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Man's Destiny - Fixed of Fiddley ?

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I too am an ascended hamster.


So, like yeah Chegg.




I know what you mean.


In the instant I shattered my bonds past and future were rewritten.


The shock wave ripples of that event went forward and back in time.


I could see.


The past and future mirroring around that point.


Most strange.


"Man does have limited free will; he can decide whether or not to surrender to the will of Krishna. All other material happenings and their implications are inconceivably predestined."


I quite consciously surrendered myself to the Higher Will.


That's what precipitated it.


On 11/11/11.



Edited by Captain Mar-Vell

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Hiya BaguKicksAss,


Imposing you're will onto others doesn't sound like a nice thing to do. I wonder if it would be ok to do that to someone if they ask for your help ? I think that's still bordering on darker side of magic. I like to pray for people and leave it to the experts on the other side.


How can you know for sure that you can direct your own destiny? If the will of your spirit is subtly superimposed over your lower personalities thoughts and desires it would be hard to know.



Blessed are you !

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:


My will, huh? When someone asks for my help with something and sounds like they are miserable, I will get to work. However sometimes the universe lets me know that such help would change their destiny. In such cases I don't do the work.


Perhaps we all have different opinions of my will and dark magic though.


I can say that I have most definitely found out that I did change my destiny at one point :). Though one can never be too sure I guess, it could always be one's destiny to go changing their destiny...

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Sorry, I meant to say "If you were to impose your will onto others, it doesn't sound like a nice thing to do."


Anyway, the main point of my post is that I wanted to know how true this statement in the OP is..... "could not move the line of his destiny the breadth of one hair."


Sounds like its not very true from what you have said but from what I've experienced, I may be true depending on a particular point of view.


/chegg goes back to ponder




Blessings of a happy destiny

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:


What if you could clearly see someone's destiny, and it was quite long and horrible, and they have asked for your help. And you had a way to change it... yet it is not meant to be. This has led to much frustration for me on a couple of occasions! However I don't do anything because if it isn't meant to be, that means it isn't for the person's highest good for whatever reason.


Now this sort of thing I see as completely differently than imposing my will on others. Imposing my will on others is more little stuff like getting a sales clerk to take back a product I had bought, but their store policy forbade it. (now that's most definitely grey magic).


Many beleive that one cannot and should not change fate, others make their practice of helping others to do so, to improve their fate.


Also, what about the intervention of Deities? I wonder if that is changing fate, or it was meant to be to receive their help and/or blessings? I have seen some blessings do some pretty miraculous things.

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If I go poke someone's eyes out tomorrow, then I would be changing their destiny (permanently).

Why would that be changing their destiny?

Perhaps it would simply mean it was their destiny to have their eyes poked out.

Destiny is more of a general flow of things towards a given end.

Anything I do I prefix with "An' it be thy Will," directed to the Higher Will, and I only do things for the benefit of all sentient beings. Sometimes I add the "Not my Will but thy Will be done" with various gestures etc.

Never harm anything, complete Ahimsa.

Boddhisatva way.

Its ok to speak up, I wont troll your posts or belittle your opinion (not like some others like to do here)

Intellectual pride is one a the hardest things to control.

I da Pure One!


Was it Steiner who referred to Lucifer as "the material intellect"?


I certainly do suffer from Pride from time to time.


I get these pains in my shoulders.


Oh oh really cheggy you dont mind if i call you that do you, i do think you are super and stuff.


So I got you a great little clip!




Ha ha ha!



Edited by Captain Mar-Vell
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Hmm, who knows? That's probably my wisest response...


On a less lofty note though, I wonder if ultimately all our destinies are fixed, yet we have endless room for fiddling and tweaking the road there...


As for meddling with others destinies, I cant say I feel any particular way about it. I generally think about it as a waste of time or energy, but if someone I care about {or who pays me} ask's me to do something I usually will, or if i feel motivated to do something to or for someone, I also usually will


As for good or bad intentions towards others, i wish to avoid the hubris of thinking that I could know that the outcome of a blessing will be more beneficial {ultimately} than a curse for someone. I have seen curses cause a total inner revolution in the victim, and I have seen people spiral down, deeper and deeper, by getting everything they want when they want it. That said i still lean much more strongly towards 'beneficial' acts...


I tend to have a more natural view of it these days. At a very basic instinctual level, I do what I need to do, when I need to do it.

I don't care for discussions about whether it really is just my ego deciding what I/they need as it seems irrelevant. If someone pisses me off too much, getting in my face there will be some kind of consequence. If I can't reach them physically there will be other consequences. This is rare though, cause my interpersonal and diplomatic skills are quite amazing. lol.


With my friends or loved ones, sometimes I 'feel' that someone 'needs' something. I could sit around questioning it all day, pondering ethics, free will, rights and so on, but that is not really my cup of tea and only results in me feeling lousy that I didn't help when I could.


I am quite aware just how much we impact each other. I impact others, they impact me, and the universe is not always nice and fluffy. I accept that and do what I feel I have to do. If I can help someone who needs it, or fuck off some asshole so be it. I am happy to do it.


The more immersed in the sentient universe I became, the more natural all this felt to me. We are magical beings and the universe is full of adventure and happiness and despair and we play the parts we can.

I guess it was shocking to me when I first began experiencing just how many spirits make up this world we live in, and just how little of who we think we are is actually who we are... Now though I love it. It seems to me that those who don't accept their capacity to influence and be influenced have deep walls up to participating with life.


I am a force of nature, and I affect my universe and those within it who come into contact with me.


That's just my shtick though and who cares really... There are probably a gazillion+ differing views, and I am deeply fulfilled by living the way I live.

Edited by Seth Ananda
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Ninja Scrolls!


Ha ha ha!


Great Sage Equal of Heaven has spoken!


One day you hear my voice for real!


Hooom homm


I ain't on no-one's side.. 'cos no-one's on mine!


Except the Good Lord in Heaven.



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