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Thoughts: Projection and Outcome

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Hello guys and gals,

I am reading a really great book right now entitled "The Lotus Still Blooms" by Joan Gattuso. It explains, in simple terms, philosophical Buddhist teachings to the Western man's or woman's) mind. Anyway, I mentioned this book in another post, but thought I should bring it up again as I have found some very interesting topics that I would like to share with ya!

As some of you may know the Buddha was kind of an intelligent fellow, especially after the whole enlightenment thing, B) . In the second chapter of the book, it opens up with a couple of quotes that I would like to share and discuss, if you are so inclined to do so.


1.) "All that I am is the result of all that I have thought." -Buddha


2.) "What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday,

and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow:

our life is the creation of our mind.

If a man acts or speaks with an impure mind,

suffering follows him as the wheel of a cart follows

the beast that draws the cart.

What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday,

and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow:

our life is the creation of our mind:

If a man speaks or acts with a pure mind,

joy follows him as his own shadow."

-The Dhammapada, verses 1-2


Ok so as i was reading this an old saying came to mind:

"Beware of your thoughts, for they become your actions; beware your actions, for they become your habits; beware your habits, for they seal your fate." (This is not verbatim, just off the top of my head.)


We all know how powerful the mind can be, at least I assume you do, lol. I know this first hand as I have battled depression for many years and I truly believe that a large part of it was do to my mental state. In my case, my depression was a comfort zone to me. It was all I knew and what I was used to. I would have ups, but then would come right back down. It was like it was my minds defense mechanism saying, "Whoa, be careful, it dangerous out there! Come back!" Anyway enough on me, just an example.


If you think about it, these previous verses are very wise! (the Buddha did coin these after all)If your thoughts are pure with the right intentions, then it will usually lead to you acting on those intentions. Im not saying that everyone has the right motivation to carry out their ideas and intentions, just in general. So practicing the right thoughts will carry over into your day to day life, basically projecting your mind into your activities, which then become habitual.


I can recall many times where I would have depressive thoughts before facing a big challenge, only to fail at the challenge. I can also recall times when I was very positive and upbeat about something, and it ended up being a success. I am not saying this has always been the case, because my thoughts alone are not the only influential aspect of any situations success. However, after much trial and error, after many wars waged with my mind and life, I have come to the conclusion that my mental state does indeed influence how my day to day life turns out.

I have learned the importance of positive mantras, I am seeing the benefits of a consistent yoga and meditation practice.


I know all of this sounds like common sense, and it really is. However, I just felt the need to share on these quotes that I found, because they have rang very true in my life as of late. I will have to say my life has been much better once I starting thinking positively. I would love to make this thread into a discussion not only on the quotes that I shared, but also on your personal experience with mind power and how thoughts have affected your life!!


Thank you all for reading! I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful group of people who open their hearts and minds on a day to day basis for the benefit of their fellow man!

Love and Light to you all! -Namaste, Matt

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Well as you said in your post, it's not the thoughts alone that are the only influential aspect.


How much thoughts play? Not sure. How much subconscious, habitual decisions go into it? Not sure.


So, I dunno. I just shy away from overarching statements about what does what and how and how often. Because with each situation, it's different.

Edited by Sloppy Zhang

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I know all of this sounds like common sense, and it really is. However, I just felt the need to share on these quotes that I found, because they have rang very true in my life as of late. I will have to say my life has been much better once I starting thinking positively. I would love to make this thread into a discussion not only on the quotes that I shared, but also on your personal experience with mind power and how thoughts have affected your life!!

Hi Matt. Good stuff.


I remember when I first read the TTC, and was suddenly hit with the realization: "I can choose how I feel!" That was huge!


Yes, very simple concepts, but a shame that it's often not taught, the way that material world beliefs are.



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Hey guys,

I have been wanting to reply and add to this post for a few days now, but have been very busy. And with good cause; a cause that very much relates to my first post.

So I was originally talking about how thoughts project into our lives and shape the situations we find ourselves in. I am more a believer now than ever. Ill give an example of how this philosophy recently affected me.


I have been out of work now for a few weeks, and it has been stressful looking for a new job. The market for employment is not very good where I am located. And it seems that the jobs which are available are low paying positions. Certainly nothing to support a family on. (I just recently had a baby boy :) ) I must admit that I have been a bit depressed about this whole situation. Then I took control.


I woke up one day last week in a positive mood. I remember telling myself out loud, "I will find a good job. Be patient." I prayed about it. (This is off topic, but I really think that a large part of the reason prayers are answered is because the person praying has an intention strong enough to manifest into their reality, it being the right season of course.) So that morning I applied to several different jobs online. Many of the jobs were really good offers, but there was one that was just over and above the rest. I applied to that one immediately. I imagined myself having that job, and what it could do for me and my family.


