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Any recommendations for Qi Gong teachers in New York

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Can you recommend a teacher in NYC? I am practicing Zhineng Qigong right now, but don't mind changing the system if there is a great teacher available. Or do people rather go to retreats outside around NY?

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Personally I began my practice of qigong from a DVD and visit my teacher once every year or two. However, that just worked for me. Dont really know any teachers inthe big apple, but I am sure there are.


My 2 cents, Peace

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Can you recommend a teacher in NYC? I am practicing Zhineng Qigong right now, but don't mind changing the system if there is a great teacher available. Or do people rather go to retreats outside around NY?
I study Eternal Spring Chi Kung at CK Chu Tai Chi which is located at 156W44th Times Square. I love the system in addition to the other classes taught there (ie. Tai Chi Chuan, Push Hands, Nei Kung ). The website is for more info. The school offers free Eternal Spring Chi Kung classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:39 am at Bryant Park at W43st and 6th Ave. They usually get between 30-40 people at those classes.Also I recently started a free Eternal Spring class in the north Bronx in Van Cortlandt Park on Sunday Mornings at 8am as I posted in another thread. Also this weekend 06/30 there is an Eternal Spring Chi Kung seminar at 1pm at the school. The seminar is a more in-depth discussion of ES Chi Kung.where you're encouraged to ask questions and get more individual corrections. Good luck on your search.


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Hi Christian,


This might be off topic, but you may also study Chen Taijiquan with Master Yu Guo Shun


It is not Qigong per se but you may receive tremendous benefits from the practice besides the intrinsic benefit of learning something from a good master.


C.K Chu is good also



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