Old Man Contradiction

Taoism and alcohol

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If you are grounded, meaning there is no obstruction between your and the earth's energy, than entities can't do anything to you or your aura.


There is no obstruction between you and earth. Not now, not ever. However "the you" is a neuroses (looking for existance) it is the very obstruction it self.

Making the world "yours in particular", is like taking someone elses' path, it's borrowed and so it has a very limited time frame - your experience will run out only you will realise nothing happened at all. Don't waste your time.

Edited by Guest

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You do have some more experiences to be had through the practice that will blow your cherished beliefs of what is "real" and "false" out of the water of your mind.



Vajrahridaya - you have no idea as to my own experiences or education.

I'll give a hint: I gave up religion, as fairy tales for the weak minded, when I was 10 years old.

My mind is clear enough to remember my mother hand feeding me as well as my silk blanket that I laid on before I could walk.


To be honest- I do not find it necessary to put people in the same "frog in a well" bucket- as you can see in the mirror of your experiences, people do it to themself - you are not alone in there.


Sadly- Until the little froggies develop some scientific standards of documentation 'this website' will not evolve out of a medieval, dark ages, mindset to its potential.


The Scientific Standard I am writing about is simple: To be real, an event must be demonstrable and repeatable.


Here is The Scientific Standard in long form.

An excerpt from:


"Applied Scientific InferenceP. A. STURROCKCenter for Space Science and Astrophysics, ERL 306, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4055

Abstract-The purpose of this article is to use the principles of scientific infer-ence to provide guidance in evaluating complicated issues such as those raisedby the study of anomalous phenomena. Specifically, the article presents a for-malism (a "protocol") for organizing and combining the many judgments thatmust be made in the scientific evaluation of the relevant hypotheses. All judg-ments are to be expressed as probabilities, and the rules for combining proba-bilities are derived from Bayes' theorem. Setting up a problem in a mannerthat permits such an analysis can be helpful in imposing a structure and disci-pline upon the analysis, and also in exposing relevant questions that mightotherwise have remained hidden. Furthermore, the introduction of probabili-ties makes it possible to put on a sound numerical basis such assertions as "ex-traordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." One finds that extraordi-nary evidence can be built up from many (but not very many) items of unspectacular evidence, provided the items are truly independent."


The shame of it all is that this website is supposed to be a study of the Chinese Way.


This Chinese way is the actual source of the Scientific method - which the Chinese used to develop their many, many scientific advancements through the Way of the Tao -which- was what broke the west out of a curtain of ignorance called the dark ages into what we see today.

As I have written before on this website:

Even our computers could not work if not for the binary and hexadecimal math used to program the chips that are based on the Language of 8 AKA: (in Cantonese) the BaGua AKA: the math of the I Ching which, the essence, was written 4,000 years ago.

- What our ancestors were doing 4,000 years ago is the same path you follow now... with the aid of Chinese knowledge AKA: the Tao -which you can wear as you spank your monkey on the keyboard but will never be able to understand untill you break out of this fairy tale world of beliefs based on egomanical selfserving desires.

Edited by ~jK~

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If you are grounded, meaning there is no obstruction between your and the earth's energy, than entities can't do anything to you or your aura.


Excuses, excuses... :D


(Using metaphysical reasons explain one's actions is not very reasonable)


PS: "Just" rearanged sugar molecules? :rolleyes: Sugar is anything but inoffesinve... Some of the effects of sugar and cocaine are pretty simmilar.


I notice that every culture that encounters the Tao uses it as a metaphysical excuse for aberrant behaviour.

Today it's booze and pot, i wonder what will people think of tomorrow??

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When you get past your materialist dogmas. We can talk.

When you get past your Religious-belief-structured -dogmas. We will not need to talk.

Even the English language, being based on sounds -that someone needs teach you - is belief structured.

Compare this to the Chinese written language, which is based on objects found in reality and their association.

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Not enough to get you constantly intoxicated. I think having too much of an endorphin rush can cause delusion as well though.


