any email questions or consultations.


Before my offer for volunteer donations was $20 for 8 hours of full lotus meditation. So this is a larger amount by it is a donation that covers many more hours of meditation for many more months. And so I am not sure how often I will be returning to my permanent residence to check my email - as that will depend on covering the costs of gas.


What I did for a couple "xmas" holidays is give the gift of forest carbon credits to my relatives. But now instead I have just directly invested in a small forest farm garden to cultivate the carbon credits - as an opportunity for others to "offset" their carbon emissions.


In a way we can state that Qi energy actually can mean storing carbon in the body as increased vagus nerve ionization also increases carbon dioxide levels. So when the pH levels of the blood increase from increased carbon dioxide then the breathing gasp reflex is not activated. This enables holding the breath after exhale to then increase brain oxygen levels to increase biophoton emissions from the mitochondria. As this process depends then the microtubules themselves are activated to store the virtual biophotons of the Ether through quantum non-local entanglement as the Mind of the forest.


I have already posted how quantum biology explains this secret of qigong training - via Dr. Jack Tuszinski's research with others - on plant auxin and serotonin via tryptophan receptors.





A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year

 the average car emits about six tons of carbon dioxide every year.

 So 48 pounds x 2000 trees = 96,000 Pounds =

48 Tons absorbed per year = 10 small cars

So the goal will be for 10 people to donate each $50 for the year for both personal private carbon offsets and forest mind Emptiness Ecology cultivation.


So this way we are relying on Mother Nature to provide the cultivation results through the Emptiness. The forest mind offsets the carbon dioxide emissions while the forest mind provides the oxygen for increased Emptiness Energy.



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2 hours ago, rideforever said:

Where will you be ?
And what is the possibility for others to also participate ?

It's private land - so it's not zoned as a campground business. It's a Daoist hermitage mini-forest farm - so just big enough for one person.

Rural Vacant tax code is 300 square feet or less of building structure in total (storage or dwelling).

The idea is to meet in the Emptiness via meditation. Here's my blog posts on the land. I will be cultivating shiitake mushrooms in the forest while I meditate all day.














Edited by voidisyinyang

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It cost me approximately $1.03 to plant a lotus pond, in honor of my grandfather and grandmother.

Edited by whitesilk

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2 hours ago, whitesilk said:

It cost me approximately $1.03 to plant a lotus pond, in honor of my grandfather and grandmother.


Then in a week I'll be going north to cut down maybe 10 trees maximum for growing shiitake mushrooms. So I can take photos of the mini-forest then - there are mature Tamarack trees with alder trees (that I'll be using to grow shiitake mushrooms) and also willow trees with some pine trees. So it's over 5 acres total but there's also some more wetland area - kind of like peat bog or meadow-marsh. I have at least 100 alders that are over 3 inch diameter now (big enough to grow shiitake mushrooms) but the Tamarack and pine trees are very big - and I have not counted them - maybe a couple dozen big ones. Then there are a couple thousand smaller trees (willows and alder).

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2 hours ago, whitesilk said:

It cost me approximately $1.03 to plant a lotus pond, in honor of my grandfather and grandmother.

yes this is just one donation for the year so it costs 14 cents a day to offset carbon emissions and to support meditation cultivation.

Of course if people want to make more transactions at lower amounts - that is fine.

If someone wants to donate more - I'm not gonna stop them. haha.


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2 hours ago, whitesilk said:


Intent aside, you are feeding corporate hegemony. 


However, PayPal charges a fee of 2.9% plus $0.30 USD of the amount when you pay using a debit or credit card.

yes so if someone has a paypal acccount then it's just a straight transaction - otherwise there is the above "take." So $1.75 approximately of the donation goes to paypal for the year - so that's 4 thousandths of 1 penny per day to Paypal.

Just using the internet is feeding corporate hegemony but in the forest I won't have internet access and any electricity I use will be offgrid - powered by solar panels or my specially designed bicycle generator.  I added a DC/DC buck converter to a treadmill motor so I get 4 amps charge via slow pedaling on a bicycle.

So I will be bringing this off grid generator up to the forest - so I can recharge the drill since I need to drill 1400 holes to grow the mushrooms.


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Just now, whitesilk said:

Just because Noel Smells, (logical anagram), does not mean that you should fall into a trap.

I call him Elon Mush.

Don't worry - Mother Nature - the cosmic Mother is in charge.

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My best wishes to you then, you must be out of control enough, and well able to withstand your meditation. Air element is noted to cleanse us of our jealousy.

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4 minutes ago, whitesilk said:


@voidisyinyang "If a tree falls in your forest, would a bear shit on it?"

