
Yi Jin Jing and Xi Sui Jing

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I been thinking about sharing some findings and techniques (sp?) on these two, that I found so far. Nothing new or "new age".

Here is some old post of me for a start:

I am not in a position to talk in any way scholarly about this. I can only recount the info I found and how it was practiced by a number of Chinese a good long time after Damo. And this would be using Yi Jin Jing and Lohan Gong as the foundation for Xi Sui Jing, which as said before, is known to me as a sitting meditation with similarities to Mopai "level 1" but also some allusions to the "golden flower method". How to use the meditative method for "correct" sitting, standing, walking and even sleeping I found also shortly alluded to. I am certain that using these methods will "open" the different energy channels and chakras over time.



"Yi Jin Jing practice can increase physical power and strenghten the body of a practicioner and nothing more. Only the method "Rinsing marrow" (Xi Sui) can make a man inspired. [...] For sucessful practice in "Rinsing marrow" one must, first of all, have very serious intention and firm resolution. One must cast aside seven Qing (feelings) and six Yu (desires), give up all vain desires and leave behind axiety about life and death. At first it is difficult for a practicioner even to imagine all that but with time he starts to understand how to get success. You will be able to disappear and appear, free yourself (from earthly passions) and reach the top of perfection. You will be flesh and blood; nevertheless, you will be able to fly freely like the wind. Practice methods do not look like methods of Yi Jin Jing, though achievements in Yi Jin Jing are used as a base (for Xi Sui Jing practice). Primordially "Canon on Rinsing Marrow" (Xi Sui Jing) was written in Sanskrit and later translated into Chinese. There is a xylographic edition; Buddhist monk Di Chen has a copy which I saw with my own eyes. It is a genuine Shaolin relic. However the book contains a lot of special terms, notions and allegories based on the Buddhist teaching, therefore it is very difficult for a layman to understand and realize them so the book causes confusion and bewilderment in people."


Account of master Jin Yi Ming, Lian Gong Mi Jue, Shanghai 1930.


The Yi Jin Jing exercises I know are 12 in number (Da Liu also mentions them it seems in his book about Daoist health teachings) and actually rather simple. I been starting all over and am still at the first form again recently. Not sure if it would make any sense to describe the forms here.

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In case the question arises why I posted this here and not in the General or Buddhist section: Both the factual history as well as the terms used indicate a Daoist connection rather than a Buddhist. Same as master Jin Yi Ming was counted under Wudang rather than Shaolin (this separation in two fractions as a movement is more than questionable though).

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On 12/19/2013 at 4:12 AM, bakeneko said:

"Yi Jin Jing practice can increase physical power and strenghten the body of a practicioner and nothing more. .

While true that Yi Jin Jing can and does increase physical strength it does a little more. Basically the whole reason I got into qigong in the first place was for mental wellbeing. I practice mostly Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming's stuff. As an acupuncturist have found his explanation to be one I agree with from personal experience and theoretically as well. The qi is built up to a high level in the arms by doing the set. Once finished the qi in the arms moves through the channels opening blockages and nourishing and healing the internal organs. This brings a deep level of health both physically and mentally. 

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On Shaolin Temple's Official webstie ( this article is featured:


"Yi Jin Jing and Xi Sui Jing


Yi Jin Jing (Muscle/Tendon Changing Classic) and Xi Sui Jing (Tendon Transformation and Marrow-Purification Classic) the legendary Bodhidharma's timeless classics have been considered as Treasure Arts of Songshan Shaolin Temple.


1. Begin the regeneration of the Body [Chin.: Yìjīnjīng 易筋经]


Bodhidharma's Yi Jin Jing [Muscle/Tendon Changing Classic] is a relatively intense form of exercise that aims at strengthening the muscles and tendons, so promoting strength and flexibility, speed and stamina, balance and coordination of the body. These exercises are notable for being a key element of the physical conditioning used in Shaolin training.

The Yi Jin Jing taught the Shaolin Monks how to build their internal energy [Qi] to an abundant level and use it to improve health and change their physical bodies from weak to strong. After the Monks practiced the Yi Jin Jing exercises, they found that not only did they improve their health, but also they also greatly increased their strength.