Well 2 hours after I applied for this great job, I received an email. The email was from THE job. It was sending me a formal application, and asking me to send it back immediately so they could set up an interview. I filled it out and sent it. The very next morning, I got a call from the company secretary asking me if I could come in that afternoon for and interview. I could not believe it!!!


Well, to make a long story short, I went to the interview and they hired me on the spot. My first day is tomorrow :D


I guess what all this comes down to are my thoughts and intentions manifesting into reality. I have heard a lot of people get frustrated with the idea of manifesting because they can't seem to pull it off. Well, IMO, there is a reason why they can't manifest. It is not the right season for that particular item, event, situation, etc. to come into there lives. The Universe, God, Dao has a way of looking after us who seek. It does not always happen when or where we want it, but it always comes at the necessary time. I would have loved to have gotten this job 3 weeks ago, lol, but it was not the right time. It is quite amazing how we learn patience through everyday occurrences.


Ok well back to the original point. This situation just proves, TO ME, that with the right positive thoughts (Right Thought- eightfold path) good things will come, while with negative thoughts, (I.E.- the last 3 weeks of being depressed) nothing comes to fruition.

Ok I think I have said all I could say. My faith has been strengthened once more.

Love and Light to you all. Thank you all for helping me along my path, whether you knew what you were doing or not.

-Namaste, Matt

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Have you read, The Biology of Belief? Forget DNA; It is mostly about your thought patterns.

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hello dawei,

no i have not read the book. care to share a bit more? is there a pdf online i can download?

love and light, matt

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Not aware of any downloads. I've read the book and am listen to the audio CD now. There is some stuff on Youtube.


I now see that it is at If your a member, you can download it.


From his website:




The Biology of Belief is a groundbreaking work in the field of New Biology. Author Dr. Bruce Lipton is a former medical school professor and research scientist. His experiments, and that of other leading edge scientists, have examined in great detail the processes by which cells receive information. The implications of this research radically change our understanding of life. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. Dr. Lipton’s profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest and best research in cell biology and quantum physics is being hailed as a major breakthrough showing that our bodies can be changed as we retrain our thinking.

Edited by dawei

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Interesting... I have been seeing things like this for the past few years, and it always made good sense to me. Now Ill just have to read the book. Thanks for the link dawei.


Just goes to show that we all can make our life into what we want.


Namaste, Mateo

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I would be interested to hear your impression of the book. While the guy is not really into eastern energy practices or issues, he touches on points which those in Qigong immediately said "duh" to... feeling that it simply validated what has been taught for thousands of years. On an advanced Qigong level, it essentially reveals the true potential for the path from Nei Gong to Shen Gong. It may not be obvious but it would be interesting to talk about if some more read it. Don't want to distract from your original post anymore. Hope you enjoy it.

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Well as you said in your post, it's not the thoughts alone that are the only influential aspect.


How much thoughts play? Not sure. How much subconscious, habitual decisions go into it? Not sure.

My take on it is this: the issue is habit. Thought is not necessarily a problem and can be a great asset; habit-bound thought, however, is a problem. Whether our habits force us to take another drink, to think nice or bad thoughts about ourselves, lash out at suffering, or whatever, the habits are still programming, and we're acting like machines. It's the opposite of freedom.


Habits, IMO, are designed by evolution to be training wheels, help get us started in life. At some point, if we want to really start riding, we have to take the training wheels off.

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Hey Otis,

I tell you my friend, we must be of the same mind, lol. I read your post over a few times and the more and more it resonated with what I really intended with my original post.


It is so easy to become slaves to our own minds, and to become comfortable with that. I like your training wheel metaphor. It makes good sense. If we as people ever want to evolve to a higher level, we must constantly be in a state of change and adaptation. And I guess that just leads to the ideology of letting go of thoughts. Non-attachment. Sometimes, for me at least, it is so easy to hold on to comfortable thoughts and habits. Like smoking for example. I smoke cigarettes, and have for the past 4 years. To be honest, I have not tried very hard to quit. It is a ridiculous habit, does nothing for me at all, except hurt my lungs and heart. But it is a comfort zone, and I am a slave to it.


Anyway, I guess it kind of goes back to that saying I posted, "Beware your thoughts, for they become your habits..." I need to be more aware of my thoughts. Not try to control them, but let them come and pass if I have no use for them. I don't know if any of this makes sense, I do have a lot on my mind :lol:


Well thanks Otis, I got a lot out of what you said!!! You have been a great help to me with many of your posts! Blessings to you!


Love and Light, Namaste, Matt

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Well thanks Otis, I got a lot out of what you said!!! You have been a great help to me with many of your posts! Blessings to you!


Love and Light, Namaste, Matt

Great to hear it, Matt. Peace!

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