
I dont get "morning wood"

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If Non is indeed emotionally unbalanced, he wouldn't begin to start unbalancing you guys with his words..


Well see with this rhetoric, you can accuse ANYONE of disagreeing with Non (or any position you want to choose) as being the one who is really wrong.


Come to think of it, it is almost the essence of troll logic. With this, I can walk up to a physics professor, explain how all physics works, and if they try to correct me and teach me, I can just respond with, "if I were really wrong and you were so right, you wouldn't be getting all flustered desperately trying to show me what's right- it would be self evident. I think that YOU are wrong, and are just trying to get me to buy into YOUR delusions."




In all his threads so far, all the emotionally unbalanced posts belong to the majority of respondents to NON offering so-called "great advice" on women and sex bla bla bla ..


NON is now going into the deva path of existence ...


and the animal-humans who think that all humans should be sexual and breed like animals... their animal egos are now screaming, simply screaming at NON to stop his ascension into spiritual enlightenment..


it is like saying, "hey we are all still trapped in the grips of samsara, how the hell can you leave us here? we are all suffering like animals because we choose to so how can you choose not to suffer like an animal like the rest of us?"


it is like saying, "we are all suffering from addictions to sex .. all of us.. the ones who are not suffering from addictions to sex are the mad, deviant, insane ones.. it is normal, psychologically normal to be addicted to women, sex and breeding.. it is totally psychotic to want to break out of the cycle of karma and reincarnation.."


NON, I used to think you are the freak.. now that I have analyzed this thread thoroughly, it seems that the freaks are the so-called "normal" people who live and think like animals..


I feel like it's this type of enabling rhetoric which gets people tottering on the edge to finally take the plunge into a pool of very not good things.


It is of the same branch of rhetoric that extremists use to radicalize new recruits to their cults- find people who are on the edge with radical, potentially harmful, (self) destructive ideas, provide external validation, then step aside and let them seriously mess something up.


Not good.

Edited by Sloppy Zhang
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If Non IS doing some secret practice, I'd just like him to examine two things:


1) What is it doing for his mental attitude/outlook on life?


2) Why is he doing it?


If he's doing some super kundalini siddhi work- WHY? To impress women? Will that really change how he views humans, or reinforce it?


Is his daily life actually improving day by day, or does his life suck until he gets a powerful kundalini crown chakra orgasms that'll make all his worries go away? (or at least make him forget his worries)


I don't remember who said this- it was one of those crazy guys from way back when, way before my time on this forum, so sorry for not remembering, but amidst a bunch of craziness (and possibly penis jokes) he said(and I paraphrase): "What is the practice you would do if you found out you would die tomorrow? Do that one."


If Non were to die tomorrow, what good would his secret orgasmic unawakened kundalini do him? I'm not saying all practices that take time are worthless (though I suppose some might). I am saying that, at the very least, they need to be coupled with a practice that helps NOW, in the PRESENT moment. And I don't think Non has that.



all these practices have a tremendous beneficial effect on his soul.. his higher self..


we all die and if we do die before we achieve enlightenment, then even the partial spiritual work which we do on ourselves will help us out in the next life-time..


they say that in the upper dimensions or heavens, time go by every fast..


for every second of human life on earth, it is like 100 years going by in the upper dimensions (analogy)


this is why the devas and even the buddhas would choose to reincarnate on earth.. because earth is a prime training ground..


it is like lifting weights.. the more weights you slap on, the more the resistance, the more your muscles will grow...


so all these kundalini work is NON exercising his soul's "muscles" so that his soul will become more evolved..


NON has probably engaged in spiritual practices in his past life-time and his soul is probably telling him to engage in spiritual practices now.. otherwise no man will want to remain celibate..


bottom line is.. even if he is to die tommorrow, then all his mental endurance at celibacy will be carried over to his soul and he will be reborn with much higher mental endurance in the next life-time..


as pathetic as NON pretends to be, the fact that he can remain celibate for 3 months show the signs of a much more evolved human being than the rest of you animal-like humans out there..


Non has much more spiritual tools and potential than you have right now, sloppy,


The Lord Creator and the Universe will put books or movies or signs or masters in our path to further evolve ourselves..


The fact that NON has chosen to remain celibate and you are calling him down for it, Sloppy, shows me that he is of a much higher spiritual standing and capacity than you are..

Edited by bodyoflight
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it is like lifting weights.. the more weights you slap on, the more the resistance, the more your muscles will grow...


And if you cannot handle it, your muscles can tear irreparably- ruining you for life (and who knows what complexes will develop which will just make more karma you're going to have to deal with later! If you believe all that....)


Slap even more on, and you can actually crush yourself to death!


NON has probably engaged in spiritual practices in his past life-time and his soul is probably telling him to engage in spiritual practices now.. otherwise no man will want to remain celibate..


bottom line is.. even if he is to die tommorrow, then all his mental endurance at celibacy will be carried over to his soul and he will be reborn with much higher mental endurance in the next life-time..


as pathetic as NON pretends to be, the fact that he can remain celibate for 3 months show the signs of a much more evolved human being than the rest of you animals out there..


