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When Positive is Negative

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That sounds very New Agey.


Let's start with this concept of "source energy." What does this mean? The source of energy? Energy is an illusion, illusion of a perceived separation from Source. From a Taoist/Prajnaparamita Buddhist view, Source is not a generative force nor cause,...thus the term "source energy" is pretty much an oxymoronic notion.


How many times does a person need to look at E=MC2,...before realizing that from Light's point of view, it travels no distance in no time, without any "energy," and has no need for speed. Energy is about duality,...yang/yin,...not the Tao.

Energy comes and goes. The Tao/Source does no come or go. Energy can NEVER cease coming and going. Source and energy NEVER meet.


The Tao/Source is synonymous with being Present. There is no Present in energy, nor in time.


Positive and negative is about coming and going. Yang comes, while Yin goes.


Most folks fear Yin,...they desire coming,...but attempt to deny going.



The link above says, "The most difficult phase after becoming "aware", is to endure the phase during which the past negative momentum ebbs away." What the heck is that supposed to mean?



To realize "real awareness," to be liberated from duality. If one is liberated from an attachment to duality, there is no positive nor negative that needs enduring. Enduring is a condition that Christians associate with love.


Christian love says, "love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things", 1 Cor 13:7. HOWEVER, this , bearing, believing, hoping and enduring is merely ridiculous conditions,....the submission, devotion, expectation and suffering to the conditions of their religions brewed beliefs.


Who we are is never disconnect from Source.


Who we think we are, is not disconnected from the illusion of energy.


I did not over analyse this article and liked the general point that life is not 'negative'. Yes we have Yang and Yin and Yang comes, while Yin goes, as you put it but Yin does not deny itself. It affirms itself, it is Yin It is affirming, it's 'positive' in that way and life is affirming and positive too looked at from that perspective, or that's what I got from it anyway.


Wordz wordz absurdz absurdz just because people use different words does not mean they are not making sense I got his meaning regarding source energy and separation, yes maybe his use of words are incorrect in this context.


You say: 'The link above says, "The most difficult phase after becoming "aware", is to endure the phase during which the past negative momentum ebbs away." What the heck is that supposed to mean?'


From reading some of his other articles I think he is saying it takes time to physically grow new neural pathways to reflect a new awareness (understanding) and for a new understanding to fully integrated into our consciousness.


From my perspective I certainly know when I am learning something it does actually take time for me to integrate it fully, digest it so it's 'real' to me so it's immediate understanding and immediate knowledge.


iPads are not built for text!



Edited by Infinity

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Regarding the lady in the video. She lacks warmth and spontaneity. Being in the present is dynamic and new she comes across cold and calculating. She seems over analytical and her observations were not insightful to me. Pictures were nice.

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I feel that you are making a great assumption in believing that she is "dumbing her message down" to suit her audience. My own suspicion is that she is sufficiently more advanced than her fan base to impress them and even to induce a state of adoration. That is as far as it goes.


She sets the warning bells ringing and I fear that she is in fact serious bad news.

No,...I watched too many comments to assume otherwise. Teachers do it all the time,...they cannot, even if they wanted, discuss algebra, if the audience is having trouble understanding math,...or in these cases, understanding anything above Maslow's Lowerarchy or theistic beliefs.


I've recognized in myself many years ago that I could not be a teacher,...what a crazy life, unless that's your vocation. I have a hiking friend who just retired as a grade school teacher,...30 years teaching 4th graders.


One of my favorite quotes:


One evening, while gathered in the big lounge at the Taliesin Fellowship, G. I. Gurdjieff was talking to some pupils, who were listening with attention. Frank Lloyd Wright, husband of Gurdjieff’s student Olgivanna, said, “Well, Mr. Gurdjieff, this is very interesting. I think I will send some of my young pupils to you in Paris. Then they can come back to me, and I’ll finish them off.”

“You finish! You are idiot,” said Gurdjieff. “You finish! No. You begin. I finish.”


“You know, Frank,” said Olgivanna, “Mr. Gurdjieff is right.” As regards “being and understanding,” Wright was a child compared with Gurdjieff.

—C. S. Nott. Journey Through This World (152)

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The top Tube: Spiritual Bypassing is quite beyond elementary,...and I doubt if 2% of humanity could even grasp it. Nevertheless, it looked like a good Tube to add to a discussion of Positive-Negative,...which still hasn't occurred,...almost as if the denial she mentioned is alive-and-well here @ TTB.


One, quite denied, subject she broached was "Pure Positive,"...which I'm certain is over the head of 99.4% of all who pass over that term.


"Pure Positive" is very advanced Buddhism-Taoism.


A self help purveyor once put it this way:


"We teach meditation, or quieting the mind, because it is really easier to teach you to have no thoughts, than to teach you to have pure, positive thought. We would rather you be in a state of appreciation, than in a state of meditation, because in appreciation you uncover Source."


In other words,...meditation, although useful for physical-emotional calmness,...usually is a form of "spiritual bypassing."


"Do you think you can clear your mind by sitting constantly in silent meditation? This makes your mind narrow, not clear." Lao-Tzu


"The practice of meditation is represented by the three monkeys, who cover their eyes, ears and mouths so as to avoid the phenomenal world. The practice of non-meditation is ceasing to be the see-er, hearer or speaker while eyes, ears and mouths are fulfilling their function in daily life." - Wei Wu Wei


Hui Neng reportedly scolded his monks for spending too much time sitting in meditation....He said that meditation is unnecessary, and warned that such practice can easily become a narcotic.


