
The Tao of Dying

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to eradicate human misery, it must be allowed to run its course and vacate naturally.


I agree. Wu wei (無爲) is the way, the only goddam way. Let AIDS wipe out Africans and nuclear weapons the human race.


Are you with me?


Natural Healers will "appear to" run off of the misery of others "rather than try to eradicate it", when in truth, they are taking it away from others, so that it may run its course through them and vacate the world thereafter.


I think I get what you mean but can you rephrase that in simple English? Are you saying that do-gooders are evil?


Healers who do not know their nature will become burdened with crippling physiological aliments, yet refuse to give them up; it is their very nature to allow misery to run its course and be eradicated hence.



Why is that, my friend? You are very astute. What's wrong with these people? Can you lay it out?

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What’s your own truth? This question inquires into what is true. Everything we know as real is what we have accepted as real. Things like the sky above, the ground beneath our feet, the planet we call Earth, the human body we inhabit, and this consciousness we have of our reality.

My own Truth is Infinite. It is an eternal journey. Beautiful. The fictional Jesus said 'In my Father's House there are many mansions', and many is how many! Infinite! Eternal! Oh what a beautiful Mystery we Are. I have returned to the point of questioning everything, what I know for certain is I - my Consciousness, not this physical vehicle, is real; is eternal, infinite and forever expanding as I realize how little I know! The sky, ground and even our planet are all illusions, all temporary and will one day cease to exist. They appear real because we have been conditioned to believe it to be this way. We function like unthinking machines a lot of the time, for example when a baby is born the parents register the birth, send it to nursery, infants, juniors and secondary school; and all because they have been conditioned to do so without questioning why! Here's another example:

A young married wife when making sandwiches always cut off the crusts. After a couple of years of marriage the husband asked his wife why she cut the crusts off the sandwiches. She answered because her mother had always done so. Another example is people who follow a particular religion - I was guilty of this myself when I became a born again christian, well up to a point! I blindly believed that I was a sinner and needed saving, Jesus was our saviour, his blood washed away the sins of those who believed in him. See I even remember the sales pitch! Within me though raged a fierce battle. At 12 I read 'The Third Eye' by Lobsang T Rampa and this is how my interest in metaphysics was aroused, I continued to read all of his books - 17 or so; and enjoyed every one. So my 18 months as a christian were hostile as I wrestled with what the pastor was preaching(I dislike that word immensely!), and I could not delete my esoteric beliefs - I knew it would be wrong to do so. The church wanted me to burn my heavy metal selection - I refused! Not a chance of that happening! I began to question this religion and the answer led me to leave the church and denounce my faith, I was free again like Jonathon Livingstone Seagull. He too was on a quest and he was forced to become an outcast because he would not conform. Our consciousness is everywhere and not confined with the physical brain, the brain is a keyboard which our consciousness utilizes to navigate through the Earth Zone. When I look at the Sun my consciousness reaches the Sun, as with the Moon and with people; my consciousness envelopes what I look at. I may sound somewhat cuckoo but I'm in good company! Have you seen any of Rupert Sheldrake's presentations? If not please do, you'll be in for a treat - I've included a presentation below:-

If we accept these basic facts at face value, then we can take our chances to live out our temporal life as best we can and die out along with the body like any other animal. If we are not content and want to seek the truth beyond what is our reality or attempt to explain reality, then the confusion begins.

Confusion is believing what we are expected to believe! Like I just explained above about my experience as a christian, I became utterly confused and unhappy! Because I was a gullible young man! The reason I became a christian was because my friend invited me to church and I saw what I needed - happy people(but were they really!). My own teenage years were turbulent due to my Mum's alcohol problem and the dysfunctional family which we became. When I saw all these happy clappy people I was hooked! In truth I joined another dysfunctional 'family'! Sadly, our Earth Family is in great danger due to us dysfunctional humans!

To stop seeking, as you advocate, is for each of us to accept our reality - this monstrous human condition - the way you accept your health problems until death mercifully puts an end to it.

Yes sree! Don't seek! Look were it got me when I was 18! All my answers were closer than my heartbeat - within. The monstrous human condition can be erased in a hearbeat by not seeking - whether that be power, fame or money etc. Know Thyself. Simple. We are conditioned by those who have been conditioned before us. Our true nature is Love, we are Love. And one day we will all know this beautiful Truth. A new(ish) religion is the cult of celebrity were people worship well known figures from film, TV(Idiot Box), music and sports. Yet more conditioning! One more diversion to contend with, and its planned this way by the psychopaths who are in power - well, the psychopaths are mere puppets who are well paid by the real powerbrokers - but thats another story! We humans get lost in our many stories. Stop seeking and see the stories for what they are - stories.

