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Grandpa learns how to 'play' on Playstation

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here is one way to get the kids off Playstation - Grandpa knows best :wacko:





"Come on Mr Avenger." :D

Edited by Nungali
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Yep. No more Playstation for a while.


Gramps should have gotten a big hammer though, it would have been easier.

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these videos are so fake that youtube pays him to do it now


sorry to rain on the parade :lol:

But they are true if you believe them. Hehehe.

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Fake ! :blink: Awww ,,, just because 'angry grandpa' makes all those other videos wearing an 'angry grandpa' T-shirt doesnt mean that ....


... oh :blush:




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Were those human beings in that video? Was the setting representative of what anyone would recognize as a "home"?


In any event, the message seems to be - if your parents interfere with your access to "devices" and "programming", then call the authorities and have them committed to a mental hospital.


Of course, the "dysfunctional family" has been a staple of modern media. Earlier, starting with 1950s stuff like "mother-in-law jokes" and the "my wife,,," jokes, the intent was just to divide the husband and wife. Then we saw the kids become involved as "juvenile delinquents" separating from the parents (as special "family" courts were being set up to do just that legally), and now it seems that since they have everyone "podded" - directly wired to programming all the time - that access to the "pods" and "devices" is obviously more important than access to parents and grandparents. The grandpa character seems just like an updated and "psychonized" luddite from the early TV days. Older people in the 50s did recognize the trajectory of this stuff as TV was being rolled out, so right away they were portrayed in the programming as "squares" or "out of it" or "against progress". Young people, not knowing any better, took it up and looked for signs of what the media was showing as ways of reacting to their own families. They learned to fight for their right to party, etc.


Family identifications, inheritances, land claims, individuality, etc - all this is being destructed and dismantled to produce better, more compliant, and less proprietary (of themselves) citizens.



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I see it as LCD entertainment for people with LCD expectations in life (and it was clearly fake, which makes it worse, in a way. It indicates that there's a genuine audience for this stuff).

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