Wu Ming Jen

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Posts posted by Wu Ming Jen

  1. The material life is happy healthy life. Excellent energetic well being,  master the physical plane providing for self and family. Distorted views create desire, riches, fame and many other disorders in the mind and energetic system being destructive to life.


    The superficial and society created views of clothes, shelter, and food easily steals our riches and wealth beyond any monetary value.


    Lao Tzu writes, “To know when you have enough is to be rich.”


    “There is no crime greater than indulging your desires,
    There is no disaster greater than not knowing contentment,
    There is no calamity more serious than wanting to get ahead,


    What care if we pay or not. The issue is attachment to the money. We just need to have a better relationship with money and truly know how rich we are with or without.

    • Like 1

  2. live healthy, happy lives.

    The material life must be taken care of first to develop the higher standards of neigung. To be outside of the laws of yin and yang and the five elements, the physical realm we are also inside the material world at the same time. To pass through the gate of life one must have no baggage and clinging desire to fit into such a small space. This can be a reason some have problems turning around and returning to simplicity.


    Daoists have been exploring and studying the relationship between the universe and the human body for thousands of years. This understanding enables Daoists to use different methods and skills which help them live healthy, happy lives.


    Daoists used traditional philosophy and psychology in all aspects of their activities, including the problems of the mind. For example, the Daoist long-held practice of inner alchemy, outer alchemy, qigong, and Daoyin, an ancient form of Daoist neigong to cultivate jing (essence), can alleviate health problems within the human body.


    In their pursuit of health and longevity, Daoists have elevated the principle of using inner power in their martial arts training in building the mind and body strength needed for self-defense. So over time, the trifecta of internal martial arts of XingYi Quan, Bagua Zhang, and Taiji Quan converged into the aegis of what we now know as Neijia Quan (內家拳) – the practice of full awareness of spirit, mind, and qi.


    Different schools of thought were formed when these Daoist practices of alchemy, rituals, philosophy, and mind and body cultivation converged. Nevertheless, Daoists inherited these different cultures and customs and appreciated many of their contributions to improving all human beings’ health and lives.

    • Like 4

  3. On 8/15/2022 at 6:45 PM, Cultivation1 said:



    If I visualized chi coming into my head with every inhale, how would you suggest training my body to the opposite ? 

    What goes up must come down. The chi orbit moves up the back over the head and down the front of the body generally speaking. The descending channel is just as important as rising energy up the spine.


    Yin and yang complete each other otherwise energy stagnates. Thinking and controlling stagnates energy. The mission is to follow chi and raise awareness. inhale is rising chi, exhale is sinking chi. make the breath and flow smooth. A single thought can alter the breath give your mind a rest, follow, observe.

  4. A body made of iron could be an advantage in a fight. Tensing your muscles and creating resistance could guarantee injury or at least make any touch more harmful.


    A body made of water could also be an advantage in a fight no resistance and nothing to land on.


    When we combine hard and soft together. knowing when to be soft and when to be hard the ability to change, adapt, adjust slight details one can have a true advantage. It all ends up as useless garbage and speculation if we are not actually training. if interested in iron shirt do the work.

    • Like 2

  5. On 7/15/2022 at 5:30 PM, Nuralshamal said:

    Dear Dao Bums,

    Qigong and astral travel... Let me ask you some questions :D

    1) Have you astral travelled? If yes, could you elaborate how you got to be able to do that, as well as share some experiences 
    2) Do you know any trustworthy stories (about friends, teachers etc) about astral travel? If so, please share :)
    3) Do you know any qigong or meditation methods for astral travelling you could share?
    4) Do you know any qigong or meditation teachers (trustworthy and authentic) who teach astral travel?

    Let me share some of my own answers to the above questions :D 
    a) I'll start with SKY (simplified kundalini yoga).
    b ) After, I'll share about my sexual qigong and daoist lovemaking teacher.
    c) Then, I'll share from my indian-village-mountain-cave-yogi guru, who has a student who has shared stories about "sukshma sharir ki yatra" (subtle body travel or subtle body pilgrimage).
    d) Subsequently, I'll share the story of a white, atheist european boy, who accidentally got the power of astral travel through tibetan buddhist mandala visualisation meditation.
    e) finally, I'll share a short story from a qigong master from Australia

    In SKY (Simplified Kundalini Yoga), Vethathiri Maharishi (the guru and founder) was taught astral travel by one of his own gurus.

