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David 62

I'm in! Admin. kindly disregard my emails...

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Well, I guess this is the place and time I tell you all who I am...

But, I don't know that, so perhaps I'll tell you a bit about what I've done and what I'm doing, and you can then tell me who I am...


I am a male, married, 50+ two awesome kids 4 and 2, A Reiki master instructor, I went to school for a while, I have a BA PSYC/RLST and a second BA SOC, and an MA RLST. did some other stuff too...

As an aside, I am cognitively Challenged/impaired and have a lot of difficulty with spelling.

I'm a martial arts instructor, and am interested in TCM and its applications within the arts.

As an undergrad in Religious Studies (RLST) my focus was primarily on Buddhism, its union with Taoism to become Chan Buddhism, and its union with Shintoism to form Zen Buddhism. as well as a wack of folk religions. But I really am about the Tao.

Now, I am not what one might call a religions person, I'm not even what you might call a spiritual person, but I do accept that our limited range of perception, as humans, will never allow us to understand reality what ever that might look like. Babel babel....

anyway yeah, so, stumbled onto the site here while looking for some info on meridians and acupressure points and now here I am, all becouse I could not resist the erdge to chime in with my two cents worth of free information.

yeah, guess I could stop now...

Good night.

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Hello David, and welcome to the forums!


Please take the time to read the two posts pinned at the top of the Lobby and take a look at the forum terms and rules This covers all you need to know when getting started.


For the first week you will be restricted to five posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like.


Thank you for the very informative and interesting intro, well done. I'm looking forward to seeing your contributions in the forums :)


Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you,


SC and the TTB team

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