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Back on topic: I never said that illusions weren't real, or not integral to reality...to say that something is an illusion simply indicates it status of flux. Sameness exists everywhere at all times...that is why I always feel at peace, even if I am in pieces, because I always have a place to rest in Suchness.

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Namo Amitabha Buddha




Just as perceive the black splotch on the wall to be a spider,so do we perceive this world,this life as reality.

Our lives have importance,also illusion and developers further giving us purpose,this to is illusory.


Yes we live and function,fulfilling our roles,whatever they may be.

This is the nature of illusion,we can't easily distinguish reality.

It blurs,it makes sense,it makes no sense,focus on the splotch until we see no spider.


This known world we reside,we even perceive time,all illusion,we perceive,at best only grasping threads of reality.

What is reality,is it not an illusion,perceived with limited understanding.


When the first aeroplanes,propellers blaring,smoking,first seen by native tribesman in remote districts,there was perception of gods,so began a religion a worship.


This post is an illusion,focus carefully to see this splotch,and grasp threads of understanding.


Blessings to all


Humbly juls

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