OR he had a pre-existing condition which gave him trouble, and spirituality, namely the practices of retention and celibacy, gave him an "out", an external validation that not only says that it's okay to be alone, not in a relationship, but that it actively encourages the behavior, and adds a ridiculous amount of ideological pressure on to what he is doing with his life and his sex organs.


Which reminds me, were you ever going to tell me about those non-sexual humans?

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Non has much more spiritual tools and potential than you have right now, sloppy,




As an enlightened being, I have nothing.


The fact that NON has chosen to remain celibate and you are calling him down for it, Sloppy, shows me that he is of a much higher spiritual standing and capacity than you are..


I am not calling him down on it.


In fact, I made a post earlier on about how I understand HOW and WHY celibacy can be helpful. But there are certain conditions for it to be useful. In other conditions it can be harmful, and lead to more problems.


When you are so dedicated to something, like spirituality, that sex doesn't even cross your mind- BAM. Celibacy. No questions asked. You are going your own thing.


Non's three month foray into celibacy? He STILL thinks about sex. STILL is frustrated over women. STILL is frustrated over how society works (to the point where he has openly mentioned suicide numerous times). And STILL obsessed about what his little friend is doing.


Non is not using celibacy to up his spiritual game. He is using celibacy as an out to rationalize away his thoughts and behaviors.



But the fact that Non keeps circling the same issues is GOOD- that is his starting point. That's where he can start asking the questions:


Why do I think this way?


What has it gotten me?


Where am I going with this?


How do I feel about myself and my life NOW?

Edited by Sloppy Zhang

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bodyoflight, lemm ask you something, and I want you to answer honestly?


How did YOU get here?


How did these guys that you mentioned:




Get here, on this earth? (and I btw, I would NOT call that a fair trade in the least)


Because unless you sprang from a rock, got chucked out of the ocean, or were birthed from a virgin like Anakin Skywalker Jesus Christ Himself, you got here the same way everybody else did: through sex.


Now you tell me which humans are born that are not hardwired to reproduce. You tell me which sub-race of humans are produced by non-sexual means, who don't even have the body organs necessary to physically reproduce even if they wanted to, which these don't. You tell me which humans are NOT sexual!


I can think of someone traipsing into this thread and pointing to some lama, some buddha, and people like that. And I find it funny, because I've heard it said that the whole enlightenment thing is about realizing you're true nature, and that is that you are what you are.


They are human. They are sexual. Humans aren't ONLY sexual. But no one can say that humans are not sexual.


I believe that the people who make great accomplishments (as in, are enlightened) did not try to repress, channel, fight, or subdue their sexuality. Rather, they made their peace with it, and when they did that, they didn't conquer and enemy- they made a friend. All the power that would have bees lost, by both sides, through the struggle gets freed up and released.


So it's not a case of:




You believe wrong. All the greatest masters have to conquer their sexual desires BEFORE they learn to harness this energy.


Because as long as you don't conquer this sexual desire, the sexual energies will always be stuck in the lower chakras.


Why do you think there are over a million books and DVDs being written about moving your sexual energies upwards to your crown chakras? The shakti meeting the shiva?



The only way you can realize your true nature is to harness your sexual energy to break open all the obstacles in your body, cleanse all your pollution in your body and channeling the kundalini energy of shakti to meet the shiva consciousness in a permanent kundalini awakening.


Humans are not born to be reproductive animals. The fact that humans are being born continuously is a sign of failure of this society and of humans themselves.


99% of humans are destines to be reincarnated again and again. Why is that? Because they are constantly trapping themselves in cycles of rebirth and death.


Finding mates and reproducing children is like the biggest cause of rebirth and death. When you fcuk someone, you will be creating a karmic imprint on your soul. When you give birth to someone, you will be creating an even bigger linkage. So with all these karmic connections, how are you going to get enlightened?


It is only by destroying all the seeds and roots of karma in this lifetime then can you begin the process of enlightenment. Otherwise you will be trapped again and again.


Reproduction is counter-productive, physically, emotionally, spiritually to enlightenment and i will rather die than to reproduce again without attaining inner enlightenment at least.

Edited by bodyoflight
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Because tension and congestion will only beget more tension and congestion.


Rather, it is a case of freeing up energy on ALL levels, constantly. No movement. Just. Boom.





I think I just made myself enlightened with this post.





This post alone shows that you have not mastered kundalini awakening yet.


I don't even need to argue with you on this one.

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I'd also like to make one thing clear- I believe people have the right to think whatever they want, but I think that they should think it for the right reasons, and they should be aware of all of the inner workings of a situation that go into what they are thinking and why.


It physically pains me when people start to rationalize out there behavior, when insidious psychological tricks come into play, and they don't even realize it.