I have not seen any bear scat luckily - but apparently bears are attracted to horse manure - and I hauled up a lot of horse manure that is drying over the winter. So I covered the horse manure with pine branches. So hopefully as it is drying over the winter - then it won't attract bears. There is a local coyote pack that routinely runs past the mini-forest every night and so the farm neighbors had guard dogs that bark during the night - at the coyote pack. You can hear the coyote pack during the strange "laughing" - like hyenas - while also yipping and barking.

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My parting gift to you, @voidisyinyang, 


"Linji said: 'When you have a moment of doubt in your mind, you are obstructed by earth. When you have a moment of love in your mind, you are drowned in water. When you have a moment of anger in your mind, you are burned by fire. When you have a moment of joy in your mind, you are blown around by air.'"

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7 hours ago, whitesilk said:

My parting gift to you, @voidisyinyang, 


"Linji said: 'When you have a moment of doubt in your mind, you are obstructed by earth. When you have a moment of love in your mind, you are drowned in water. When you have a moment of anger in your mind, you are burned by fire. When you have a moment of joy in your mind, you are blown around by air.'"

yes that is a good one. I will now find my responding quote. hold please.



But sitting cross-legged [padmasana full lotus] is not samadhi: it is only the most basic technique for learning samadhi. If you can not sit cross-legged [full lotus] what else is there to talk about?



When we feel comfortable as we sit in meditation, when after a little while our legs get numb, these feelings are all within the skanda of sensation. The skanda of sensation is exhausted only when we escape from these configurations of feelings.


Edited by voidisyinyang

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No, it is when you hold one nostril shut and make a funny noise through your nose.


We did it as kids for fun.


I wouldn't remember if it hadn't been for the early tech that my dad had, an early tape video camera.


My suggestion would be to find an old camera, and maybe take a videography of your journey, if you haven't thought of that yet.

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11 minutes ago, whitesilk said:

No, it is when you hold one nostril shut and make a funny noise through your nose.


We did it as kids for fun.


I wouldn't remember if it hadn't been for the early tech that my dad had, an early tape video camera.


My suggestion would be to find an old camera, and maybe take a videography of your journey, if you haven't thought of that yet.

yes people used to ask me to post videos of my energy experiences but you'd be amazed what other people can feel without giving away externally their internal bliss.

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Only 8 spots left to donate for an annual investment of Emptiness Energy Ecology forest carbon capture cultivation - thanks for the donations thus far.



I'll be taking photos of the forest to send to people - if they donate - as I'll go up soon to cut 10 trees to grow the forest cultivated shiitake mushrooms.  Also I will be using the Spring Forest Qigong meditation c.d.s off grid to guide the meditation. http://springforestqigong.com so I will recharge the Chafon lithium battery generator-inverter with solar panels or via bicycle generator (that I personally designed for a 4 amp, low speed energy charge).


For those who just want the mushrooms - I am now offering a "donation" for a 1/4 pound of sun Vitamin D enhanced air dried POWDER shiitake mushrooms - see my blog for details - but this is also a no guarantee Community Supported Agriculture donation - with tentative first harvest spring 2020. The shiitake mushroom is considered very medicinal and detoxifying - and increases the qi energy for vitality.



See this for details plus my formerly offered - Zany - Holy Shiitake Qi-infused mushrooms. You can see the blog side bar for details.

Also you can find my latest article - that was requested from a radical spiritual zine - last night.