Wu wei (無爲), a central teaching of the Tao Te Ching, questions our worldview and the reaction it provokes. The perception of ourselves as an animal specie that is monstrous and horrifyingly cruel is itself a reaction to what we are. On the one hand, you show a wu wei attitude towards the monstrous havoc afflicted on your body by diseases but on the other, you resent the horrifying effects of a cruel human nature that we suffer. Why the inconsistency?

I am stating the facts as they are sree. Our destruction of this beautiful planet, our treatment of animals(check out the documentary Earthlings on You Tube), and our treatment of our fellow humans - examples include what the Israeli Army are doing to the Palestinian people, the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, US drone attacks murdering innocent babies and children. So I am stating a fact when I say we are a monstrous species. Its not resent its fact.

Why won’t you apply your personal philosophy to mankind as a whole and consider the state of our world with all its horrors as chosen by us before our creation? If you don’t condemn the diseases your body is inflicted with, then why harbour recriminations about the horrendous social conditions we endure?

But I do! I can't change the world, I can comment on the state it is in though. I don't argue with reality as it never loses! I am not condemning the world but stating the facts of our current situation. I do not harbour any recriminations about the current plight of the world. These are observations based on facts.


Phew, have I rambled :) !!!

Hope I made sense!





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This time it's me who thinks we're getting a bit too carried away with the analogy. :D We aren't playing against each other, we are sitting at different tables and the opponents are more things than people.


Forgive me if the picture I draw is too vivid for your liking. You live in polite society that eschew confrontation with the truth. I come from a culture that settles the score in no uncertain terms at high noon on Main Street.


We were talking about mindset and what produces it. I'm not looking for refuge, I was just answering you if I don't value my own culture.


Cultural mindsets dictates predominant human behavior in public places through which you navigate everyday. If you don't agree with that behavior, then you will be oppressed by it. It's fine if you are compliant by nature.


Nothing. I personally avoid the welfare state by taking care of my own health and being self-determined but sometimes they put roadblocks where you wouldn't expect them. As long as we live part of a society, the system of that society is what it is and we have to make our own way in it.



There is nothing wrong with the welfare state. In fact, it is the only intelligent way to live together. In such a culture, every baby born is a wonderful addition to the community, and every member is care for and protected by all from birth to death. Why would you avoid such a harmonious way of living?

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Normally I keep my light of awareness in a lantern so the flame is not disturbed or does not go out. Today I open it to a GENTLE WIND and the flame burns brighter.


The light of one moon reflected in a thousand ponds. This moonlit pond is clean, this moonlit pond is dirty, this moonlit pond is still, this moonlit pond is choppy. I just see one light and it is none of those things.


"I went out tiger hunting with my elephant and gun" the tiger turned out to be a wise ass and said if you do not mind death, death does not matter, it has no place to be. So I quickly took down my house for death that I housed in my mind and went searching for my mind. After realizing I had no mind this light of awareness shined on the world like one moon reflecting a thousand ponds.

Edited by Wu Ming Jen
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Just one thing:




I agree. Wu wei (無爲) is the way, the only goddam way. Let AIDS wipe out Africans and nuclear weapons the human race.


This isn't Wu Wei: Wu Wei is doing without being attached to the results, it also can be....well read the threads related to Wu Wei, godamnit!


I follow this conversation with great interest, BTW

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I think it was Vaina who brought up the topic of grieving a page or so back, and I'd like to add my thoughts on the subject.


Grieving is, I believe selfish! It reveals our ignorance about who we truly are, and about the door we call death. Death is our release mechanism from the physical realm allowing us to return Home.


Unfortunately religion has further muddied the waters concerning the true nature of death.


When a loved one leaves his/her physical body it throws those who were close into confusion, sadness, numbness etc; I am not saying their shouldn't be a reaction to a loved one's Earthly departure. It is the nature of the reaction that matters because an uncontrolable period of grieving has a negative effect upon the soul who has left their body. But due to our conditioning we descend into a morbid period of grieving, and it is of a selfish nature! In the UK most funeral services are attended by people dressed in black, and those attending the funeral are called mourners! You are expected to be long faced and miserable! Well not at my departure party! If anyone attends wearing black they will be turned away. No religious service either - I'm writing my wishes down.