    In the beginning of SKY, astral travel was taught as one of the meditations, freely available to everyone. Later, they changed it so only masters would learn it during the masters course. Latest... they completely stopped it. Therefore, alas, I have not been able to learn it yet..

    However, I've heard face-to-face trustworthy accounts of high level teachers and masters in SKY, personally telling me about their experiences.

    The method used is meditating on the navel chakra. After that, I don't know what the next step is (yet.. I hope to learn someday, somehow).

    Other things they said: how they used to learn it. It would be on full moon morning. They would all have eaten a light dinner the night before, and meditated on the navel chakra before bed time. They would then meet at 4AM. They would all lie down with white sheets on top of them. Vethathiri would be seated, guiding it all. They would meditate on the navel chakra while lying down, and Vethathiri would use his yogic power to take them out of their body, one by one. Once all were out of the body, he would take them to the moon, all together. After returning to the meditation hall, he would stay there. He would then allow everyone to go and do what they want to try; e.g. visit their families, visit mountains or faraway lands, go on pilgrimages to temples etc. Lastly, he would put everyone back in their body.

    They could then practice this meditation on full moon mornings back home, whenever they wanted. They should just follow the same instructions; light dinner the night before with navel chakra meditation before bed etc.

    Sexual qigong and lovemaking teacher
    He told me that the end goal of all daoism and qigong is astral travel. "The One" spoken about in alchemy is actually our spiritual fetus, spiritual body, whatever you want to call it. "Return to the One", "Merge three into One", "From spirit to the One", "Merge with the Emptiness and attain the One" etc.

    He said the couple would do their qigong and meditation. They would then make sweet, sweet love. They would then leave their bodies. Once out of the body, they would use all the energy from the lovemaking to heal the physical bodies.

    They would then travel to another planet in our Galaxy, the one from where qigong originates. Here you can be taught higher teachings and achieve higher levels of mastery than using the qigong physically available on Planet Earth. Teachings which have slowly been lost over time, since given to the Planet Earth by "the Gods".

    Indian Village, another student of my guru

    He got the siddhi of sukshma sharir ki yatra through the following steps:
    1) attain mantra siddhi of a kavach mantra (tantric protection mantra)
    2) tratak on the sun and moon to build the energy sufficiently strong
    3) meditating on the navel chakra with neck lock until prana and apana merge, after which they rush up through the sushumna, naturally break your neck lock, and go to the crown chakra
    4) the prana will then pulse in your crown chakra. You meditate on this pulse of energy for 60 minutes with no other thoughts in your mind
    5) then you will feel your sukshma sharir leave your physical body (don't become shocked, then you will have to restart the 60 minutes)
    6) after the first succesfull leaving out the crown, you can do it very quickly (because the path has been opened)
    7) then you can lie down on the back more comfortably and simply leave out the crown
    8) then you will see your physical body sitting or lying there, and you will see spirits around you, trying to mess with you, trying to get you to freak out. Don't let them distract you from your goal, remember that you have put the kavach and trust in it
    9) go to your destination, do what you need to do, come back (just by thinking about your body, you automatically return instantly, no matter where you are or the distance)

    He himself personally went to "Vaikunth", the planet or place where Lord Rama resides. He then did puja to Rama and Sita. Then he returned.

    After this first journey, he would venture out and journey, doing pilgrimages or simply visiting interesting places, every night during his sleeping time.

    White atheist boy
    At one point in my life, I stayed 6 months in a Hindu Ashram in Europe. The resident indian swami told me the following story about this swiss boy, who came to ask for advice.

    He was a white, swiss, atheist boy, who had never been interested in religion nor spirituality. In his 20s during his university education, a girlfriend of his convinced him to try to meditate, as a way to cope with stress. He agreed (I think he liked the girl ;))

    He was taught a tibetan buddhist mandala visualisation. He would visualise the mandala in 4 steps: lower part of the mandala, middle part of the mandala, upper part of the mandala, the whole mandala together. If you lose the visualisation, you start over.

