Arkady Shadursky

Let's be meaningful and polite here

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It very good you mentioned that. Now members of the forum wouldn't think that Taoist Texts somehow beyond common for everyone rules. Thank you.


Here I'm not asking about emotional side of the already solved situation, but about the future.

I would like to ask the administration to answer this question please, so I and every member know what should we do in such case and what we shouldn't.


A quote from my last response to you for your review...

The best thing to do is to report it and let staff deal with it. 

Far be it from me to tell anyone what to do, the rules of the forum are pretty clear when it comes to insults and terms of use. How one handles their self is up to them. Constructive critiques, criticisms and arguments would be a good place to start in having an open conversation with opposing views, but there seem to be other agendas at play here, evident by redundant threads with non-constructive intent and content, continuous questioning of the rules, even after they have been discussed and linked to for review on numerous occasions by not only myself and fellow mods, but also the forum administrator.







A few words from the forum founder and owner about content:

hello fellow bums,


the mod team and i have been discussing ways to increase transparency in our moderation.


here are two things we're implementing right away:


1. public moderation logs


every suspension and ban will be listed here, along with a summarized reason:


2. disrespectful vs forbidden content.


we're making a distinction between disrespectful vs forbidden content, and our approach to each.


in a nutshell, forbidden content may (and most likely will) be deleted, whereas disrespectful content may be moved (e.g., to the pit), but will not be deleted.


forbidden content includes: spam, malware, piracy, pornography, child exploitation, privacy violations, safety threats, and grossly offensive content.


disrespectful content includes anything less than respectful, nonviolent language toward another member, group, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, and sexual orientation.


(acceptable, respectful content is discussing our views and disagreeing passionately while considering how to communicate intelligently and free from aggression.)





I pray the content herein gives you a good starting point to begin meaningful and polite interactions on the forums that are informative and enjoyable to be read by all.


Thank you.


Best Regards



And to you,


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Hello Kar3n.
Thank you a lot for clarifying that for me. 
Actually I appreciate you time and the time of every mod here.
You see, I'm not much experienced in forums active life and it kind of difficult to me finally get all the rules.
Sorry for me being probably annoying with my questions and probably you already discussed that with someone else on the forum, but again - thanks a lot for your efforts to explain it to me.

However I do have one last (I hope  :blush:) question about this 


The best thing to do is to report it and let staff deal with it. 


It feels like the Report button - is the RED button, so you press it only when the line was crossed.
That is why I don't want to disturb you without reason.

So my last question is:
Do I need to report several other crossing-the-line-posts of Taoist Texts or I could be sure that all of them already reported and addressed?

Thank you.
Have a nice day!

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Hello Kar3n.

Thank you a lot for clarifying that for me. 

Actually I appreciate you time and the time of every mod here.

You see, I'm not much experienced in forums active life and it kind of difficult to me finally get all the rules.

Sorry for me being probably annoying with my questions and probably you already discussed that with someone else on the forum, but again - thanks a lot for your efforts to explain it to me.


However I do have one last (I hope  :blush:) question about this 


It feels like the Report button - is the RED button, so you press it only when the line was crossed.

That is why I don't want to disturb you without reason.


So my last question is:

Do I need to report several other crossing-the-line-posts of Taoist Texts or I could be sure that all of them already reported and addressed?


Thank you.


Have a nice day!


There is no need to report anything prior to today, however, in the future...


If you feel like something is clearly crossing the line and getting too personal, use the report button, but do not abuse it. Mods have lives outside of the bums too- MOD LIVES MATTER!! :lol:




I am looking forward to reading some good and informative posts from you and your peers. Happy posting! :)


Best wishes,


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You see, I'm not much experienced in forums active life and it kind of difficult to me finally get all the rules.

. . .


It feels like the Report button - is the RED button, so you press it only when the line was crossed.

That is why I don't want to disturb you without reason.


So my last question is:

Do I need to report several other crossing-the-line-posts of Taoist Texts or I could be sure that all of them already reported and addressed?


It may be inexperience on forums which prompts your questions as I have never seen someone need to ask this before.   This tells me that any explanation will be rather difficult because what a member perceives as a rule issue and what staff will actually act on is a gap with many variables and issues that would be quite difficult to spell out.


The most important thing to understand is that a member should first and foremost view the rules as to THEIR OWN ACTION and less about being forum police about other's actions.  


A majority of the members here read and/or post several times a week over years... so they have gotten used to how things work and what is the role of the REPORT BUTTON.


Even among the veteran users, the Report Button has action taken about 2-5% of the time... so you can image what % that might be for someone who is inexperienced on a forum... somewhere close to 0%.


So my advise is as follows:


1. View the rules as for yourself... you can even report yourself.   That is not a joke, folks have done that before.   So always view your actions as what the rules exist for.


Think of it like you walk into a cafe or supermarket or bank...  and someone else is mouthy or even bumps into you and says something rude.  Are you going to be mouthy back?  Are you going to report them to the business?  Or are you likely to just ignore it ?


2. Ignore as a first step; just focus on participating and sharing your point of view of the thread topic.  


3. Cultivate acceptance and patience as needed.


4. Inexperienced users should view the Report Button as a very last resort as if you need staff to jump in and immediately stop something before blood is drawn.    Otherwise, see steps 1-3 and apply as much as possible.




I hope this makes sense.  :)

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Good post Dawei,

Self-moderation aka applying the rules to oneself first and foremost should be the attitude of really grown-up people.



Bubbles-happy-not-to-be-a-mod-anymore :)

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Kar3n, Dawei, thank you for your replies.


Self-moderation aka applying the rules to oneself first and foremost should be the attitude of really grown-up people.



Good approach, bubbles.

Let's try to follow it ☺️


Best Regards,


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