When my Dad died in 2001 I was very happy(obviously their was a part of me who was sad because I would not physically see my Dad again, but this was a brief sadness). His suffering was over(he had been battling lung, prostrate and skin cancer).


Before he left his body we had discussed what happens when we leave the body, Dad had known his time was near. I told my Dad that he would be met by his Dad and others whom he loved, so I know he was not afraid of death.


I have seen my Dad in my dreamworld and he looks vibrant, he has also spoken to me through a device called a Ghost Box, what is a Ghost Box:-


A Ghost box is a device used to supposedly communicate with the dead. Ghost boxes are simple radios with a scanning function allowing them to search airwaves until they find a station to stop on. Woos disable the stopping bit and presto, instant ghost box. The newly made ghost box then permanently jumps though available frequencies, playing each one for a fraction of a second. The various sounds from snatches of transmission, static, white noise and interference are then interpreted, using some of the most extreme pareidolia and a big dose of imagination, as words and communication from spirits on the other side. The spirits are seemingly unable to just pick one frequency, stick to it, and speak clearly, but must instead speak on lots of different ones in quick succession in cryptic syntax.


When my Mum left her physical body in 2006 I embraced her death for what it was, her return Home. She too had suffered health wise, she had both legs amputated late in life, and this really affected her because she had always been an independent woman. Now she had to depend on others, and this I know deeply troubled her. But it was a lesson she had to learn. None of us were able to get near to Mum, but for her last few years I was able to get a lot nearer than ever before. My own illnesses also helped us to forge a closer bond, and we even argued about whose was the worst operation! She said mine was! I disagreed because my Mum's operation took away her independence.


Obviously death is a very emotive subject, because people will say what about the premature death of babys' and young children. But it wouldn't be emotive if we fully understood what death truly was - an illusion.


Food for thought! I love exploring topics such as death, reincarnation and UFO's! If anyone is interested in UFO's why don't we open a new thread! There is already a thread for reincarnation.


Rock n Roll everyone!





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Just one thing:


This isn't Wu Wei: Wu Wei is doing without being attached to the results, it also can be....well read the threads related to Wu Wei, godamnit!


I follow this conversation with great interest, BTW



Doing without being attached to the results is wu wei? You would be fired at Apple? How old are you?


There seems to be a wu wei for everyone?


To kids who don't care about the results of their actions, wu wei is the excuse for no accountability.

To the bum who doesn't want to shape up, wu wei is the excuse for laziness.

To the sleazebag who wants to sleep around, wu wei is the excuse for a wanton life.


Not all threads about wu wei is truly about 無爲.

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My own Truth is Infinite. It is an eternal journey. Beautiful. The fictional Jesus said 'In my Father's House there are many mansions', and many is how many! Infinite! Eternal! Oh what a beautiful Mystery we Are. I have returned to the point of questioning everything, what I know for certain is I - my Consciousness, not this physical vehicle, is real; is eternal, infinite and forever expanding as I realize how little I know! The sky, ground and even our planet are all illusions, all temporary and will one day cease to exist. They appear real because we have been conditioned to believe it to be this way.



I am focussed on you and you alone. I want to know how you deal with your reality. Rupert Sheldrake doesn't have an ileoanal pouch. People like him feel empowered to spin stuff about the dogmas of science. He needs an ileoanal pouch to shut his mouth up. If each of us has an ileoanal pouch and have to spend five hours everyday emptying it, nobody would be cocky. We would be forced to pay attention to the mortality of our bodies and learn the Tao of dying.


Confusion is believing what we are expected to believe! Like I just explained above about my experience as a christian, I became utterly confused and unhappy! Because I was a gullible young man! The reason I became a christian was because my friend invited me to church and I saw what I needed - happy people(but were they really!). My own teenage years were turbulent due to my Mum's alcohol problem and the dysfunctional family which we became. When I saw all these happy clappy people I was hooked! In truth I joined another dysfunctional 'family'! Sadly, our Earth Family is in great danger due to us dysfunctional humans!



Your Mum had an alcohol problem? She can't be from India because Hindu women don't drink. Your namaste keeps throwing me off making me think that you are from India. Anyway, wasn't your Dad around to deal with your Mum?