People tell me I'm a dick sometimes. But I know that. I know why I just give people a knee jerk reaction to some things. I can point to places in my life where shit has gone down that explains me now. I try to work on it, but there's a lot of stuff there. I try to avoid situations in which it comes up. Sometimes that works, sometimes no.


I try to see it for what it is. I don't try and convince myself that I'm secretly resentful that I was more spiritually awakened than my third grade teacher, who tried to hold me back in life, and that's why I lash out against authority, and that I should channel it into one of my eyes to get super powered. That's silly and self delusion. It might be self flattering delusion and might make you feel good, but it's still delusion.

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The only way you can realize your true nature is to harness your sexual energy to break open all the obstacles in your body, cleanse all your pollution in your body and channeling the kundalini energy of shakti to meet the shiva consciousness in a permanent kundalini awakening.


So the same sexual energy that is causing you all the problems down low, and making you do dirty, disgusting, unnatural things is supposed to cleanse your body?


Do you realized how your system here is rigged to fail???


When you fcuk someone


I didn't say a thing about "fucking", but at least I know where your mind is on the subject :D


Reproduction is counter-productive, physically, emotionally, spiritually to enlightenment and i will rather die than to reproduce again without attaining inner enlightenment at least.


I'm sure when the right lady comes along, you'll have rationalized out a good reason to fuck her. I've got one for you right now- if you use contraceptives, no reproduction! Fuck all you want! Whoopee! But what about the imprint.... I'm sure you can shove that up one of your channels. Don't worry, it'll fit. The pain is the bad karma leaving your body. Ida can take it, but you're gonna have to work on Pingala some more.


Just remember, you gotta use all that to CLEAN your body. ;)


This post alone shows that you have not mastered kundalini awakening yet.


I don't even need to argue with you on this one.


I never said I mastered what-have-you.


I simply realized ____________

Edited by Sloppy Zhang

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Well see with this rhetoric, you can accuse ANYONE of disagreeing with Non (or any position you want to choose) as being the one who is really wrong.


Come to think of it, it is almost the essence of troll logic. With this, I can walk up to a physics professor, explain how all physics works, and if they try to correct me and teach me, I can just respond with, "if I were really wrong and you were so right, you wouldn't be getting all flustered desperately trying to show me what's right- it would be self evident. I think that YOU are wrong, and are just trying to get me to buy into YOUR delusions."






I feel like it's this type of enabling rhetoric which gets people tottering on the edge to finally take the plunge into a pool of very not good things.


It is of the same branch of rhetoric that extremists use to radicalize new recruits to their cults- find people who are on the edge with radical, potentially harmful, (self) destructive ideas, provide external validation, then step aside and let them seriously mess something up.


Not good.


Let's face it.


You are the one whose human ego is getting flustered by the unacknowledged spiritual post of Non's.


You are the one whose human ego is calling the ones who walk the true path.. radical, potentially harmful, destructive..


Just ask any third party to look at all your words in this particular post and you will find your human ego is acting up at the thought of a Christ-like figure bringing up the true Word of Enlightenment into this world.


Christ was bringing the real truth of enlightenment into the world. Yet he got fcuked up real bad in the end.


All throughout history, especially recent history, the establishment backed up by the animal masses have tried to pull down anyone and everyone who have tried to break the trapping of modern society in order to evolve the masses.


Why is that? Because the collective human ego consciousness will try to stamp out the individual divine ego consciousness. This is why hardly any master want to teach the masses. Because the masses will kill the master before he ever achieve step 1.


Accept it, it is your human ego acting up against the divine ego of Non's.


Not good.

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Let's face it.


Yes, let's.


Just ask any third party to look at all your words in this particular post and you will find your human ego is acting up at the thought of a Christ-like figure bringing up the true Word of Enlightenment into this world.


Non has made threads in which he muses over how women like to be violently abused and dominated sexually. Then he asked if he could find out about the moon's effects on women's menstrual cycles to see if beta males could figure out the tricks to talk to women, because it wasn't fair that alpha males got all the sex they want.


Is that Christ like?


This is a thread about Non not having morning wood. Where in the Bible or apocrypha is there mention of morning wood, or lack thereof, specifically in relation to Christ's message?


It's Easter Sunday here. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus.


It's not a celebration of Non.


It's not a celebration of Mantak Chia (yes, I saw your reply in the "China or Taiwan" thread).


And it's not a celebration of whoever else you want to add to the list of persecuted-but-really-nice-Christ-like-guys.


I don't know what you are trying to do with this new rhetorical scheme. But it is decidedly not in Non's best interests :angry:

Edited by Sloppy Zhang

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And if you cannot handle it, your muscles can tear irreparably- ruining you for life (and who knows what complexes will develop which will just make more karma you're going to have to deal with later! If you believe all that....)


Slap even more on, and you can actually crush yourself to death!




You are speaking from your own perspective. There are millions of practitioners who have traversed upon this path without consequences. Mantak Chia is still traversing this path and he is till alive at the age of 60 looking like a 40 year old.


