
Did Jesus give transmission to his disciples?

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Did Jesus give transmission to his disciples? Hmm, perhaps a taste, in order for them to have an understanding of what he was attempting to teach them, but he went farther than that. It is one thing to give someone a drink of water from the well, but another to teach someone how to draw their own water. This was the herasy of Jesus - not that he claimed to be the son of god, but that he was going around awakening the minds of people so that they did not require a priesthood to stand between them and the supernal conciousness. At this time, Israel was under occupation, the ark was hidden, no prophets were to be found, and the priesthood were loitering about the temple going through the motions, but with no real power. Some mystics were to be found, certainly - most likely practicing mco and conserving their semen like misers attempting to hoard what little crumbs they could in order to perform the simplest of magic tricks. Meanwhile, here was this fellow who taught a different method, encouraging the people to let go of those worldly riches, and instead open up the vessel to allow the infinite power of creation to flow. Huge crowds gathered everywhere he went just to have a chance to hear him teach instead of going to the synagogue - the priesthood simply HAD to get rid of him!


Anyway, back to transmission. There were certainly a few people who followed him about, almost slavishly, calling him master, ect. Imagine how annoying that must have been for him! How difficult must it be to teach one's disciples to not rely on one's physical incarnation to open the gates for them to drink the waters of life ... it seems that at least some of them were addicted.

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