    He actually felt some stress relief from this method, so he continued it all throughout university, and also after starting work. 

    After 7 years, one day while meditating, he heard a huge pop. He opened his eyes and saw the wall moving towards him. He was very surprised. As he tried to move, he noticed it was actually him, flying towards the wall. He turned around, and shockingly saw his body sitting in the chair. He was out of his body!

    He didn't know what to do, so he decided to go visit his dad back home in the countryside of Switzerland. He flew slowly all the way, following the roads and signs. He found his dad out in the garden, working. He tried to talk to him, but his dad didn't react. After some time, he flew all the way back, and went into his body again.

    He called his dad and asked "dad, did you work on the kale in the garden around 3 o'clock this afternoon?", "Why, yes son, I did".

    The swiss boy was shocked.

    The leaving of the body would then happen every single time he meditated. As an atheist, he was so confused by this experience, that he stopped his meditation, and went on google to try and find some hindu or buddhist centers in his city. He found the ashram I would later live in for 6 months, and asked the resident swami to explain what was happening to him, how it was possible, and what he should do.

    Qigong Master from Australia
    He was born into a chinese qigong family. At 4 he was forced to do long standing. As a teenager, his teacher took him astral travelling. He took him all the way down to the "realms of hell", and all the way up to the highest levels of "divine realms" they could go to.

    I have heard many bogus and untrustworthy accounts of astral travel in my life. However, the ones above, I can all vouch for. They were told to me by trustworthy friends, in a natural and unforced manner. There were no reason or anything to gain for them, cooking up these stories. It was simply a natural part of the conversations I shared with them during my time with them.

    I consider them quite "juicy" and interesting :D

    I hope to also learn astral travel someday ;)

    Now please, what do you have to say about my 4 initial questions:
    1) Have you astral travelled? If yes, could you elaborate how you got to be able to do that, as well as share some experiences 
    2) Do you know any trustworthy stories (about friends, teachers etc) about astral travel? If so, please share :)
    3) Do you know any qigong or meditation methods for astral travelling you could share?
    4) Do you know any qigong or meditation teachers (trustworthy and authentic) who teach astral travel?

    On 7/15/2022 at 5:30 PM, Nuralshamal said:

    Dear Dao Bums,

    Qigong and astral travel... Let me ask you some questions :D

    1) Have you astral travelled? If yes, could you elaborate how you got to be able to do that, as well as share some experiences 
    2) Do you know any trustworthy stories (about friends, teachers etc) about astral travel? If so, please share :)
    3) Do you know any qigong or meditation methods for astral travelling you could share?
    4) Do you know any qigong or meditation teachers (trustworthy and authentic) who teach astral travel?

    Let me share some of my own answers to the above questions :D 
    a) I'll start with SKY (simplified kundalini yoga).
    b ) After, I'll share about my sexual qigong and daoist lovemaking teacher.
    c) Then, I'll share from my indian-village-mountain-cave-yogi guru, who has a student who has shared stories about "sukshma sharir ki yatra" (subtle body travel or subtle body pilgrimage).
    d) Subsequently, I'll share the story of a white, atheist european boy, who accidentally got the power of astral travel through tibetan buddhist mandala visualisation meditation.
    e) finally, I'll share a short story from a qigong master from Australia

    In SKY (Simplified Kundalini Yoga), Vethathiri Maharishi (the guru and founder) was taught astral travel by one of his own gurus.

    In the beginning of SKY, astral travel was taught as one of the meditations, freely available to everyone. Later, they changed it so only masters would learn it during the masters course. Latest... they completely stopped it. Therefore, alas, I have not been able to learn it yet..

    However, I've heard face-to-face trustworthy accounts of high level teachers and masters in SKY, personally telling me about their experiences.

    The method used is meditating on the navel chakra. After that, I don't know what the next step is (yet.. I hope to learn someday, somehow).