What does that tell you?


Sad to say, every body's spiritual potential is different and NON's spiritual potential is much higher than yours, Sloppy.


He can remain celibate for 3 months! WTF! This guy is already on the way to developing his Divine Will.


Can you do that Sloppy? Can you remain celibate for 3 months?


Judging by your posts, i hardly think so.


Based on current performances, NON has a much higher chance of achieving enlightenment than you ever will.



OR he had a pre-existing condition which gave him trouble, and spirituality, namely the practices of retention and celibacy, gave him an "out", an external validation that not only says that it's okay to be alone, not in a relationship, but that it actively encourages the behavior, and adds a ridiculous amount of ideological pressure on to what he is doing with his life and his sex organs.


Which reminds me, were you ever going to tell me about those non-sexual humans?


It is not only ok to be alone. It is the best thing for a practitioner to be alone.


Lord Sakyamuni Buddha left his wife and son for a reason. To achieve enlightenment.


This is because a wife and a child are major obstacles to achieving enlightenment.


As you progress higher and higher on the path, the demonic forces will do anything to hinder you including getting your wife and children to fcuk with you if neccessary.


To protect oneself, one must cut himself off from society if he is seriously about getting into the highest stages of cultivation.


And after achieving inner enlightenment, if one wants to re-integrate himself with society, he can always choose to do so but not before achieving inner enlightenment first.

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Sad to say, every body's spiritual potential is different and NON's spiritual potential is much higher than yours, Sloppy.


-_- below is my response. Does it sound familiar? Word reincarnation. One of the 108 powers you get when you are enlightened (you get no powers, so you have all, and by all, I mean none).


You are speaking from your own perspective.


Can you do that Sloppy? Can you remain celibate for 3 months?


Judging by your posts, i hardly think so.


You are speaking from your own perspective.


How silly- you hear me say "masturbation is not inherently bad" and conclude what you conclude!


Based on current performances, NON has a much higher chance of achieving enlightenment than you ever will.


You're right. How silly of me, in my enlightened wisdom, to not start posting threads about rape and menstrual cycles as soon as I realized the truth! Let me just pull out my Bible, where Jesus gave the sermon on how to get a rock hard alpha male morning erection......


Lord Sakyamuni Buddha left his wife and son for a reason. To achieve enlightenment.


Erm, that was BEFORE enlightenment.


What did he do after?


Did he hide in countries with low population densities?


It'd be kinda hard to get the word out about you if your students were a rock and a billy goat....


And after achieving inner enlightenment, if one wants to re-integrate himself with society, he can always choose to do so but not before achieving inner enlightenment first.


Where was it that I heard someone say that all the things they thought were necessary for enlightenment, before they had actually achieved enlightenment, they realized were useless AFTER they had achieved enlightenment, and knew what was what..... oooooh, it was somebody.........

Edited by Sloppy Zhang

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I'd also like to make one thing clear- I believe people have the right to think whatever they want, but I think that they should think it for the right reasons, and they should be aware of all of the inner workings of a situation that go into what they are thinking and why.


And do you profess to know about every individual spiritual situation out there?


How well do you know NON? Do you have the spiritual sight? Do you know which spiritual guardian is overseeing NON's spiritual cultivation right now?



People tell me I'm a dick sometimes. But I know that. I know why I just give people a knee jerk reaction to some things. I can point to places in my life where shit has gone down that explains me now. I try to work on it, but there's a lot of stuff there. I try to avoid situations in which it comes up. Sometimes that works, sometimes no.


As you said it, you do not know everything. The fact that you do not appreciate NON's mental endurance to stay celibate for 3 months tells me a lot about your capacities.



It physically pains me when people start to rationalize out there behavior, when insidious psychological tricks come into play, and they don't even realize it.


Do you know which spiritual masters, human or ET or otherwise, is fcuking around with NON's psychology?

How do you know that even some of the posts directed at NON in this thread is not the result of some spiritual masters telling his students to write out specific posts for the main objective of disrupting NON's cultivation or some other regular's cultivation?




I try to see it for what it is. I don't try and convince myself that I'm secretly resentful that I was more spiritually awakened than my third grade teacher, who tried to hold me back in life, and that's why I lash out against authority, and that I should channel it into one of my eyes to get super powered. That's silly and self delusion. It might be self flattering delusion and might make you feel good, but it's still delusion.


If Maitreya Buddha or Jesus Christ ever get reborn in this world and he is trying to recover his abilities so that he can transform his body into light and get out of this polluted world..


and the masses of the world is trying to SELFISHLY stop such a powerful spiritual figure from evolving because his presence on this world will minimize the damages from the current demonic forces destroying this world..


because the masses of this world will rather see Maitreya Buddha or Jesus Christ suffer than to lose the chance to save themselves so they will do everything to prevent Maitreya Buddha or Jesus Christ from leaving even if it means sacrificing such a noble person..


then this is true delusion indeed..


because if ever Maitreya Buddha or Jesus Christ gets reborn in this world, do you think the pathetic animal-like humans of this world will ever have any chance at stopping such a high powerful figure from evolution?


