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Sound of conch while astral travelling

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I have to write about this...


Five days ago, at the end of the day, I went to bed.


When I was lying in bed, I decided to check out the third eye to see if anything was happening there. I focused on the brow area and I noticed some scenes through the hole.. There was one scene which was particularily appealing, mountains, a deep blue river, trees and a few puffy clouds. So, I started to make my descent into that world or plane.. I mean, basically I just push out through the hole at the third eye and start flying in the landscape.


So, I started to push out and all of a sudden, this very loud conch sounded. It sounded like a trumpet blast or one of those air horns. It really startled me. The blast lasted about 1/2 second. Accompanied with the blast was a vision of a golden brown tube that manifested right in the middle of my head. It seemed to be about 2 inches long, and stretched from the pineal region to the area just behind the center of the brows.


That was so weird.. A loud blast and a golden brown pipe in the center of the head..


So, I've been reviewing the kinds of sounds that you might hear on the astral planes.. Usually I hear this slow thumping sound that sounds like a heart beat, off in the distance about 300 yards to the right.. This is the first time I hear a conch..




Just as the five primary inner regions have different colors, so too do they have different sounds reflecting their respective vibratory frequencies. As our inner hearing opens up in meditation, strains of the divine Melody begin to be heard either above the third eye center or coming from the right side. The sounds most often heard will initially be those of the conch shell and/or bell. These are the sounds of the astral plane and indicate that we are operating on this level.

Frequently, people will hear the bell or conch before seeing this plane=s light. This is because some are more auditorially oriented, and some more visually so. It really doesn’t matter whether you see or hear first. The important thing is to simply pay attention to what is happening from within.




According to ECK, the universe lies inside each color and sound. In the Astral plane, there can be heard bells and a resounding conch shell.


Do you hear sounds when you astral travel, just before entering an astral plane?




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I have to write about this...


Five days ago, at the end of the day, I went to bed.


this very loud conch sounded. It sounded like a trumpet blast or one of those air horns. It really startled me. The blast lasted about 1/2 second.






The Mayan symbol for zero is a white conch.

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My Mayan friend and meditation teacher would regularly blow the conch when he first started practicing Chen taiji intensely. He'd startle a lot of us at first but I think the reason he taught me and offered to teach another friend of mine was because of our reactions to it.

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An abiding memory is sunset at the Hari Krishna mandir in Vrindaban, January 1999.

Outdoor temple, beautiful white marble sun sinking behind the central altar atop which a statue of their founder seated in meditation pose, and as the huge orange disk of the setting sun just touched the top of the statues head

At three altars and up to their knees in flowers thrown by devotees, three priests in pure white dhotis each with the Brahmanic string across their shoulders simultaneously blowing conch shells to welcome the coming night.

The chips in their cafeteiria were top class too.

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