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The Importance of Sunlight

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Light is a transverse electromagnetic wave of which humans can see only a small portion of the spectrum. Humans are electromagnetic (as all life is), which depending on the source of light through electromagnetic radiation can either support or destroy life.

Doctor Alexander Wunsch member of the German Lighting Engineering Society and President of the International Light Association since 2007 describes the biological interaction with light.

The eye is definitely not the only receptive organ for light. Human skin is transparent to light. Even short wave-lengths like UV radiation reach the capillary layers and the blood inside these delicate vessels. All the pigments and molecules with chromophoric groups in our body absorb and emit photons. Each single atom has the attribute we could call photonic metabolism. Photons are the language in which all matter communicates; every jump (change of energy level) of an electron is a accompanied by photonic activity. The specific composition of sunlight as well as the properties of the atmospheric layers play important roles for the life-aiding qualities of natural light. Under today’s view-point we have to suspect that every aberration from these properties make artificial lighting potentially dangerous for health. (Wunsch, 2006)

Light and Learning:

"There was a statistically significant difference between the students who worked under old-style fluorescent lights and those who worked under full-spectrum, visually-efficient lighting." This controlled study verified that depression was lowered among those students who experienced learning under full-spectrum lighting. Also, depression actually increased under standard fluorescent lights among the fourth graders. As an elementary school principal, William Titoff conducted research for his Ph.D. dissertation and discovered that when the project was completed, "the teachers with the full-spectrum lighting refused to let me take it out and put back the old-style fluorescent bulbs."

Harmon, l938, found that over 4000 children developed observable deficiencies associated with Malillumination. In the late 1940's conditions of the learning environment (lighting, seating and decor) were instituted in schools, resulting in the following student improvements: 65% reduction in visual difficulties, 47.8% decline in nutritional problems, 43.3% reduction in chronic infections, 25.6% reduction in postural problems and, finally, 55.6% decline in chronic fatigue. (Laurence D. Martel)

Increased exposure to fluorescent light and cancer risk:

Energy saving lamps emit UV-B and traces of UV-C radiation. It is generally recognised that UV- radiation is harmful for the skin (e.g. skin cancer) and the eyes (e.g. cataract). UV-C radiation, which is normally not observed in nature because it is absorbed completely in the atmosphere, is especially harmful. Several studies have found that fluorescent lights raise the risk for skin cancer . (Lytle, 1992)

The following results were obtained in a 2 year pilot study by S.L Gabby MD, determining the relationship between artificial light and its effects on C3H mice (highly prone to tumour development, 98% of males and females normally spontaneously develop breast cancer):

Type of Light, No. of pairs of C3H mice

A. Pink fluorescent, 30 pairs

Effects + Comments: 29 female mice developed cancer – the other died of liver problems. Females died 1 month earlier than those in Group B. 1-2 offspring per litter, instead of 6-15.

B. Daylight-white fluorescent, 30 pairs

Effects + Comments: 24 of 30 female mice developed cancer – 2 other females died of liver problem. Able to breed 2 months longer than A. Also had larger litters than A.

C. Daylight through windows into basement room. 8 pairs (used as control)

Effects + Comments: Developed cancer 3 months after Group A, and 2 months after Group B 2 pairs of 8 pairs carcinoma free at time of report.

Source: S.L. Gabby (1961), Observations on the effects of artificial light on the health and development of mice, cited by J.N. Ott (1982), How to Stay Healthy, Devin-Adair (1982), ISBN 0-8159-61 21-9. Note: Lighting conditions were the only variable used.

In a similar study, using over 2,000 C3H mice J.N. Ott demonstrated the link between light and mortality rate from spontaneous tumour development, as below:

Type of Light Average Lifespan of C3H Mice

Pink fluorescent 7.5 months

Daylight white fluorescent 8.2 months

Full-spectrum plastic glazing 15.6 months

Natural outdoor daylight 16.1 months


Source: J.N. Ott (1973), Health and Light: The Extraordinary Study That Shows How Light Affects Your Health And Emotional Well-being, Ariel Press, USA, ISBN 0-89804-098-1.

General health:


1967, International Committee on Illumination (C.I.E.) in Washington D.C, three Russian scientists, Dantsig, Lazarev and Sokolov presented a paper stating:

If human skin is not exposed to solar radiation (direct or scattered) for long periods of time, disturbances will occur in the physiological equilibrium of the human system. The result will be functional disorders of the nervous system and a vitamin-D deficiency, a weakening of the body's defenses, and an aggravation of chronic diseases (Ott, 1986)

‘The Effect of Natural and Artificial Light Via the Eye on the Hormonal and Metabolic Balance of Animal and Man’, Opthalmologia 180, No.4, pp. 188-197, Raised levels of ACTH and cortisol (indicators of stress) were found as a result of exposure to cool-white fluorescent lights, in addition to reducing immune system functioning, and mental performance. Raised stress levels can also stunt children’s growth. Cool-white Fluorescent tubes were legally banned in some German medical institutions. F. Hollwich and B. Dieckhues (1980)

A partial listing of health problems and social problems that fluorescent light have been implicated as aggravating is given below: (H.E.S.E Project, 2012)

Attention Deficit Disorder
Reduced concentration

Dental caries
Eye irritation
Eye strain

Learning difficulties
Reduced muscle strength
Xeroderma pigmentosum


Edited by White Wolf Running On Air
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Light is a transverse, electromagnetic wave, of which humans can see only a small portion of the spectrum. Humans are electromagnetic (as all life is), which depending on the source of light through electromagnetic radiation can either support or destroy our biology.




Correction,....Divided Light is a transverse, electromagnetic wave, of which humans can see only a small portion of the spectrum. Undivided light, the light realized at the so-called speed of light, is the fulcrum upon which the spectrum of divided light effects its motion.


Undivided light contains no energy, mass, or time. From undivided light's point of view, it travels no distance in no time, and thus has no need for speed.

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if all things are relative, isnt "the speed of light" only relative to all things around it and therefore static in relation to itself; that WE pass through IT, not the otehr way around??


There are no conditions (energy, mass, time) in the unconditional (Undivided Light)

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Undivided light contains no energy, mass, or time. From undivided light's point of view, it travels no distance in no time, and thus has no need for speed.


The speed of light, its value is 299,792,458 meters per second.


Isn't meter a distance and second is time......???

Edited by ChiDragon

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Just on a point of physics, would you say that undivided light was 'white' light and divided light a spectrum/rainbow V?



I would use the Tao to illustrate the difference. Tao = Undivided Light; One = White Light; Ying/Yang = Rainbow.


"The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things....The Tao gives rise to all form, yet is has no form of its own." Lao Tzu


Lao Tzu said, "Time and space are changing and dissolving, not fixed and real. "

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so....what kind of lightbulb should i buy for my house? "Full-spectrum plastic glazing"? Or is there something better?


Full Spectrum ...closest thing to sunlight that isn't sunlight :)


Sunlight is the best though ^_^



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