Of course, this is only an example of delusion. No one really knows if Maitreya Buddha or Jesus Christ has or will be reborn in this world or not.

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As an enlightened being, I have nothing.




I am not calling him down on it.


In fact, I made a post earlier on about how I understand HOW and WHY celibacy can be helpful. But there are certain conditions for it to be useful. In other conditions it can be harmful, and lead to more problems.


When you are so dedicated to something, like spirituality, that sex doesn't even cross your mind- BAM. Celibacy. No questions asked. You are going your own thing.


Non's three month foray into celibacy? He STILL thinks about sex. STILL is frustrated over women. STILL is frustrated over how society works (to the point where he has openly mentioned suicide numerous times). And STILL obsessed about what his little friend is doing.


Non is not using celibacy to up his spiritual game. He is using celibacy as an out to rationalize away his thoughts and behaviors.



But the fact that Non keeps circling the same issues is GOOD- that is his starting point. That's where he can start asking the questions:


Why do I think this way?


What has it gotten me?


Where am I going with this?


How do I feel about myself and my life NOW?


NON is frustrated because some spiritual masters have used magical means to cover up his spiritual abilities and third eye.


He is also frustrated because some spiritual masters have used magical means to stir up forces of resentment and jealousy and anger at him.


These spiritual masters are not necessarily human. May be ET in origins.


NON is using his celibacy to up his spiritual game. He is just not telling you.


Do you think a high-level practitioner is going to tell you everything?


All these words of NON is just him trying to knock you guys off-balance by trying to stir-up imbalances and insecurities within yourselves!


I think, Sloppy, that you are the one truly insecure about women and society.. Otherwise you wouldn't be calling NON down so much..

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And do you profess to know about every individual spiritual situation out there?


How well do you know NON? Do you have the spiritual sight? Do you know which spiritual guardian is overseeing NON's spiritual cultivation right now?


Do you? Because you seem to be pretty damn sure about what is, and isn't, happening to Non. I'd love to know how you are so sure.


The fact that you do not appreciate NON's mental endurance to stay celibate for 3 months


Ummmm.... what?


Non can stop from jacking off for three months. Great. More power to him. Whoa, hold the phone..... has he GOTTEN any power from this? Has this practice empowered his life AT ALL? Because he's been making the same threads for a very, VERY long time. For longer than 3 months.


What improvements and changes is Non supposed to be receiving from this? Liberation from not jacking off? Because he's pure? Because the energy isn't in his lower centers? Because it seems to me all of his awareness is in his lower centers all. the. time.


How do you know that even some of the posts directed at NON in this thread is not the result of some spiritual masters telling his students to write out specific posts for the main objective of disrupting NON's cultivation or some other regular's cultivation?[/b][/u]


This is textbook irrationality. As well as textbook paranoia, bordering on paranoid schizophrenia. Not to mention the exact type of emotionally and mentally manipulative cult rhetoric that cult leaders use to take advantage of those in a compromised state of mind.


Why do you insist on injecting these flights of fancy into this thread, and then claim, since no one can disprove that alien masters aren't fucking with Non's mind, that you are right, and that anyone who disagrees is bringing Non down?


What is it you are trying to do here?


If Maitreya Buddha or Jesus Christ ever get reborn in this world and he is trying to recover his abilities so that he can transform his body into light and get out of this polluted world..


If they get reborn, I bet lack of morning wood wouldn't even cross their mind. Why do you think that since Non talks about it, it makes him like Christ?


and the masses of the world is trying to SELFISHLY stop such a powerful spiritual figure from evolving because his presence on this world will minimize the damages from the current demonic forces destroying this world..


You need to find a new idol to worship if yours can be brought down by a few guys on the internet talking about masturbation......


because the masses of this world will rather see Maitreya Buddha or Jesus Christ suffer than to lose the chance to save themselves so they will do everything to prevent Maitreya Buddha or Jesus Christ from leaving even if it means sacrificing such a noble person..


Well Christ did this thing where he uh, conquered death. It's kinda what the point of Easter is. I don't think some morons with a spear and some nails really stopped him.


And I doubt a guy on a thread about morning wood would do any better......


because if ever Maitreya Buddha or Jesus Christ gets reborn in this world, do you think the pathetic animal-like humans of this world will ever have any chance at stopping such a high powerful figure from evolution?


No, because they have better things to do than to think about their penis first thing every day.......


Which is what Non does. So that already puts them out of his league. Why are you trying to convince people otherwise?

Edited by Sloppy Zhang

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So the same sexual energy that is causing you all the problems down low, and making you do dirty, disgusting, unnatural things is supposed to cleanse your body?


Do you realized how your system here is rigged to fail???