    Other things they said: how they used to learn it. It would be on full moon morning. They would all have eaten a light dinner the night before, and meditated on the navel chakra before bed time. They would then meet at 4AM. They would all lie down with white sheets on top of them. Vethathiri would be seated, guiding it all. They would meditate on the navel chakra while lying down, and Vethathiri would use his yogic power to take them out of their body, one by one. Once all were out of the body, he would take them to the moon, all together. After returning to the meditation hall, he would stay there. He would then allow everyone to go and do what they want to try; e.g. visit their families, visit mountains or faraway lands, go on pilgrimages to temples etc. Lastly, he would put everyone back in their body.

    They could then practice this meditation on full moon mornings back home, whenever they wanted. They should just follow the same instructions; light dinner the night before with navel chakra meditation before bed etc.

    Sexual qigong and lovemaking teacher
    He told me that the end goal of all daoism and qigong is astral travel. "The One" spoken about in alchemy is actually our spiritual fetus, spiritual body, whatever you want to call it. "Return to the One", "Merge three into One", "From spirit to the One", "Merge with the Emptiness and attain the One" etc.

    He said the couple would do their qigong and meditation. They would then make sweet, sweet love. They would then leave their bodies. Once out of the body, they would use all the energy from the lovemaking to heal the physical bodies.

    They would then travel to another planet in our Galaxy, the one from where qigong originates. Here you can be taught higher teachings and achieve higher levels of mastery than using the qigong physically available on Planet Earth. Teachings which have slowly been lost over time, since given to the Planet Earth by "the Gods".

    Indian Village, another student of my guru

    He got the siddhi of sukshma sharir ki yatra through the following steps:
    1) attain mantra siddhi of a kavach mantra (tantric protection mantra)
    2) tratak on the sun and moon to build the energy sufficiently strong
    3) meditating on the navel chakra with neck lock until prana and apana merge, after which they rush up through the sushumna, naturally break your neck lock, and go to the crown chakra
    4) the prana will then pulse in your crown chakra. You meditate on this pulse of energy for 60 minutes with no other thoughts in your mind
    5) then you will feel your sukshma sharir leave your physical body (don't become shocked, then you will have to restart the 60 minutes)
    6) after the first succesfull leaving out the crown, you can do it very quickly (because the path has been opened)
    7) then you can lie down on the back more comfortably and simply leave out the crown
    8) then you will see your physical body sitting or lying there, and you will see spirits around you, trying to mess with you, trying to get you to freak out. Don't let them distract you from your goal, remember that you have put the kavach and trust in it
    9) go to your destination, do what you need to do, come back (just by thinking about your body, you automatically return instantly, no matter where you are or the distance)

    He himself personally went to "Vaikunth", the planet or place where Lord Rama resides. He then did puja to Rama and Sita. Then he returned.

    After this first journey, he would venture out and journey, doing pilgrimages or simply visiting interesting places, every night during his sleeping time.

    White atheist boy
    At one point in my life, I stayed 6 months in a Hindu Ashram in Europe. The resident indian swami told me the following story about this swiss boy, who came to ask for advice.

    He was a white, swiss, atheist boy, who had never been interested in religion nor spirituality. In his 20s during his university education, a girlfriend of his convinced him to try to meditate, as a way to cope with stress. He agreed (I think he liked the girl ;))

    He was taught a tibetan buddhist mandala visualisation. He would visualise the mandala in 4 steps: lower part of the mandala, middle part of the mandala, upper part of the mandala, the whole mandala together. If you lose the visualisation, you start over.

    He actually felt some stress relief from this method, so he continued it all throughout university, and also after starting work. 

    After 7 years, one day while meditating, he heard a huge pop. He opened his eyes and saw the wall moving towards him. He was very surprised. As he tried to move, he noticed it was actually him, flying towards the wall. He turned around, and shockingly saw his body sitting in the chair. He was out of his body!

    He didn't know what to do, so he decided to go visit his dad back home in the countryside of Switzerland. He flew slowly all the way, following the roads and signs. He found his dad out in the garden, working. He tried to talk to him, but his dad didn't react. After some time, he flew all the way back, and went into his body again.

    He called his dad and asked "dad, did you work on the kale in the garden around 3 o'clock this afternoon?", "Why, yes son, I did".

    The swiss boy was shocked.

    The leaving of the body would then happen every single time he meditated. As an atheist, he was so confused by this experience, that he stopped his meditation, and went on google to try and find some hindu or buddhist centers in his city. He found the ashram I would later live in for 6 months, and asked the resident swami to explain what was happening to him, how it was possible, and what he should do.

