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Missing posts?

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Speaking of misssing posts....


Is there a new policy in place where complete topics/posts get erased, or, if not erased, removed to an inaccessible place?


I noticed i could not find the OP started by Drew regarding CYL's impending Australian visit, and also another seemed to have disappeared, that 'Offensive and Rude' one.


Drew's post in question seem to have vanished completely, while the 'O and R' shows up when searched, but then i get poked by the words 'Sorry you dont have permission for that'.


This is all very intriguing. As far as i can recall, no OPs and threads can be fully edited out or deleted by mods. It used to be that if a topic gets too wild and out of line, it gets locked and chucked into the pit, but still accessible anyhow.


Whats the story now??


An explanation is in order i believe.




edit to add: While it may be the mods' prerogative to do as they deem fit with certain sensitive postings, there is, i believe, a small expectation to at least offer brief reasons why particular actions were taken in relation to their editing exercises.

Edited by C T

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