I didn't say a thing about "fucking", but at least I know where your mind is on the subject :D




I'm sure when the right lady comes along, you'll have rationalized out a good reason to fuck her. I've got one for you right now- if you use contraceptives, no reproduction! Fuck all you want! Whoopee! But what about the imprint.... I'm sure you can shove that up one of your channels. Don't worry, it'll fit. The pain is the bad karma leaving your body. Ida can take it, but you're gonna have to work on Pingala some more.


Just remember, you gotta use all that to CLEAN your body. ;)




I never said I mastered what-have-you.


I simply realized ____________


So many Mantak Chia practitioners have successfully transmuted sexual energies into spiritual enlightenment and you say they are destined to fail??


Even when a man does not lose his semen when fcuking, he is already exchanging energies with a woman as long as he insert his dick into a vagina.


He is taking on energies of the female into himself while giving his own energies into the female.


So say Mantak Chia is fcuking with Britney Spears, Britney will gain the purer, more enlightened energies of Chia's while Chia will be absorbing the more negative, less refined energies of Spear's.


It is a lose-lose situation for Chia regardless of what happen. This taking on of less enlightened energies will be what's called the negative karmic imprints being imposed on Mantak Chia.


Now suppose Mantak Chia meets a hot young blonde supermodel in her 20s who has so spiritually cultivate herself to the extent that she can walk through walls, heal herself, levitate.. then that would be a win-win situation for Chia.


That will be young nubile and spiritual enlightened female energies for the lucky man who gets it. Yum Yum Yum.


But then most female energies in this day are so negatively polluted.


Tis a game of energies, mark my words.

Edited by bodyoflight
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NON is frustrated because some spiritual masters have used magical means to cover up his spiritual abilities and third eye.


He is also frustrated because some spiritual masters have used magical means to stir up forces of resentment and jealousy and anger at him.


These spiritual masters are not necessarily human. May be ET in origins.


So let me get this straight-


High level masters, human or alien, are colluding to get on an internet forum to try and deter Non from his goal?


Just tell me yes or no. I want to be sure I understand you correctly.


NON is using his celibacy to up his spiritual game. He is just not telling you.


Do you think a high-level practitioner is going to tell you everything?


All these words of NON is just him trying to knock you guys off-balance by trying to stir-up imbalances and insecurities within yourselves!


Stroking Non's ego won't get him up in the morning.

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So many Mantak Chia practitioners have successfully transmuted sexual energies into spiritual enlightenment and you say they are destined to fail??


Who are they? How has it helped their lives? If there are so many, you can easily tell me about a few.


Even when a man does not lose his semen when fcuking, he is already exchanging energies with a woman as long as he insert his dick into a vagina.


He is taking on energies of the female into himself while giving his own energies into the female.


So say Mantak Chia is fcuking with Britney Spears, Britney will gain the purer, more enlightened energies of Chia's while Chia will be absorbing the more negative, less refined energies of Spear's.


It is a lose-lose situation for Chia regardless of what happen. This taking on of less enlightened energies will be what's called the negative karmic imprints being imposed on Mantak Chia.


Do the same rules work for a buddha? What about Christ?


Because if these guys can be brought down a few notches simply because you throw them in bed with a bimbo, you gotta start venerating some new people.


Now suppose Mantak Chia meets a hot young blonde supermodel in her 20s who has so spiritually cultivate herself to the extent that she can walk through walls, heal herself, levitate.. then that would be a win-win situation for Chia.


That will be young nubile and spiritual enlightened female energies for the lucky man who gets it. Yum Yum Yum.


What if she's not hot, but young and cultivated? What if she's not young, but attractive? What if she's not young and not attractive, but cultivated?


But then most female energies in this day are so negatively polluted.


Tis a game of energies, mark my words.


Energy games seem a tad petty for Christ and buddha.

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Non has made threads in which he muses over how women like to be violently abused and dominated sexually. Then he asked if he could find out about the moon's effects on women's menstrual cycles to see if beta males could figure out the tricks to talk to women, because it wasn't fair that alpha males got all the sex they want.


Is that Christ like?


This is a thread about Non not having morning wood. Where in the Bible or apocrypha is there mention of morning wood, or lack thereof, specifically in relation to Christ's message?


It's Easter Sunday here. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus.


It's not a celebration of Non.


It's not a celebration of Mantak Chia (yes, I saw your reply in the "China or Taiwan" thread).


And it's not a celebration of whoever else you want to add to the list of persecuted-but-really-nice-Christ-like-guys.


I don't know what you are trying to do with this new rhetorical scheme. But it is decidedly not in Non's best interests :angry:


Sheesh, why are you so angry?


Is it your human ego acting up at my words of truth?


Do my words of truth scare your ego? Anger your ego?


How do you know NON is not a spiritually enlightened master trying to stir up the animals egos in a lot of posters here who PRETEND that they are enlightened but who are in fact hiding their animal natures deep within their very selves?


