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A Spiffy All-in-one Everything Prayer

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From reading Dr. Sha's books, I put together the "All-in-one Everything Prayer" that I'm having fun with.


Here it is, I like to start from the top:



"Dear Soul, Mind, and Body of..." And insert list of God/teachers/gurus/fav bodhisattvas/taoist immortals/etc etc etc... Include absolutely everyone you can think of and end with some sort of "and every other very cool teacher like that"


Then address your body and the material world: "Dear soul, mind and bodies of all the cells, organs, chakras, nadis, vertical and horizontal energy circles, LTT, upper jiao, ni wan center, sinews, etc. Get as specific as you Like. You can include the sun, earth, planets, stars, galaxies, universes, the 5 elements, etc etc


Then address family and ancestors. I even include Toby, my childhood dog.


Then friends, coworkers, clients, customers... definitely include your business associates!!


and even your home, car, and gear especially if you are going camping! :)


And "Everyone and everything else" for good measure.


Once you've assembled this rather sizable group, say good morning, I'm glad to see you, you look great today (some sort of compliment) I love you, let's work together to generate lots of love, happiness, fun, and abundance for all beings without exception. etc. Something out of "How to Make Friends and Influence People" heavy on the compliments and appreciation with a snappy team work affirmation in there somewhere.


And close with Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


Depending on the amount of time one has, it's fun to remember to name past friends from third grade or an old pet rat and to change up the list all the time keeps the whole drill quirky and fun. Dr Sha has lots of add-ons and others just sort of come to mind as well.


Dr. Sha calls it "say hello power" of just saying hello and saying something thoughtful to one's MCO or Kwanyin, for instance, is a nice thing to do.



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:blink: Dang, I try to do the opposite! So many people I hear all the time so I hardly know who I am sometimes. It's restful to focus on just one and enjoy the peacefulness, especially if you know that person is on your path.

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Well said! I would consider your approach to be a main practice whereas this drill is just a 3 minutes a day, while in the shower kind of a thing.


Your pal,


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