Strange how our bodies seem to work complete differently. In my experience I get high solely on identification where you on like me, seem to be getting high on very specific and chosen matters. In my reality we are addicted to a self image, nothing else. The stimulants by which we maintain our very limited life expression as such, are not the addictive objects, they are subjective to the physical reality, they don't work othervise.


It is like masturbation. If we think we are addicted to something physical we get stocked. We go back to the doing because they never released what we came for to do. We bring wrong weapons (say smokes) to some one elses' fight. So yes, it seems that one is addicted to that smoke when in fact it is the very idea that keeps us from finishing and go.


And there is a huge industry and culture behind this supporting our(!) choices, making sure that we don't come to other terms. The system need us to be unclear so they benefit from our so called mishapped and lack of understanding.

Edited by Guest

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I'll give a hint: I gave up religion, as fairy tales for the weak minded, when I was 10 years old.

The Scientific Standard I am writing about is simple: To be real, an event must be demonstrable and repeatable.


Frankly speaking, modern scientific study can be considered a sort of play-time involved with the skandha of form rather than any sort of true learning. True learning, on the other hand, is the process of getting to know your fundamental self and where the universe and the mind came from. True learning also involves learning how to reveal this true self through enlightened activity for the universe


All religions have elements of truth, but Buddhism is the closest to the truth because it came from a fully enlightened Buddha.


Scientists that haven't even opened a bit their third eye should better refrain from saying what is real and what not.

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Things are not what they seem.

All I meant was that you get more alcohol from drinking than you do from what your body naturally produces. I didn't mean that one cannot be naturally high on spiritual realization without any external support.


The best rebellion is to not buy into happiness through external means. Then you will not be a victim of commercialism.


ah OK :) I see. And yes, I agree on that statement on happiness of yours.


Happiness is to look for something that does not exists, and unhappiness is to be unfortuned enough to find it.

Commercial interest into this matter of happiness is a very negative and destructive force, and if the general population wasn't so misguidet and ignorant, commercial interest could not take advantage of people like that.

Then Commercial interest would actually be considered to be organised terror, and legally treated as such.

Edited by Guest

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When you get past your Religious-belief-structured -dogmas. We will not need to talk.

Even the English language, being based on sounds -that someone needs teach you - is belief structured.

Compare this to the Chinese written language, which is based on objects found in reality and their association.


I understand your point, but your example does not really make sense. Do you think that Chinese speaking children learn the spoken language any differently than English speaking children? Just because their spoken language is framed around syllables and ours around phenoms does not really make all that big of a difference.


Are you suggesting that the increased occurrence of homonyms plays a part in cognition or perception? If so, I would like to hear more because that is a linguistic theory I have never heard before.


As for written speech, you also do not really see much practical difference. Especially when you consider that most modern Chinese people use simplified characters, which are not really pictographic in the slightest. Even traditional characters stopped being pictographic (except for a few dozen out of ten of thousands of characters) almost 4,000 years ago. Traditional characters are mostly ideographic with a phonetic component, and so they capture nearly the same range of words (minus foreign import words) as any phonetic language. As soon as you move away from pure, primitive pictographic language, you move into the realm of the increasingly abstract and belief based language.


Rectifying the Names (Chinese language) so that people could simply and directly say what they mean was actually one of the big things that Confucius argued for over 2,500 years ago... and never achieved.



Sorry for the little rant. This is one of my pet peeves. Chinese characters =/= hieroglyphics

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Excuses, excuses... :D


(Using metaphysical reasons explain one's actions is not very reasonable)


don't forget that I don't drink.


Also, even though I don't believe in it, it's still not too fair of you to bring spirits into the equation and than dismiss the apparently best tool for defense against them.(according to my old spiritual counselor, grounding was the best way)


In order to keep my feet planted on the ground, I've gradually stopped looking at metaphysical theories and started to just look at my experience. I practice yichuan because it helps my body feel good and my mind stay quiet, not because it "balances my qi" and "grounds me", because the truth is I don't know those things for sure, but what I do know for sure is the benefit that I experience.

Edited by Old Man Contradiction

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To me its substance, and substance abuse.


Substance abuse shows a negative aspect of ones character.. Although does your perspective on which substances can be consumed in mass amounts matter? =/

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