Yes sree! Don't seek! Look were it got me when I was 18! All my answers were closer than my heartbeat - within. The monstrous human condition can be erased in a hearbeat by not seeking - whether that be power, fame or money etc. Know Thyself. Simple. We are conditioned by those who have been conditioned before us. Our true nature is Love, we are Love. And one day we will all know this beautiful Truth. A new(ish) religion is the cult of celebrity were people worship well known figures from film, TV(Idiot Box), music and sports. Yet more conditioning! One more diversion to contend with, and its planned this way by the psychopaths who are in power - well, the psychopaths are mere puppets who are well paid by the real powerbrokers - but thats another story! We humans get lost in our many stories. Stop seeking and see the stories for what they are - stories.



Yes, they are all stories. So, let's drop all those stories and stay with our reality I outlined: Everything we know as real is what we have accepted as real. Things like the sky above, the ground beneath our feet, the planet we call Earth, the human body we inhabit, and this consciousness we have of our reality which will all come to an end when your body dies.


Do you think Sheldrake would consider this reality a scientific dogma?


I am stating the facts as they are sree. Our destruction of this beautiful planet, our treatment of animals(check out the documentary Earthlings on You Tube), and our treatment of our fellow humans - examples include what the Israeli Army are doing to the Palestinian people, the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, US drone attacks murdering innocent babies and children. So I am stating a fact when I say we are a monstrous species. Its not resent its fact.



Like I said, if we all have ileoanal pouches, we will not go around killing each other. The reason why we are destructive is because we are not focused on our mortality. No one thinks he can die. Sure, one day it will happen but in the meantime they party, invent drones and kill people. It takes personal catastrophes to wake each of us up. Even then, we could still distract ourselves from harsh reality and create mischief.


But I do! I can't change the world, I can comment on the state it is in though. I don't argue with reality as it never loses! I am not condemning the world but stating the facts of our current situation. I do not harbour any recriminations about the current plight of the world. These are observations based on facts.


Phew, have I rambled :) !!!



If you have rambled, then you must not be in physical pain. Do your painkillers knock out all pain everyday? Do you take painkillers every five hours to keep pain in your neck and arthritic hands at bay? I take it that your ileoanal pouch is the only thing messing up your lifestyle; otherwise, you can function physically like me and Vaina?


Hope I made sense!



Yes, you made sense. I am surprised by your mental energy for someone with 15 health problems. You show more vitality than Vaina. If you weren't hobbled by your bodily ailments, you probably would run for Parliament.

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I can disagee and not be oppressed. It's by being beyond reacting to circumstances.


You would rather live with people you disagree with than be on your own? Are you socially attached or what?


Some women would put up with domestic violence rather than run away. I don't understand this.


My search for the Tao of dying, led me to drift away from social ties. I am talking about learning how to die as a person. It is not possible to dissipate, psychologically, if I were to live among people who know me.


It sounds like a good idea on paper. We were told when we were kids to be grateful to our country because we cost it money and we are an investment not because we're precious. And free care for the elderly is not that great. Couples can be separated into different homes because of bureaucracy. I have a relative my parents are paying alot of money to a private elderly care home so she doesn't have to live in a free one.


Everything looks good on paper. In fact, communism is the original theory for a welfare state. It couldn't work because it was a theory of walking dreamed up by chickens who wanted to strut like ducks.


Finland is trying its best to come up with a humane society. America is divided now with 50% (liberals) rooting for Finland-style socialism and the other 50% (conservatives) who prefer to go your parents' way as the best route to the pursuit of happiness.


If you read the Laozi you can understand why it doesn't work. But we are getting a bit off topic here.



Oh no, not off-topic at all. I feel that the Tao of dying is an integral part of the Tao of living i.e. the right way to live. So, far we humans have not been able to figure out the right way to live together. As a Daoist, if I were to offer solutions from nature - like a beehive or an ant colony - they would be criticized as too regimented. I don't get the feeling that bees are complaining the way humans riot in Athens or London.


Cite me one instance where it says in the Tao Te Ching that the welfare state doesn't work.


I guess you have a different view of Finland, it's a nice image if only it were true... I think many Finns would be pleased to hear your good words.


We all have different views of each other. I told a Swede that Americans would not undress in each others' company unless they were going to have sex but Swedes would, in the sauna, with strangers. He corrected me:"Not the Swedes but the Finns. They would even exit the sauna naked to dip in their backyard water pool in plain sight of neighbors."

