
Getting a Jim Nance Spring Forest Qigong Phone Healing tomorrow

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I'm on my second session with him now and not really feeling much. Hopefully the 3rd one will be better.


I'm not too happy that I'm not getting any feedback about the sessions from him, not via e-mail and not on the phone either so far.


So I am just assuming that something is being done, as opposed to being able to tell for certain that something is being done (or being told what's being done), like I have felt with other healers before.


Is it because I'm all the way in London? - Who knows...

Either way, It's nice to see everyone else having good results.


One more session tomorrow. *shrug*


So you are saying to Jim that you are not feeling anything? What do you mean by not getting feedback on the phone?


Yeah because the person who PMd me saying they didn't feel anything - then Jim did another healing on them and again the person didn't feel anything but said something about it. So then Jim said hold on - and he said his spirit light had to pick up on the person's different thought formations....so then the person posted how suddenly he got this blast of bliss in the heart and he was laughing - to heal his anxiety..... laughing the rest of the day, very happy, very confident, etc.


So that might be what's going on.

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Just an update - tomorrow of qigong master Jim Nance's Qi-talk and tonight he does a Guild meditation talk and Q and A - it will be online and archived but requires the guild membership.


Umm. So if anyone has any questions just PM me or post them here. I got a couple so far - a few.


Umm.... oh yeah and Effliang said I could ask Jim about the healings that Effliang got via phone - I mentioned it on my last blogpost -- http://fulllotusqigong.blogspot.com/2013/06/summer-solstice-taoist-yoga-alchemy-and.html


That's just a follow up on Effliang's third phone healing.


ummm yeah Jim did call me after he read my birthday blog post that I wrote up - he thanked me for it. haha.


Also I did just get Jim his birthday present - I had given him one before but I had to take it back as it was defective.


So that should be kind of fun to give him the present.

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I've been meaning to catch up on the Jim Nance stuff when I have the time. So far I've listened to one of his interviews....Your voice sounded deep - so you must of been eating lots of meat and milk...I remember you writing that when you eat meat it makes your voice deep. Anyway, here's some questions......


1. When I sit on the floor and do small universe - I get these energy rushes and my urinary/sphincter muscles will contract on their own. Can I voluntary contract the urinary/sphincter muscles on each spot of the small universe to make it more intense? Or is this too dangerous and is it better just to let the contractions happen naturally?


2. I know Jim Nance used to practice Zen. I've seen it written where some people consider just sitting(Zazen) the highest form of Qigong. Does he ever recommend Zazen? Can he compare the 2 from his personal experience.


3. What does Jim think about the frequent eating and protein consumption that weightlifters/bodybuilders and certain athletes need to maintain a high amount of muscle mass? Does this conflict with Qigong or does the Qigong just fix problems caused by high protein and calorie consumption.


4. As people age their natural testosterone levels decrease. Many males miss the feeling of feeling like their 18. Does he think that men should consider testosterone replacement or take testosterone boosters? Or is it good to have a slightly less libido with age?


Thought of a couple more.


5. Jim said that certain types of music can cause holes in peoples auras. I've read the same things about tattoos and piercings. Do tattoos and piercings cause people to get holes in their auras?


6. Should people get their mercury fillings taking out? Does it really cause problems? Or is it a bunch of bunk?

Edited by chi 2012

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o.k. will ask those questions! Thanks!


I actually talked to qigong master Jim Nance tonight and I blogged our conversation. haha.





Thursday, June 27, 2013 Spring Forest Qigong Master Jim Nance on getting the answers from God


So any more questions - please go ahead and he said he thinks we will do another podcast.






A new qigong master Jim Nance video on the Spring Forest Qigong Guild website!

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus
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O.K. I'm doing the Audacity editing now.


Qigong master Jim Nance told me that there was a healing that went real well - a phone healing of a man with shingles even on his face. He called back the next day saying that the one 10 mn phone healing completely healed his shingles and so then he wanted to get something else healed also - a different issue.


