
Ego Control Therapy - How About a Training Thread ?

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On edit:


The Lord in Heaven is my true father.


But Hermes gave me great gifts.


Perhaps he is my uncle.


People ask about the siddhis.


Here is one of mine.


I am a super poet.




Thank you very much for your marvellous contributions chegg and Mal.


Especially chegg!


:gives the hamster a cuddle.


But what happens when the Fool steps off the cliff?



ps I think I prefer the Rider Waite.


pps I just got my own joke! They reveal themselves later!


But Hermes gave me great gifts.

Perhaps he is my uncle.


Well, I'll Be!


Ha ha ha.


A monkey's uncle!



Edited by Captain Mar-Vell
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found this:


"Some people have trouble realizing they are ill, this is called agnososia and it means you are so sick you don't realize you are sick."


I'm thinking there must be a word for when you're so drunk you don't realize you're drunk.


And so in love, too.


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I'm thinking there must be a word for when you're so drunk you don't realize you're drunk.








Dude1: "Hey dude, we drank ourselves under the table last night"


Dude2: "Yeah, I don't remember a thing, we were paralytic"





Edited by chegg
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Then a slight paranoia would set in..."what if I offended someone with my tyrant examples ? "..


:) Many people care more about how others feel, than how they feel themselves. ( Is this thread full of empaths ?) This comment reminded me of another thread


Corrupt a Wish is a somewhat fun game (a bit like kicking a sandcastle) but it tends to leave you with a feeling of:-

"Ha Ha Ha, Yes! I successfully stuffed that persons wish .... errr. .. mmmmm .... :("


Unlike the haiku chain where the joy comes from cooperative creation, not destruction.

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Special, Christmas Edition, Ego Control Training Example.....



(tyrant starts off with a bang.....flames everyone)


Tyrant: I cant get a good discussion on cultivation on this website, 99.99% of the people here are newage r*tards.


Trainee: Hey Mr Tyrant, you just trolled everyone on the tao bums.


Tyrant: But its true, this forum is for discussion of things related to taoism. Idiots like you pollute this forum with your newage mumbo jumbo.


Trainee: But the majority here enjoy diversity and use the similarities to other teachings to validate their own principles and ideas. Besides, we treat everything like straw cats.


Tyrant: You dimwitted moron, you have no idea what you are talking about. If you want religion, go to a church and stay there.


Trainee: You must learn not speak like that, you yourself have mentioned magic and pagan gods. That is very negative and you criticize everyone else ?


Tyrant: Listen you low-life, bible quoting, tao reject, scumbag. All that comes from your mouth is worthless rubbish. You have not contributed one positive piece of text to this forum. All you do is come on here and continually spam each thread with your own half-assed belief system. Even the moderator has had a gut full of your crap !


(moderator finally arrives (late as ever) but asserts his great authority straight off the mark)


Monty-Brian: I resemble that remark !, I resemble that remark ! squaaark, squaaark, I resemble that remark !


Trainee: Mr. moderator, please explain to the tyrant, that his remarks do not follow the TOS.


Monty-Brian: I think it is you Mr Trainee, that needs to tidy up your act. The members are frowning. They are frowning, DID YOU HEAR ME ! THEY ARE FROWNING !


Trainee: I think they are upset at you and the tyrant for allowing things to get out of hand like this.


Tyrant: I am going to send a friggin' demon over to you and set you on fire if you don't shut up (tyrant mentions the nastiest possible demon name to assert his authority over (and scare) the trainee).


Trainee: Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


(trainee runs for the hills)

Edited by chegg

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Did you mush MPG and I together for the tyrant? ROFL ROFL ROFL


Absolutely, and everyone else too ! The members here are an infinite source of inspiration. ROFL.





Bless you BKA

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Edited by chegg
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