“meditation and spiritual teachings are all gentle deceptions meant to soothe the inner coward, not forge the inner hero." Jed McKenna


"The state of non-meditation is born in the heart...." Jigme Lingpa


“If your purpose is to medicate dukkha,...then meditate. If your wish is bodhi,...practice absolute bodhicitta.” A Buddhist saying.


The practice of Absolute Bodhicitta encourages the uncovering of Pure Positive.

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Regarding the lady in the video. She lacks warmth and spontaneity. Being in the present is dynamic and new she comes across cold and calculating. She seems over analytical and her observations were not insightful to me. Pictures were nice.



Being in the Present. This must be the greatest fear of ego. The ego cannot experience the Present,...thus it generally fights the idea with prejudgments of what it looks like.


Although for the last few dozen years, the term "being in the present" has been as a mantra in New Age Spirituality,...almost no one recognizes what that truly is.


In the few Tubes I viewed of this Teal Swan, she has made several mentions of the term Present as it actually is,....that which is beyond time and duality. The instruments of duality, ie., the 6 senses, CANNOT observe the Present. Neither the Tao, nor a Tathagata, can be observed through the 6 senses. The 6 senses can only perceive motion.


As mentioned in an above post,...I just came across this Teal Swan a few days ago. Although the Tubes I've listened to, are focused towards some very Maslow Lowerarchy persons,...she has occasionally made as-matter-of-fact comments far above the level of her audience.


Nevertheless,...this is a fun thread. My whole life I've observed different ways how people dodge important subjects. One of the humorous is how folks go after messengers, and avoid the message.


Actually, I recall full or partial threads on the subject of messenger focus,...

Edited by Vmarco

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In all honesty I really do not care about her, I am following another path at the moment and she has not stolen my heart.


The phrase 'Going after her' is a bit strong, it's as if she was stalked and then attacked when her video is the subject being discussed (sharing opinions) on a forum? Giving an opinion on a video in a forum is not really going after someone inmho.


Your very defensive of her it seems. Different strokes, different folks :-)

Edited by Infinity

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Yes, the fact that it has produced very little discussion on the theme, When Positive is Negative,...something appears complicated indeed,...the most complicated of all,...when few, if any, see it being complicated.  Of course, on another hand, perhaps the lack of discussion on When Positive is Negative, is really an indictment on When Positive is Negative.


Thanks for the Ingrid Mathieu, PhD link to her August 1, 2011 book,...which is similiar it appears, to Robert Masters, Ph.D, Spiritual Bypassing. Basically, I wasn't attempting to start a discussion on Spiritual Bypassing, but on the all-important subject of Positive and Negative,...without which, the Tao cannot be understood as Lao Tzu was describing.


Ultimately, until Who's Who in Duality is realized,...any real awakening is futile.

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Can we really judge what is positive or negative until we know the whole story?


Any action conducted on behalf of the small 'i' egoic mind geared towards becoming or avoiding could be deemed negative. But those same actions may lead eventually to a 'positive' aligned natural (relationship with self) outcome?


If we go beyond the little 'i' mind based duality everything is everything is... unfathomable...ineffable...


So beyond 'i' self positive is negative and vice versa (and that is incorrect too) as it is really superfluous and this question is surely just a mind game? Which is neither good nor bad. :-)

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Many today strive for the perception of positiveness,...however, as Teal Swan articulates in the link,.."positiveness is like an anesthetic"...and is really, for most, a form of denial.


She equates today's "being positive trend" as an aspect of Spiritual Bypassing.


Yes, the fact that it has produced very little discussion on the theme, When Positive is Negative,...


But it seems that most replies are trying to say (I don't really mean to speak for others but this is my impression) she is playing the spokesperson for the very thing she is talking against.


Her 1 year method is a "being positive trend"... to "strive for the perception of positiveness"... doing something for 1 year straight is a kind of 'anesthetic'.


So I would say that for all her attempts to appear 'positive', most of us see her 'negative'.


Now... I am not saying that her 1 year challenge would not be successful for some... but she does not seem to be aware of how she appears to be in the same playground as what she speaks against.

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Can we really judge what is positive or negative until we know the whole story?



So beyond 'i' self positive is negative and vice versa (and that is incorrect too) as it is really superfluous and this question is surely just a mind game? Which is neither good nor bad. :-)


In my view,'s not a question about judging, stand on Lao Tzu's shoulders,...positive and negative are two aspects of the same One. Many appear to seek the One,...not only through positive alone,...but as an End Game, if One is the Tao.


One is not the Tao (according to Lao Tzu). Lao Tzu, like Buddha,....implied that the Tao (or in Buddha's case, the Tathagata) cannot be realized through duality, but through the One,...which, is itself as a wholeness of duality, and as illusory as duality.


However,...before "Oneness" can really be recognized, understanding of duality, Yang-Yin, positive-negative, must occur.


From my POV, is quite unlikely to ever realize Who we are, until When we are is understood,...and the When is very veiled by duality. When we are is in the Present,...and the ego can NEVER observe the Present,...because the ego, and its 6 senses, are part of time,...and there is no Present in time.

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I watched the video. Seems to me she lays out a real problem, ie people avoiding confronting there problems then she lays out a straw dog argument that this is an incredible mystery that no one addresses, naming Catholicism, meditation, new age etc. She's wrong, each of the systems she mentions does have mechanisms and traditions for self analysis and probing problems. Its just the usual egotism at work to say, Only I have the solution.


If she wasn't so wrapped up in Only I, game, she could learn some fairly wise approaches from the various traditions she immediately dismisses.

Edited by thelerner
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