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Topic derail, spring forest qigong masters words and thoughts

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So then Effie Chow says indeed she had a Japanese "master" at one of her World Congresses - and he could only throw his own students but not the new students!


Effie Chow then said that she can throw people who are strangers.


So that Japanese fake master sounds like the fake KIAI master who was on youtube getting beat up by the MMA fighter...


I showed that video to Spring Forest qigong Master Jim Nance and he laughed saying that the old Japanese master was fake....

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pythagoreanfulllotus, do you just practice sitting meditation?


or do you also do SF qi gong standing?

Edited by SonOfTheGods

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I do some standing but mainly full lotus meditation.


I've been meditating less since it's summer so more outside work but also basking in the Spring forest Qigong Master Jim Nance healings....


I mean he can just send energy into me from the fundamental level of reality - and anyway obviously if I meditate more then things get real trippy fast.


So it just depends how much I meditate but I do both ideally.


Like a good four hour session - just do three hours sitting full lotus and start with half hour standing and end with half hour standing.

But I haven't done that in a while....

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Like a good four hour session - just do three hours sitting full lotus and start with half hour standing and end with half hour standing.

But I haven't done that in a while....

I figured as much, but wanted to ask.


I do similar, but sit in full lotus for about 2 hours, about 15 - 30 minutes standing and some Magick. No longer do SFQG though.



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I figured as much, but wanted to ask.


I do similar, but sit in full lotus for about 2 hours, about 15 - 30 minutes standing and some Magick. No longer do SFQG though.




Do you sit in full lotus at the computer? That's the only way to surf the internet....


pre-emptive defense.

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Do you sit in full lotus at the computer? That's the only way to surf the internet....


pre-emptive defense.

Yes, I always sit in full lotus. It has become second nature now.


Defense against the psychic vampires

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Just had Spring Forest Qigong Master Jim Nance set my brain on fire!! He was burning it up with his light energy! Then he opened up my heart and I was bawling. Soul tears as they call it. Kind of embarrassing but anyway he healed my lower body a lot also....


Uploading his qi talk right now.

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it goes bad again for just a bit but the is back good the rest of the 43 mns now.


I was in full lotus for this whole talk.


There was an interesting sound from the lady next to she was pumping her leg. haha. Sucking up my energy.


I'm listening to see if it got picked up.

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For the first time in a month I slept through the night symptom free!


Thank you qigong master Jim Nance!


My new blog post features a photo of Jim Nance receiving the Iowa State Championship trophy for basketball.


See Jim Nance when he was still in high school - already a master....

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