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How does Zen Buddhism explain the Spiritual Heart, Inner Heart, Hridaya?

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I was wondering how Zen Buddhism names and explains our so called Spiritual Heart or Inner Heart or Hridaya, where unified consciousness radiates into this human experience, into all it's various energy channels?

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I was wondering how Zen Buddhism names and explains our so called Spiritual Heart or Inner Heart or Hridaya, where unified consciousness radiates into this human experience, into all it's various energy channels?

Hmnn, probably with a whack 

That's what I like about Zen Buddhism. 

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Zen doesn't get in to the processes and mechanisms of such things very much, it is more about going directly to the source.


The main advantage being that people actually get there without being distracted and hypnotised along the way, the disadvantage being the route and territory isn't mapped out as precisely as some other traditions.

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