They pretend that the world is beautiful, they pretend that it is such a beautiful and sacred thing to have sex with a woman but they ignore the cries for the truth?


They ignore the fact that they will be trapped in this world for eternity? They ignore the fact that being addicted to women and sex will prevent them from enlightenment regardless of how they look at it?


They ignore the fact that there are too many in here who can't let go of sex with women so they will brainwash and lie to themselves that having "normal" sexual relationships with women is the right cultivation method?


This is what you are doing, Sloppy. It seems to me that you are lying to yourself that having a sexual relationship with a woman is the right way to cultivate yourself and i will suggest you change your outlook on things to prevent yourself from being dragged into hell further.


I am acting in both NON's and YOUR best interests because i am sick of all the polluted lies lying around. Now that rhymes.

Edited by bodyoflight
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-_- below is my response. Does it sound familiar? Word reincarnation. One of the 108 powers you get when you are enlightened (you get no powers, so you have all, and by all, I mean none).




How silly- you hear me say "masturbation is not inherently bad" and conclude what you conclude!




You're right. How silly of me, in my enlightened wisdom, to not start posting threads about rape and menstrual cycles as soon as I realized the truth! Let me just pull out my Bible, where Jesus gave the sermon on how to get a rock hard alpha male morning erection......




Erm, that was BEFORE enlightenment.


What did he do after?


Did he hide in countries with low population densities?


It'd be kinda hard to get the word out about you if your students were a rock and a billy goat....



Where was it that I heard someone say that all the things they thought were necessary for enlightenment, before they had actually achieved enlightenment, they realized were useless AFTER they had achieved enlightenment, and knew what was what..... oooooh, it was somebody.........


A few observations about this post of yours.


You have not discovered the link between the true teachings of christ, hinduism and buddhism. This shows me how far you have gone down the path of cultivation.


As far as I know, NON has not become spiritually enlightened yet because of the words he say. You have not become spiritually enlightened yet because of the words you say.


I have not become spiritually enlightened yet because I know I am not.


So what right do we have to go out and teach students when we are not enlightened?


And if we are not enlightened yet, why are we still wasting our time and energies away on jobs, women, money in the city?


We should run away asap to countries with little people so that we can cultivate with no one around to bother us!

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Sheesh, why are you so angry?


I am not angry. I am calm and blissful.


It is Shiva's energy which flowed through that post. It sought to compassionately destroy you posts before it could harm Non.


How do you know NON is not a spiritually enlightened master trying to stir up the animals egos in a lot of posters here who PRETEND that they are enlightened but who are in fact hiding their animal natures deep within their very selves?


Your argument is inherently fallacious.


Any evidence I can put forward could be refuted by your assumption- which by its very nature requires NO evidence and can never be disproven (perfect troll logic, by the by).


It would be far more compelling for you to provide evidence that Non IS a master.


That he IS on the level of Christ.


That he IS on the level of a buddha.


But you have note done so.


Show me where Christ or the Buddha talked about alpha males and beta males, women craving to be raped, leaning women's menstrual cycles, and worrying over morning wood.

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Do you? Because you seem to be pretty damn sure about what is, and isn't, happening to Non. I'd love to know how you are so sure.


I do not know everything but I do know more than you .. about NON.. and even about yourself..



Ummmm.... what?


Non can stop from jacking off for three months. Great. More power to him. Whoa, hold the phone..... has he GOTTEN any power from this? Has this practice empowered his life AT ALL? Because he's been making the same threads for a very, VERY long time. For longer than 3 months.


What improvements and changes is Non supposed to be receiving from this? Liberation from not jacking off? Because he's pure? Because the energy isn't in his lower centers? Because it seems to me all of his awareness is in his lower centers all. the. time.



He doesn't get "morning wood". He thought somewhat of sex which means his thoughts about sex are already lesser now than 3 months ago.


This is already a sign of GREAT progress.


Keep it up, Non! Don't disappoint the gods! or the ETs!




This is textbook irrationality. As well as textbook paranoia, bordering on paranoid schizophrenia. Not to mention the exact type of emotionally and mentally manipulative cult rhetoric that cult leaders use to take advantage of those in a compromised state of mind.


Why do you insist on injecting these flights of fancy into this thread, and then claim, since no one can disprove that alien masters aren't fucking with Non's mind, that you are right, and that anyone who disagrees is bringing Non down?


What is it you are trying to do here?




What I am saying is NON's sexual thoughts a few months ago were clearly out of control which show me that some outside forces, ET or human or otherwise, are fcuking with him.


Now, he doesn't get "morning wood" and has less thoughts about sex which means his sexual energies and kundalini energies are protecting him with a psychic shield.


Because when one doesn't jerk off, his power or psychic shield gets more powerful and outside forces will find it much harder to penetrate and pollute his mind.


All forms of mental illness in this world have spiritual connections and causes. This, I know much more than you do.


WHat I am trying to do here? Trying to educate the masses about the truth of things!