    Qigong Master from Australia
    He was born into a chinese qigong family. At 4 he was forced to do long standing. As a teenager, his teacher took him astral travelling. He took him all the way down to the "realms of hell", and all the way up to the highest levels of "divine realms" they could go to.

    I have heard many bogus and untrustworthy accounts of astral travel in my life. However, the ones above, I can all vouch for. They were told to me by trustworthy friends, in a natural and unforced manner. There were no reason or anything to gain for them, cooking up these stories. It was simply a natural part of the conversations I shared with them during my time with them.

    I consider them quite "juicy" and interesting :D

    I hope to also learn astral travel someday ;)

    Now please, what do you have to say about my 4 initial questions:
    1) Have you astral travelled? If yes, could you elaborate how you got to be able to do that, as well as share some experiences 
    2) Do you know any trustworthy stories (about friends, teachers etc) about astral travel? If so, please share :)
    3) Do you know any qigong or meditation methods for astral travelling you could share?
    4) Do you know any qigong or meditation teachers (trustworthy and authentic) who teach astral travel?

    The bed chamber is not sexual it is the point of yin and yang giving birth to your higher self. Astral projecting is nobody's goal only side effect or an obstruction of being a better person. 


    In the blink of an eye we travel between dream and reality they are not separate. what sounds lofty and spiritual is only superficial misunderstanding.   


    The third party has so much experience but it is not your own. Only you can travel and pass the heavenly gates. All else is fake and make-believe. Astral projecting is a worthless ambition, intention, want, need, desire that will take you far from the bullseye. Do not seek the far from the near there is a lot of work to be done.


    Be more interested in small gains and accumulate the wealth. Why spend any wealth of energy that leads to an imaginary space. Just saying not worth it.   


    Know the target before shooting your load. Know what is around, above,  below and behind what you are seeking. There is nothing to seek that is the mistake. If you are seeking it is an endless battle that can not be won. 

    • Like 3

  6. Being kind is not true kindness. being loving is not true loving. It is the being of self getting in the way of true understanding.


    Wu Wei is one expression of this understanding. Without knowing one is kind or trying to be kind and all actions from the true will manifest as kindness without want or need of something in return. Then we get to graduate  from our impermanence of body and mentality.



  7. It is not as critical as you can imagine. You are using your mind and are trying to control the flow. One needs to follow chi moving this is not conscious control but observation and awareness of energy, once the mind gets in the way there is trouble, Entity possession is another mental condition putting something outside of your self as the obstruction. let go and feel the flow.


    Any negative experience must be put to rest and immediately stop what you are doing.


    1) find a teacher to correct practice.


    2) do some research


    If your mind gives you a condition that medical advise can not solve. It is up to you to put it to rest, dissolve the condition instead of giving yourself a condition.


    Normal practice with physical hard work KUNG Fu will strengthen sinews and tendons. One will feel weak and sore as you regain your mobility. The nervous system will be enhanced with proper movement.


    As I read your post just stop it. don't do what you are doing to yourself without proper guidance. 


    Trance states are an awful thing to do. Altered consciousness is a terrible thing to do. One needs to be normal and expand awareness. Become a better person in the mundane. If one seeks other realities than their own they are lost.

    • Like 1

  8. “It seems that the true tradition of inner alchemy has been principally maintained, as much in Taiwan as in the People’s Republic of China, amongst masters often secluded in temples located on mountains, who generally claim to be from the Longmen school ( the « Dragon Gate », a school that has been founded by Qiu Chuji) and who state a transmission whose lineage of masters is held in a precise way.


    No serious research has yet been made about this transmission, but it appears that the techniques it teaches are incontestably in line with those of the origins. However, it must be noted that those techniques have a certain tendency, nowadays, to get mixed up with simple breathing techniques, so-called qigong (“breath work”) that are hugely popular in Taïwan and in Mainland China, and that are the object of numerous publications.


    This evolution tends to emphasize the physiological aspect of inner alchemy, that takes over the cosmological speculations and the spiritual and intellectual training, to the point of hiding them in some cases. 


