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Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

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I assume this newbie question should go in this newbie section...


I am new to Taoism and Qigong. I've been working on learning Dragon and Tiger for a couple of months. I've only learned all 7 movements about a week ago.


I was in my Naturopath's office receiving some treatment when he put me on a table for some  pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF). I could feel the electromagnetic field. My naturopath said that most people cannot feel the field and that my qigong practice must have me more in tune with my energy. I liked being able to feel the field move up and down my body. It was an interesting sensation.


Does anyone have experience with PEMF? Will my development of qi make the PEMF table no longer needed, or more effective?



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I don't have any direct experience with this kind of therapy. But I am able to sense electromagnetic fields alternating at high frequencies, as I found out while experimenting with a Tesla electronics kit. I am sure that my long involvement with various forms of vibrational healing has helped sensitize me to this. In my opinion, therapies like PEMF are generally more effective on "spiritualized" people than on the materialistic type.

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Hopefully your practice will make the treatment no longer needed. Any technical device is more primitive than your mind when it comes to regulate your system. Your own pulsing in D&T will do the job, sooner or later.

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The use of electrical / magnetic devices for both pain relief and energetic stimulation by "Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy" (PEMF) and  "Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation" (TENS) devices is widespread. In China TENS have been very popular for a long time - and are very very inexpensive. Contrary to the high-end sales pitch - the simple inexpensive TENS sold online for the most part work just as well.


Both are very effective for gross manipulation of blocked energy and low energy situations and can be viewed like cupping and such.


No matter how much Qi Gong and other disciplines you are involved with - we seem to create ways whereby a bit of help in coaxing our systems into balance here and there is helpful - sometimes with judicious use of our practice and sometimes with diet and sometimes with manipulation.


It is interesting that as one practices Qi Gong the body will undergo a whole series of changes - and some will involve "pain":

at some point your feet will probably cramp and burn and ache, your head may become "full of cotton" or you may experience "way too much energy". 


You may find that from the exuberance of Qi Gong you go a bit too far and the next day somehow you pulled a muscle - but you can't remember when or where at all.


TENS and PEMF's are just tools - and it is a tool that in this case is very much akin to the energy systems it deals with - we are electrical beings - so a bit of "electro stim" is not so brutal or strange as it might seem.


What is far more common is to deny you have an issue and plow over it - or to lack the sensitivity to be aware of it.

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