
Udumbara flower prophecy - Holy King of the Wheel is here...

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Um... nope. It comes from the Latin "religare," which means "to reconnect what has been disconnected." The origin of the idea that humanity has been "disconnected" and needs to "reconnect" to the divine is very ancient. According to Mircea Eliade, the most influential authority on indigenous/shamanic cultures and their beliefs, all mythologies of all peoples on Earth contain in some shape or form a story of humans and gods communicating freely and directly at one time. They often mention, pretty much everywhere, Siberia to Africa to the South Pacific Islands, a luminous celestial body that was bridged to the earth so gods came down and humans went up --

which one day took off and disappeared, with dire effects for the humanity. Practices of "reconnection" were developed everywhere in an attempt to rebuild that bridge, reestablish that connection -- "religare."

You're both partially correct:


Words are in a constant state of flux and reanalysis like everything else.


Institutionalized "religion" capitalized on this genuine and valid drive by cunningly and skillfully slipping in its own fabricated messages and falsified duties and obligations to the usurpers of divinity who are anything but. So "taking another look" is also a good idea... and if you are looking to connect to the divine rather than to an "established" church, you are actually looking in the right place. However, if you are connected to the "there's nothing divine" dogma of "modern science" instead, keep in mind that it is merely another false institutionalized religion, with duties and obligations amounting to believing and acting in full submission to whoever happens to be in power!

Oh God, not again.

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Come again?..

I'm sorry. I humbly apologize.


I'm kinda woozy at the moment, so never mind. :wacko:

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Actually, I'd have to add one more provisio to the list: 3) Completeness. A view that fully encapsulates yours, but reasons further beyond it in more depth and greater detail can help you reach your own goals better than the one you currently hold, provided that the more sophisticated view is (at least) as rigorous, well-formulated and well-reasoned as your present view.


A more complete view on the 3 Axioms : LINK 3 AXIOMS


Tao and Wheel greetz


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Pardon me, I'm up late ranting pseudointellectual psychobabble again. I'm off.


Back on topic, please. About how, er... a Chakravartin Wheel-Turning Emperor of the universe is here on earth.


Why not become the Emperor your self?

To turn the Wheel = Eco Tarot 3D

Use the Earth Asylum Spreadsheet and a pendulum

click on the rock crystal pendulum and Tarot 3D


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I am a true agnostic, and thereby I do not understand Religious Teachings such as :


- Bhuddism : all Life is suffering and the main goal is to be free from suffering...

- Christianity : all Life is sinful and the main goal is to accept He that died for all the sinners...

- Islam : all Life is rejecting all other Religions and the main goal is to live by the Koran...



By the way : the word religion is from a Latin term : " relegere "

which means to carefully take another look :excl:


Can you then tell me if you agree with the message of the celestial flower?

And should earthly flowers stay in their habitat?





About Christianity and Buddhism I can only say that True Christianity(during Jesus days and a few hundred years afte his demise) was completely different from modern Church christianity(more corrupted than most other religions, ie using "faith is everything" as an excuse for taking away all the power from the people). I believe Buddhism and Christianity were similar, originally. However, Buddhism has a higher level than Christianity although corrupted too in modern times.


Since the Bible is an upright document just like the Buddhist Tipitaka and both point to the Udumbara flower when the Lord of Lords has come down, I say yes I believe the prophecy has come true, he is here.

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Pardon me, I'm up late ranting pseudointellectual psychobabble again. I'm off.


Back on topic, please. About how, er... a Chakravartin Wheel-Turning Emperor of the universe is here on earth.


Sounds like a good plan.. :)

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