    Some publications that claim to be from inner alchemy do not differ anymore from qigong, about which it has to be recalled that it belongs more to the Chinese cultural background than to proper Taoism. But that is only the most visible tendency, that do not prevent some streams of pure inner alchemy to continue to exist. »


    (1) The reason being is that the upright methods of the scriptures are obscure and hard to understand. Seemingly masters are unknowing of the authentic transmission, therefore nowadays cultivators in China comprehending them are few and far between;


    (2) These days there are no expert scholars of true cultivation and concrete verifications who thoroughly expound on the scriptures. Translations employing words can hardly obtain the scriptures’ meanings; besides, Westerners are not discovering the existence of these scripture translations;


    (3) There are translations of scripture books that are completely obtained from the books original theories, and do not come forth from any experience of concrete verifications. Many are empty talk of profound theories.


    “The spirit without spirit;
    People of ancient times cut themselves off from the wheel of life.
    If one relies entirely on innate nature and life-destiny,
    one will be able to reach completion.
    The humanly prime is considered seizing the source of life.
    The earthly prime is considered the Dao of ingesting the pill.
    And yet the heavenly prime
    is the power of the dual cultivation of
    innate nature and life-destiny.”

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2

  9. Only misreable people live for a long time.


    When one is full of good energy the  body is in great functioning condition ( young or old) ones live is joyfull time goes by very fast.


    Enjoyment of ones life, practicing your favorite martial art for balanced and fit mind, body and siprit while living is a true treasure. Death does not matter, not even a concern


    What dies? people love to give that all their attention. What does not die, very few practice or even know about.


    It is not even a matter of knowing the eternal aspects of ourselves. Just a just a matter of compleatly forgeting our conection with all things.


    In seperation we have death and hold on to life. What a waste of time.


    (inserty happy face)

    • Like 6

  10. 2 hours ago, Pak_Satrio said:

    This is my worry. When I first joined this site there were quite a lot of cool threads, but recently most threads have been created by her and even in the few not created by her she has gone in and said their methods are bad, their religions are wrong etc. If I came in at this time I would never come back. 

    I am out for a while. This whole Copy and paste the classics whith no discussion about it seems very odd to me.


    I can read the classics all by my self but that is not why I am here.. 

    • Like 2

  11. The reason why a person who only has qi in his lower abdomen can't understand the WuZenPian.


    This explains a lot besides being something that is not alive on this planet. It is simply not possible.


    One could also consider that chi does not have a physical location.  The three treasures is what everyone is born with. which we can consider being energy or chi of pre body.


    What  makes the body (vitality). What moves the body (chi). What controls the movement and stillness of the body (spirit).


    Again with two parts of the whole, is it the original spirit or acquired spirit that is moving this body around?


    One could also deduct that the many facets of chi are actual one energy. Governing and conception vessels are called two but in reality they are one, they depend on each other to exist hence being alive.


    The material life is first and foremost. Taking care of our temporary body, making ends meet and so on being active in the world.


    Then we also live with our formless self that transcends the laws of yin and yang, physical reality. Back to the three treasures we are all born with it is not a special or a unique situation to one individual. All people have this.


    It does not need to be complicated with sun and moon or rabbit marrow and a black liver these are technical terms to only point at something. In themselves the terms are not important. They are pointing words of what is beyond words The wordless teaching using words see how that is funny.


    IMO seriousness stagnates energy.






    • Like 2

  12. 1 hour ago, Taoist Texts said:

    well since you ask. 1. @awaken is the most advanced practicer on this forum. 2 peeps who have nothing to say often try gagging those who do. 3 please stop flaming  @awaken 's threads. if you have an issue take it up with mods.

    I have no problem with awaken posting. The thing is our first conversation well not conversation but reply from her on Wu Wei She was threatened by my knowledge of the principle and application. Awaken was belligerent and insulting immediately.


    My skill level is OK of wudang complete reality, dragon gate, long men pie, professionally trained for years ( I am not telling how many decades) to pass on these arts. 


    Dao bums is entertainment to me. I like to read and post only when I have a positive contribution or its funny then I will definitely post.


    My first attempt of furthering a topic with Awaken showed me what she is hiding and perpetrating a dead art.  