Edited by sree

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Grieving is, I believe selfish! It reveals our ignorance about who we truly are, and about the door we call death.


Oh yes. "Don't cry for the dead" was a piece of old folkwisdom here... well forgotten now.

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I think we just hit a misunderstanding. No biggie. I don't live alone and happy in the situation.


If you are happy in the situation, why are you interested in death and dying? To be happy is to live like people do and die like people do. Quite straight forward.


I agree it's harder to change anything if people keep reminding of the past.


It's not just the past. It's also the present. You can't dissolve into nothingness if people keep calling out "Hey Vaina. Hyvää huomenta, Vaina. Miten voit, Vaina? Hei, Vaina! Potkin selkään, senkin typerys, Vaina. :D


I took the solitary route when I was in my teens for a while and if I find myself alone I will still be good with what I have.


How was it possible to take the solitary route as a teen? How did you support yourself without money? I assume teenagers are not financially independent.


Either way the individual has to deal with the rules that will be created.


Money can free you from all rules.


I think there is alot of things that are against a huge bureacracy. I don't much like finding quotes for a particular discussion but rather use them naturally. Here's one such quote


From chap 60

治大國若烹小鮮 / "Ruling a large nation is like cooking a small delicacy"


What is your understanding of this verse? The Chinese text has its own meaning.


Anyway, how can ruling a large nation - say, Finland with a modern industrialized economy for 5 million people - be like cooking a small fish? How is that possible? I think the English translation is ridiculous and does not reflect the wisdom of Chapter 60 of the Chinese version.


Yes, not all Swedes get it but I've known some who do.


This is one of the good things about Finland. Get naked in the sauna is no problem for most of us. However mixed sauna can be different though it's been no problem for me. Hows the image of three men and two women in sauna to you? There's not much sex in it for me if at all. You can't lie about an imaginary sixpack, the size of your penis or how good you look au naturelle without makeup when you are naked in 90 degrees celsius sauna.



Why would you want to use a mix sauna? I like an empty sauna with no one inside except me. It's a good to meditate in an empty, quiet sauna.


Why do Finns like to get naked?

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Deeper truths are more interesting. Death explored with a clear head is very purifying and helps you throw away useless things and get back to a more simple existence.


The exploration of death to seek a deeper truth about life is indeed frighteningly fascinating. It does purifies and forces you to see what is important in life and what is not. Like a mountain climber ascending a vertical cliff of Mount Everest, you carry no dead weight and everything you have is essential for survival. It's not a silly game that pretenders play but a serious mission because if you don't succeed, you fall and die like every loser in life - from the bum to the President of the United States.


Now mind you I don't constantly think of death.


You should - constantly, passionately, fanatically and with a desperate obsession that consumes you completely to the exclusion of everything in life. This is the way of the human spirit that goes beyond the known where none has gone before. This is the way of people who seek excellence in doing a great job like Steve Jobs and Tiger Woods. It's such a pity that all that remarkable drive went to making electronic devices that empower people to waste their lives, and developing a consummate skill for hitting a ball into a hole.


Luckily there's not that much small talk. And no mild insults among friends. Usually not among strangers either unless you really want to kick their "back"(?).


Insults or compliments - they are the same thing, reminders that reinforce the illusion that Vaina, the person, exists. Can life be lived without the fear of death? We know how the body - the hardware - dies a natural death painlessly. Can we discover how the person - the software with the brand name Vaina - dies a natural death with grace before the body breaks down. The Tao of dying is the most purifying exploration of all.



It's by having as few artificial things in it as possible. That's my understanding.


Not possible. Society - even a basic one in the time of your ancestors - cannot be ruled like cooking a small fish. And because it couldn't be done, efforts were made to seek solutions as the tribe evolved to become a nation of 5 million called Finland today. Forget the Finnish nation, it is even impossible for the VR Group to even run the Finnish railway network like a small fish.


Everybody's understanding of Chapter 60 is wrong.


That's good but you need more firewood/electricity if everyone goes alone and there's the social element of being mostly quiet with other people. :D edit: Oh so you do meditate. I didn't get the Jack Nicholson quote earlier, don't watch many movies.


I see. Doing things together is more economical. One log for five people.


If I had to guess I'd say we've only been christians for a while and not as serious ones as rest of Europe. The conversion with the sword happened happened under the Swedish crusades to Finland. The shamefulness of body still didn't stick to us that easy and they had to kill many of us for doing our own thing.



