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Wu "Witch Doctor"

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Can anybody explain the character "WU" 巫?

I know there are two men working, but i would love to have more depth.










*** topic title changed to Witch Doctor ****

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巫(wu) this is a basic character referred as a "witch".


It was used to compound with other characters to create a new term, then the term would have its own meaning.


1. 巫術: witchcraft; sorcery

2. 巫女: a maiden witch


3. 巫醫(医): witch doctor; ~ which borrows the power of god to cure people's illnesses

4. 巫爺: a warlock; sorcerer


5. 巫婆: a witch; sorceress: ~ which help people to pray to ask the gods and spirits for a better health and happiness

6.巫毒教: voodoo




Please Change the Title to Witch not Bitch.... :(

Edited by ChiDragon

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To expand on what ChiDragon said, the definition given in Shuowenjiezi, one of the earliest and most authoritative dictionaries in Classical Chinese, is:




A person who prays. A woman who can serve the formless, using dance to cause spirits to descend. The character shows the form of a person dancing with her two sleeves. This is synonymous with "gong" (worker).* In ancient times, Wu Xian (a person's name) is written as "Wu". Everything relating to "wu" has the radical for "wu"...


*The dictionary uses this explanation, because the character "wu" contains the character "gong".


But other dictionaries contradict this definition, especially by distinguishing the incantator (zhu, the person who prays) from the shaman (wu).

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