Until Civilization Collapses: The Anatomy of Asymmetric Alchemy and the Eco-Apocalypse
Drew W. Hempel, MA
In Westernized education, a style that covers most of the planet now, we are brainwashed by Platonic symmetric "materialistic idealism" logic as taught through our math classes. No one would "question" the Pythagorean Theorem since it's used any time someone does building construction. Little do we know that, as math professor Abraham Seidenberg revealed, science is a religion with math as the secret "ritual origin." 
So we should not be surprised at just how serious our situation is today in terms of what I dubbed the "rotten root" at the foundation of Western civilization - this is based on the secret music origins of math, from what math professor Luigi Borzacchini calls the "deep pre-established disharmony" that is the "guiding evoltive principle" of Western science.
But what other alternative do we have? Well actually humans, us modern biological humans, all originate from the San Bushmen culture that survived the Mt. Toba super-volcano explosion, 70,000 years ago. So our common DNA modern biology is from a "genetic bottleneck" of just a few thousand humans - and so 90% of our modern biological history is actually directly attributable to this original human culture. And yet even in the midst of our high-techno info age hardly anyone really knows the details of the original human culture, the San Bushmen culture. Only Dr. Bradford Keeney has been accepted as a "master healer" (not the exact term) or a "Big Doctor" - in the San Bushmen culture. You see all the males in the original human culture are or were required to train in spiritual healing.
So this truth of science is quite radical and the secrets of the San Bushmen culture have been rediscovered, with the logic again based on music theory but only now expressed in science through what is called "noncommutative phase" or asymmetry logic - a type of unified field theory science. So it was physicist Eddie Oshins while tasked to study "quantum psychology" - a term he dubbed - Oshins realized that in fact the secret of noncommutative phase logic was also the secret of nonwestern alchemical meditation training. Oshins worked at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and so he was upset when his research was co-opted into the more New Age "marketing" of 
spirituality - while the real "noncommutative phase" logic was missing from the New Age analysis.
What does this all mean for us modern humans? Our psycho-physiology is all wrong. But there has been a couple traditions that have continued on the San Bushmen healing culture - like the qigong Neigong Daoist training for spiritual healing or various meditation yoga traditions of India, for example. But again Westernized education not only does not include the yoga training but the West is based on symmetric logic, built in the math of the continuum, as a materialistic idealism. It's not until you investigate relativistic quantum physics, based on this noncommutative phase logic, that then the direct connection to our original human culture is realized.
But unfortunately time is "running out" for us humans and the biosphere that we evolved out of. So unfortunately there is an escalating crisis of lack of resources. Such has been the amazing cost of Westernization - a tradition that actually goes back around 9,000 BCE. A good book that reveals this training is the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" - it is free online. The book takes years to study and it's a very intense read. I mean it takes years to figure out all the fancy terminology and how it is all interrelated. 
So what I did is I tested out my qigong training (that I did to finish my master's degree in 2000, from the University of Minnesota) and I tested this qigong meditation against strong psychedelic healing medicines - while I was in full lotus yoga position. Also I was able to study directly from the assistant of the Chinese qigong master who taught us - So I mean http://guidingqi.com - Jim Nance who was the teaching assistant of Chunyi Lin of http://springforestqigong.com so Jim actually healed my mom when she had been barely able to walk. He healed her while he was talking to me on the phone.
That is all I will share for now. In effect we need to question everything we've been taught. But also this does not mean that this spiritual body-mind (anatomy) training is not deadly serious. In fact on a serious level then the healer transcends death. So I know for a fact that ghosts are real. Before now I was a strong environmental and social justice activist. But I realized that the core origin of today's problems actually runs deeper. So if we go before Plato - to the PreSocratics - then we can get hints as to the proper training for real true success.
So maybe we have just a couple years or a couple days - until civilization collapses.

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forest wideview.jpg


That is about "half" of the mini-forest - side-view



So about 2/3rds of the land is like this.


So I did 3 hours of snowshoeing in waist deep snow - while using a hand saw to cut down hard wood for the shiitake mushroom cultivation.


so in a little over a month I plan to do full time forest cultivation - meditation and mushrooms!


Thanks for the support so far  - there's FIVE spaces left for the Emptiness Energy Ecology forest cultivation donation for the year of the Pig.



Edited by voidisyinyang

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thanks again to the Emptiness Energy Ecology supporters - in Japan this is called


Shinrin-Yoku Forest Medicine - Shinrin-yoku: the Medicine of Being in ...


Shinrin Yoku, also called Forest Bathing, is a form of healing that involves simply ... It was developed in Japan during the 1980s and has become a cornerstone of ... The idea is simple: if a person simply visits a natural area and walks in a .
and in Sweden it is called

Scandinavians, for their part, practice friluftsliv, or "open-air living," the belief that hanging out in the wild is good for your mind, body, and soul. Both shinrin-yoku and friluftsliv get to the heart of biologist E.O. Wilson's theory that humans are programmed to need and want to be in nature.



benefit from nature-based teaching tools, including a 5-acre school forest.


And for those who donated but didn't send a photo - if you want to send a photo just email me at ecoechocultivation at gmail




We still have a lot of melting snow and ice with some flooding here in Minnesota - so now that the trees are cut - I'll be ordering the mycelium sawdust spawn to grow Donko strain Spring Forest shiitake mushrooms - along with the inoculation tool and wax dauber tool plus wax. So I'll order those "materials and supplies" in a couple weeks - and then move up north a couple weeks later (once the flooding gets taken up by the growing trees in the mini-forest).


So then I'll plan to come back to the interwebs - every couple weeks - when I help my octogenarian mom (with healing and heavy lifting chores), during the spring-summer-fall season. Then back at the end of September I'll move back to the "permanent residence" for more meditation healing in "civilization." We can get snow here in October - and so once it starts getting icy sleet freezing rain - then I should be back to help my mom.





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