I don't think it is shame of the body. This is the nudist argument for taking off clothes. It is the guilt about our sexuality that makes us cover up our private parts. Animals have sex. Humans fornicate. We know it's awful behavior and that is why we call it making love. Being naked with good-looking bodies in a mix sauna in Helsinki is as erotic as being in a mix sauna in Bangkok.

Edited by sree

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It sounds like a good idea on paper. We were told when we were kids to be grateful to our country because we cost it money and we are an investment not because we're precious. And free care for the elderly is not that great. Couples can be separated into different homes because of bureaucracy. I have a relative my parents are paying alot of money to a private elderly care home so she doesn't have to live in a free one.



We are talking about the welfare state, right? The problem with bureaucracy begins when you feel it takes more wood/electricity to go alone in the sauna and you want the double bonus of economy and togetherness. (Incidentally, going economy is a human trait that is not akin to Mother Nature's way which is bountiful.)


Togetherness, with other people, creates the family, the group, the tribe and the nation to which the individual must compete for relevance. Thus the country must survive at your expense if you cannot come up with a social system that serves both without conflict. So, you either invent the society that puts the individual first (Option 1) or become first in whatever society you live in (Option 2). Forbes list of billionaires are Option 2 individuals who live well in any culture be it the welfare state of Finland, the communist state of China or Russia, the theocracy of Iran, or the dictatorship of North Korea.


What does the Tao Te Ching advocate - Option 1 or Option 2?

Edited by sree

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Is it?



I guess so. I have never been to Helsinki yet. It has to be.

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My wife says I'm an NDE junky! Maybe she's right,

as I can watch these videos day and night!

I read books about near death too

guess I'll be reading until I turn blue!!!


^^^a little poetry^^^


This NDE interview may well please the gentlemen of this thread, and the ladies too! Quite a seductive presenter one has to say!!!








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This NDE interview may well please the gentlemen of this thread, and the ladies too! Quite a seductive presenter one has to say!!!



Yeah, she does seduces. I am glad you are still excitable despite your 15 health problems. Perhaps, you are not that near death as I thought. :D

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Yeah, she does seduces. I am glad you are still excitable despite your 15 health problems. Perhaps, you are not that near death as I thought. :D

sree, a pretty woman always pleases the eye! This pretty lady ticks all the boxes, nice legs and nice, ahem, smile ;) !!!


I'm not dead yet :D


I've always been a leg man, how about you?





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sree, a pretty woman always pleases the eye! This pretty lady ticks all the boxes, nice legs and nice, ahem, smile ;) !!!



She is not a pretty woman. She is a tart. Nobody who has achieved Nirvana would shove her breasts in your face. No woman's breasts pop up around her neck like that. Natural breasts don't look like that. Look at those good looking bare-breasted bodies of native women in Africa and the Amazon jungle. They are natural and not flamboyant like artificially shaped wonder bra Buddha-wrecking fun bags.


I'm not dead yet :D



Then, you'd better go for confession and get absolution. But if you think you won't be bungy jumping Home anytime soon, I could pick you up and we can go check out those pretty women in windows in Amsterdam before heading to Helsinki for a mix sauna party with Vaina.


I've always been a leg man, how about you?


The whole package; especially the software. Finns are less discerning, said a lady friend of mine about her husband. They wound pound anything with legs - man, woman, cow, goat. Perhaps, it's because they are such hard drinkers. I was with this Finn guy on a flight to Rome. We were chatting and drinking at the back of the airplane. All of a sudden he just dropped like a rock to the floor flat out drunk.





Cheers! What do you drink? Beer?

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Yes we are getting at the bare minimum operating system that communicates directly with the hardware and through the hardware to the programmer or operator behind the screen that is invisible to us. It will long outlive the regular operating systems that have to worry about antivirus or such. I've long since accepted the software is eventually going to go and the operator is going to get a new machine.


You believe in the existence of the operator? You are Vaina, the software generating the consciousness onto the screen - this three-dimensional, holographic, multi-sensory reality. It's so f**cking real, man. You are actually walking around as a human being in space-time. It's so real that you are even led to live a life in relationship with other human beings. And you believe there is an operator behind all this?


Seriously, you really believe that? You have no proof, right? It's just a hunch.


Let us agree to disagree.



Disagree with what? What do you not agree with? What is it I said that you cannot accept?


Come on, don't be scared. Use your brains to take apart what I said and prove me wrong. :D

Edited by sree

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