Jim said today he was healing someone who was in the hospital with a blood clot.


Jim told me about another healing also that went real well - an in person healing.


Jim discusses some more amazing healing in this podcast.....


Qigong master Jim Nance also discusses more of his kungfu experience and what the Chinese kungfu master told him.....

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus
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Spring Forest Qigong Master Jim Nance Qi-Talk 6/28/2013: The Four Secrets To Directing Energy





Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus
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O.K. I recorded qigong master Jim Nance's Qi-talk but then the batteries ran out so I could not record the questions!!


Did you still ask the questions? I'm trying to think of some better questions. I'll PM you when I think of them.


I listened to the last recording. I see some similarities between Jim Nance and Richard Bartlett of Matrix Energetics. Bartlett had an experience growing up where a school bully tried to beat him up and everything went into slow motion - and he took the bully down. Same thing as Jim Nance and his slow motion Kung Fu.


Also both Bartlett and Nance are both really right brained, spontaneous and non linear with their healings. Although Bartlett doesn't call what he does "healings".....But they seem very similiar to me.

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I will be "chatting" with Jim on Friday probably - after his qi-talk. That's the plan.


Yeah -- the healing of club foot is pretty mind blowing - watching the ankle bone cracking back from a 90 degree turn.


So as Jim says this qigong master ability is within all of us since it is not his energy!

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all i want to know is, did he fix your knees? i injured my knees attempting full lotus and if someone could magically take that away i would throw myself on the ground and kiss their feet while telling them the pin number for my bank account. please quote my post in your reply so i get a notification :)

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well Jim saw me coming out of a long full lotus session - he asked me about my hip. His big thing is getting the hips to "drop" for a real full lotus position.


Did you listen to how Jim got into full lotus the first time?




Yeah I transcribed that one.



Ha, I called up Chunyi and I said: “This is it Chunyi. (response: haha) This is all…I blew my knee out now. I’m not going to be able to go on like this…I keep just messing up my body. I mean I get a year, and I mess it up again. I get another year and I mess it up again. And Chunyi is on the phone going: “Ah hahahaha.” (response: haha). Again he’s laughing on the phone! And really I’m sitting there… you blow your knee out, it hurts! It hurts. He said: “Go ahead, sit again.” And so I’m you know like still in a lot of pain but I’m saying to myself: “Well it worked out last time…maybe I’ll give it another go and see what happens.”

So I sat down on the floor. I got down on the floor. I didn’t really sit down. I kinda went down on layers. I had a chair and then I moved down to a little bench and then I…anyway down to the floor. So then I put my leg down, my first leg. And I got my other one and when I threw my leg out, the leg was kind of like going like this (makes flopping gesture). So – shwessh, threw it up there! That was the first time I got into the full lotus! (response: haha) So here I am…

See I’m not recommending this approach to anybody. Haha. I’m not recommending this approach to anybody when it comes to sit in full lotus. So here I am. I’m sitting there in full lotus and I’m like in shock. Then I realize what I had to do to get there and my leg just started hurting me again. And I called Chunyi up and said: “I’m sitting in full lotus. “ He said: “oh” like just like that. Hardly anything. He didn’t say hardly anything. “Yeah that’s good.” So I said: “Thank you!” I hung up the phone and said: “Now what?” Then I had to get up and all of a sudden, the pain was just horrible. It really was just horrible. But I got up.

Well little did I know that all of that was preparing me for the time when I fell down in the parking lot and I ripped both ACLs off both knees. I mean I ripped both ACLS off my knees. And I was going to try heal it up by myself and not go into surgery and all that. Well anyway I ended up going into surgery. But what I went through before… o.k.? Ah helped me in what I had to go through when I went through the surgery. So I went through the surgery where they took the ACLs from both knees and put them back into place. Eight weeks after the surgery I was sitting in full lotus. Yeah qigong.

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