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You have not discovered the link between the true teachings of christ, hinduism and buddhism. This shows me how far you have gone down the path of cultivation.


You say stuff like this, but have not demonstrated a knowledge of it yourself.


You just keep talking about fucking. You were the first to use the term. You use it repeatedly. And your first target was Britney Spears. The second target was a hot young woman..... a young Briney Spears?


Is that he fist thing that comes to mind? Fucking? Followed up by a hot young thing?


My my, we know who's trapped now...... their name starts with "body" and ends in "oflight".


As far as I know, NON has not become spiritually enlightened yet because of the words he say. You have not become spiritually enlightened yet because of the words you say.


And that's why I am spiritually enlightened thanks to the Sloppy Sutra, and you are not. Of course it sounds so foreign to you, because you cannot understand something if it does not conform to your sex-energy paradigm. Free yourself!


But the saying is true.... where fall the footsteps of the master, only the chosen can hear.... if you are not amongst the chosen, you will never hear, let alone comprehend. Keep retaining, and maybe next life I'll visit you.....


And if we are not enlightened yet, why are we still wasting our time and energies away on jobs, women, money in the city?


And computers! And internet forums!!!


Quick, bodyoflight, run away before an ad with a naked Britney Spears pops up and gets you to masturbate! You won't get the semen to go to your brain if you spill it all over your keyboard! Flee to a low population density country! Quick, before McDonald's gets there and the last of the masters die out!!!!!!..........


We should run away asap to countries with little people so that we can cultivate with no one around to bother us!


Please, do that. Save yourself....... I'm right behind you.......

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If they get reborn, I bet lack of morning wood wouldn't even cross their mind. Why do you think that since Non talks about it, it makes him like Christ?




Non talks about lesser sexual desires. This is a mark of true spiritual progress. Which makes him like Christ and Buddha.





You need to find a new idol to worship if yours can be brought down by a few guys on the internet talking about masturbation......




I never said Maitreya Buddha or Jesus Christ can be brought down by a few guys talking about masturbation on the net.


I merely said it would be true delusion of a few guys if they think they can bring down Maitreya Buddha or Jesus Christ just by putting down celibacy on the net.





Well Christ did this thing where he uh, conquered death. It's kinda what the point of Easter is. I don't think some morons with a spear and some nails really stopped him.


And I doubt a guy on a thread about morning wood would do any better......



yeah, i believe neither NON nor you, Sloppy or anyone else in this thread or even in this world can stop Jesus or Maitreya Buddha from transforming into a body of light and leaving this world if he wants to.




No, because they have better things to do than to think about their penis first thing every day.......


Which is what Non does. So that already puts them out of his league. Why are you trying to convince people otherwise?


Thinking about your penis is radically different from thinking about women and sex.


There is a markedly difference.


There are a few spiritual practices involved with improving one's penis called the 99 shen gong. Improving one's penis is suppose to increase your sexual/kundalini energies which will aid you in your spiritual practices.


Google it.


The more NON talks about himself, the more of a hidden genius I find him to be. NON is a genius deep down inside trolling away here on this forum racking up insecurities.


I like it.

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I do not know everything but I do know more than you .. about NON.. and even about yourself..


A few observations about this post.....


You are very desperate to try and make everything fit into your view of the world. But you have a bunch of dots that aren't connected. Instead of ignoring them like you have been doing, how about you examine them first?


He doesn't get "morning wood".


No, that's something he hasn't got!


I asked for something he HAS got.


I remember Non's last run with retention. He would worry if he had lost his ability to get erect, so would think of stuff just to make sure. He'd get erect. Then he'd try not to think about it anymore. Somewhere down the line, well, he spilled his cup.


And then we got another round of self depreciating bemoaning about society.


No significant change in attitude, outlook, or tone of posts. Oh, that's right. He started talking about suicide.


What Non's been trying isn't working.


Keep it up, Non!


I think you mean "keep it down".


Don't disappoint the gods! or the ETs!


You should do something because you want to, not because some deity or alien makes you.


What I am saying is NON's sexual thoughts a few months ago were clearly out of control which show me that some outside forces, ET or human or otherwise, are fcuking with him.


Now, he doesn't get "morning wood" and has less thoughts about sex which means his sexual energies and kundalini energies are protecting him with a psychic shield.


Because when one doesn't jerk off, his power or psychic shield gets more powerful and outside forces will find it much harder to penetrate and pollute his mind.


All forms of mental illness in this world have spiritual connections and causes.


Or his mental confusion has coalesced into an inescapable mass which has begun to affect him on the PHYSICAL level.


This, I know much more than you do.


Your posts suggest otherwise. And you have yet to do anything that proves your little claim. But you get an "E" for "effort". "E" does come after "F" for "fail".


WHat I am trying to do here? Trying to educate the masses about the truth of things!


You have to know before you can teach. And you have not demonstrated that you know anything other than how to stroke someone's ego.

Edited by Sloppy Zhang

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