When this training was integrated into the martial arts forms, it increased their martial techniques. This change marked one more step in the growth of the Shaolin Martial Arts.

Yi Jin Jing it is a mixture of Yoga and Kalaripayattu, an ancient Indian Martial Art from Kalari. Kalaripayattu philosophy is Dharma - Yuddha [War of Truth]. A Dharma - Yuddha begins only if the fighter touches his Masters right hand with his right hand and his opponent chest and hand. This move means that the fight can begin only through the mind and if only heart approved it. Maybe it is not a coincidence that one of the First Shaolin Martial arts named Xin Yi Quan [Heart through mind boxing].

The basis of these works, the physical drills, were called 18 Luohan Arts [Chin.: shíbā luóhàn shù十八罗汉术] and were incorporated into the Shaolin Qi Gong and martial arts [what became known as Shaolin Wu Gong] training of the times. Number of these physical drills tends to change, 18 should be the correct one [according to the 18 Luohans], but can vary from 10 to 24, to 30.


2. Begin the regeneration of the jing [Chin.: xǐsuǐjīng洗髓经]


Bodhidharma's Xi Sui Jing [Tendon-Transformation and Marrow-Purification] is one of the most revered internal Wugong exercises of the Shaolin Monastery. Practicing Bodhidharma's Xi Sui Jing cleanses and purifies not only the body but also the mind through the regulation and enhancement of the body's internal energy [Qi], blood, fluids, and nutrients.


The Xi Sui Jing taught the Shaolin Monks how to use their own Qi to clean their bone marrow and strengthen their immune system, as well as how to nourish and energize the brain, helping them to attain Buddhahood. Because the Xi Sui Jing was hard to understand and practice, the training methods were passed down secretly to only a very few disciples in each generation of Shaolin Monks.

Xi Sui Jing meaning can be inferred from Buddha's word.

"All life is endowed with the essence of Buddha. Bodily desires and emotions induce the folly of ignorance and attachment, the deception by the "three fires"(greed, anger and illusion), and other polluting ideas, thus precipitating the distinction between the suffering minds of ordinary people and those who have attained Buddhahood. To achieve the state of Buddhahood all righteous men and women must dispatch all illusions and attachments and the entire body must be thoroughly cleansed of obstructions and contaminates."

The practice of this technique not only makes it possible to reinforce the muscles, the ligaments and the bones, but it also makes it possible to purify the marrow, from where the origin of its name.


It exerts a real influence on the prevention and the improvement of chronic diseases such as the depression, gastritis acute or chronic, disease of the respiratory system or cardiovascular, weakness of the kidneys, pathology of the vertebrae, arthritis, impotence, etc. It is advised to practice it after having assimilated the "Yi Jin jing".


By Shaolin Master Shi Yan Zhuo


Head Master of the Greek Shaolin Temple Cultural Center"


 - Although I'm skeptic about the kalaripayatu connection, as it seems far fetched, the quote of Buddha did rung a bell to me, since whereas I can practice Yi Jin Jing without working much or anything in removing the "three fires", as the quote says, since YJJ is more physical than spiritual, Xi Sui Jing had a profound effect on me and I had to drop it. Either I wasn't ready energetically or the "three fires" really became like fire (since I couldn't overcome them at the time). That said, I wouldn't recommend Xi Sui Jing to a beginner obviously. Rather leave it for when if you ever reach like a spiritual strength pinnacle when you can remove all spiritual and phsyical obstacles or something, and sitck just to YJJ. After all, if Xi Sui Jing is really more of an advanced spiritual practice, related, as the article said, to Buddhahood, it is the same as saying that it's only for those that are fit on the path to Enlightenment and even Moksha, liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. If this is true, it is definitly not for the common person still dealing with its spiritual and phsysical weaknessess and with lots of material attachments. Sometimes we dive into something thinking it's no big deal, and that we know it all, and in turn it ends up owning you. That is why there are monks, and laymen, and I know that now.

Edited by gnome
Corrections of ideas
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