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I am delighted at the requirement that I create a new topic before I can post anywhere else-- as I specifically desire to post the following information in the thread "Encounters with the Nagual"


This is the first time I have seen a requirement like this in any forum.


Most comical.


Highly entertaining.


Thank you for the pleasure you have brought me.


I am happy to say that I feel more free than I ever expected to be in this lifetime, and if I get time I will write my own book to hopefully help others entitled something like, "How To Raise A Peerless Son With Next To No effort".


I attribute all of that directly to my having read and re-read Taisha Abelar, Florinda Donner, Armando Torres, and some other popular writer named, um, something like Carlitos Cant-stand-ya-- or something like that.


You might say that I stumbled upon their books at http://www.aquakeys.com/toltec/index.html, but if you were to say that, it would be less than accurate.


The UserName and Password are both: aquakeys


I wish you all the very best. and I intend for us all the very best, and changing the modality of the time is my final and only intent.


Peace. Salaam.


Christopher J F R. B)

Edited by zzR

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I am happy to say that I feel more free than I ever expected to be in this lifetime, and if I get time I will write my own book to hopefully help others entitled something like, "How To Raise A Peerless Son With Next To No effort".


sounds good, a full solution from beginning to end and nothing less. :)


You might say that I stumbled upon their books at http://www.aquakeys.com/toltec/index.html, but if you were to say that, it would be less than accurate.


site needs a password. :rolleyes:


I wish you all the very best. and I intend for us all the very best, and changing the modality of the time is my final and only intent.


Peace. Salaam.


Christopher J F R. B)


you too and welcome to taobums. :)

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Updated: 2009.08.09


The site again is..


and works with "www." too...




The UserName and PassWord are both..




I welcome you telling all your family and friends.


The username and password are implied for anyone using Internet Explorer 7 or 8, and anyone using FireFox because the pop-up windows states..




FireFox 3


"A username and password are being requested by http://www.aquakeys.com. The site says: "--UserName and PW: aquakeys--".



IE 8


The server www.aquakeys.com at --UserName and PW: aquakeys-- requires a username and password.


Warning: This server is requesting that your username and password be sent in an insecure manner (basic authentication without a secure connection).




I will remember to be more explicit in all of my further suggestions to anyone to visit that site.


The site is set with a password to keep Google / all search engines out. AKA "Long live that site".


Thank You for your time, and your courage to respond.


All the best.


Chris B)

Edited by zzR

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nice site, good design and easy on the eyes. :)


Thank you. I designed it for night vision.


sounds good, a full solution from beginning to end and nothing less. :)


{Refers to raising my son to age 20}


Really it was nearly just a simple matter of treating him as an equal from the time he was born.


"I love you" and "It is your life. Do what you want" were about the only 2 themes I needed to raise him to peerless status (in terms of raw awareness).


The Toltec books served to give me the confidence to allow him total freedom in every regard I could-- in opposition to all the arguments proposed to me by family members who believed I needed to give him guide-lines.


And thankfully I had 6 years of the Toltec reading before he was conceived.


And thankfully I had been dating a girl those 6 years; a girl I put through both a BA and Masters degree in psychology-- which I used as counter-point to the Toltec readings-- before I got my son's mom pregnant (a different girl).


The only thing approaching my imposition on him were my words "You are breaking my heart" when he knew he was "over the line" in my world.


Rule number zero: There are no rules.

Rule number 1: Don't hurt my friends.

Rule number 2: Don't trash the place.

Rule 3: If rule 1 or 2 is violated: All-Stop. and rectify problem before continuing in play mode.

Rule 4: See rule zero.


These rules as stated here are just an example of words I would throw around to him-- as the issue was raising him as totally free as I could in-spite of my being raised to be a true A**Hole as my Mom tried to impart her father's strict German upbringing to me; and I bought it "hook line and sinker" as a little boy-- and this is still my basic personality, a**hole, when I can not quite manage being "nothing".


Anyway, as I look back on those years and reminisce / explain to my son the careful decisions I made, I can truly say and usually conclude those discussions saying, "It was the greatest." : o )


Or I say to him, "You were my great experiment; that went Horribly..



Christopher James Francis Rodgers





PS: your second "Signature" URL needs to be in the following format-- without the "*" asterisks.


[u*r*l*=http://www.your-site.com]Click Here To Go To My Site At www.your-site.com.[*/*u*r*l]



Edited by zzR

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hello and sorry for the delay I know it's not a good conduct to delay but I was too preoccupied with other problems. part of the reply I already saved to a text file for when I get back to replying.


Thank you. I designed it for night vision.


I much prefer that design, I also use firefox darken link.


and regarding parenting, it is part of my interests and I like your approach and simple rules, I did not read much about toltec so I don't know about it. I was reminded about supernanny and 911 nanny and went on a long amazon search for books about those nanny celebrities and related books. which books would you recommend? or does Toltec parenting have an advantage over them?

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Updated 2009.08.17


Desert Eagle:


Thanks for the "Darken" link.


It's great !


I have spent many hours now

trying to figure that system out.


I have moved all of the notes that were in this forum thread

to my website page..


Bookmarklet "Darken" Revised To White Font; And Brighter Links.


Thanks again.


I wish you and yours all the very best.


- Chris

Edited by zzR

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Thank you for your input.


I actually find the latter books less complex because they demystify much of don Juan Matus's initial training which was more filled with trickery as dictated by Carlos' ineptness.


The Wheel Of Time was just a consolidation of the first 8 books. Nothing new there.



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I prefer that the text be white, though,

instead of grey, so I changed the "color"

from "grey" (or was it "gray") to


=== (Do Not include This Line)

java script:(function(){var%20newSS,%20styles='*%20{%20background:%20black%20!%20important;%20color:%20#fff%20!important%20}%20:link,%20:link%20*%20{%20color:%20#79f%20!important%20}%20:visited,%20:visited%20*%20{%20color:%20#a5f%20!important%20}';%20if(document.createStyleSheet)%20{%20document.createStyleSheet("java script:'"+styles+"'");%20}%20else%20{%20newSS=document.createElement('link');%20newSS.rel='stylesheet';%20newSS.href='data:text/css,'+escape(styles);%20document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(newSS);%20}%20})();

=== (Do Not include This Line)


thanks a lot for that I really wanted it white for more contrast. I just copied and pasted the whole line you made into the bookmark properties of the darken link but it didn't work, turned out it was because of the space in "java script" then it worked great.

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