    So I have no care, I careless of what ever she does here. My intention was positive feedback, conversation, maybe a kung fu sister and we could have a great time talking about what we are passionate about... But that is not going to happen.

    • Like 2

  13. The first person to become hostile towards others is.....The award goes to....Awaken.


    Congratulations  Awaken, your ignorance  is a very long list.


    It must be lonely to be the only one posting in your own thread.


    When questions, new insights, a growing living art is ignored this only leads to a dead art.


    Redundancy of classical terms with no application is just mind clutter and useless information IMO.

    • Like 4

  14. In another thread awaken said this about me just having a conversation,,,,,


    "This person has no pre-heaven Qi at all, but is talking about it, which is very inappropriate behavior

    So I don't want to talk to blind people like this" says awaken 


    Just physically speaking of pre heaven Chi (Jing ) a person would have no fusion of parents to be born. meaning some one was dead before living. A major misunderstanding of terms. I will not even get into the non physical aspects of pre heaven chi at the moment


    Anyone alive has pre heaven Jing. It is obvious of the arrogance and ignorance of awakens understanding of basic terms


    More insults follow just " trying" to having a conversation.


    A red flag is being raised, Buyer beware. 

    • Like 1

  15. This is funny because I can not ask awaken. I am on ignore which is a good thing. Does she have any physical education?


    The reason I ask is that she generally disregards chi gung or martial arts. On Wudang internal alchemy is only taught after a high standard of physical ability dissolving illness and quantity and quality of chi. Than one can sit in the cave to cultivate.


    My suspicion is her wearing out the meditation mat with nothing to show in the real world. Could be wrong

    • Like 3

  16. I agree that the way awaken conducts herself shows a very limited capacity of engaging with others. Reciting the classics is good information but the level of her understanding and interaction with others is shallow.


    What she is hiding is fear of an imaginary sense of authority of a topic.


    IMO all topics should be discussed to have a broader spectrum of others perceptions. This is doing the real work and applying into the real world.


    When someone shuts out the ability to have a discussion the information is a closed system.

    Dead arts copies from the past. 

    living arts are alive in ourselves to be passed down.


    Obviously everyone else is wrong and have misunderstandings because after all it is a closed system.


    Some may know my linage but it is open. If your school says sun and moon and someone's school says fire and water we know from experience that it is the same thing after all. 



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  17. 36 minutes ago, damdao said:


    In fact, you can translate it as pre-heaven because is classical chinese, not contemporary chinese.

    It could be translated as pre-heaven, before heaven or earlier heaven. 

    And it is not human related (it is not something innate to a human being), it is a stage in the cosmic development.

    You have a xiantian bagua and a houtian bagua (and certainly these are not innate bagua and acquired bagua) and they have the trigrams in different places. Basically it refers to a pristine and undecaying state before the manifestation of the ten thousand things.  

    Do you practice Baguazhang ? The art has so much depth and wonderful.

  18. Pre Heaven generally presents a polar view that brings Heaven and Earth meet together on the horizon creating a continuous line and a broken line, thereby giving birth to Yin and Yang;


    Fire rises to Heaven while Water falls to Earth. (Sometimes Fire and Water are referred to as the Sun and the Moon respectively.)


    Thunder and sudden movement stirs the Winds of spring. Lake is concave in the Earth's crust while Mountain elevates from the Earth


    . The Post Heaven symbol, or Cyclical View places the basic eight symbols in a circle with their corresponding properties aligned with the seasons. Most significant to the Post-Heaven symbol is the replacement of Heaven in the Pre-Heaven with with Fire (Sun and Summer), and the replacement of Earth in the Pre-Heaven with Water (Moon and Winter).

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  19. 1 minute ago, Cobie said:

    The mountain has 2 sides.

    The shadow side is 1 side. The light side is 1 side. 


    1 shadow side + 1 light side = 2 sides 

    1 + 1 = 2


    1 mountain having 2 sides. 

    The mountain remains 1 mountain. 

    1 = 1 and 2 = 2 




    There is dark within light and light within the darkness, the mountain has dark and light they can not be separated they are one. yin and yang are one. one can not exist with out the other.