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Posts posted by qofq

  1. 10 hours ago, alchemystical said:

    Spoke to a few masters and none of them could answer my questions either because they'd just done what they were told, never questioned therefore never learned and that in my eyes means they short changed themselves.


    What makes you think anyone with any serious skill would be obliged to just spoon feed you?  


    In my experience this information is usually hard won.  It seemed during my training (with both a longmen priest and Hun Yuan disciple;  What is your connection to a lineage might I ask in return?) that most every question I had was answered nonverbally and just outside of my conscious awareness (hard to explain, but usually like a physical hint, or non sequitur  joke that was to everyone else in class seemingly off topic) and required me to transform said awareness or keep disciplined in my training to eventually figure it out as if on my own, though knowing that the answer was given months (sometimes years) ago.  


    requests like yours combined with the tone/energy that you put forth would have left you out in the cold with all of the high level practitioners I've had the extreme blessing of meeting, so it makes sense to me that you've never met anyone who would expound on these topics.  


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  2. 7 hours ago, freeform said:



    And don’t worry - you’re not likely to drop dead from the stuff that you’re doing... Jiang Feng developed great skill in transmitting very dense, concentrated Qi - so when things go wrong they really go badly wrong... like the difference between crashing while riding a super bike vs a tricycle :)


    Did you ever meat that person (or otherwise confirm skill)?


    He rang fraudulent to me.

    But I'm ok being corrected.

  3. On 5/8/2019 at 3:30 PM, freeform said:


    There’s a lot of preliminary stuff to be done before you’ll have any proper (transformative) heat there.


    You can’t get there without building the foundations really.


    Can you say a little more about this?  


    I've noticed quite frequently that I get very warm to the point I perspire (notably so during sitting practice) during practice.  Yet I've not had a very concentrated or distinct sensation of warmth.  Curious I wonder how the general heat and sweating might possibly be different from what you mention as a "transformative" heat, as far as stages and development goes.  





    Allow for your own experience to unfold naturally. Comparing experiences and having expectations based on others can be a huge pitfall and can hold you back from natural progression. 


    1 hour ago, yuuichi said:

    I respectfully disagree.


    If you don’t have a destination, in what direction do you take the next step? If I don’t know the destination, the next step (incorrect practice) could be a dangerous one.


    So I’m asking this forum for any advice. Preferably from someone experienced enough to know what sensations I should feel, when following the correct practice. I’m sure the Daoist sages have described it too, but so few Daoist manuscripts and literature have been translated into english.


    Disagreeing is insignificant.   


    Your practice will also be, should you be too dense to recognize good advice.  


    Find a teacher.  

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  5. I can hear pretty clearly.   


    Animals will make a sound (or humans will say something) and I hear very clearly in my head what they actually mean by their vocalization.  It's more strange with humans though as their intent can be the exact opposite (if not most frequently incongruent) of what it is they are saying.  Animals are nice as they don't necessarily want much from you and it's nice to watch natural beings be themselves.  


    My cat however has been an interesting study.  The rapport is fun to see develop.  He also seems to be aware on the subtle plains as I catch him coming to me from where ever he goes out to in the neighborhood for two things.   1. is whenever I start my gong practice

    2.  (and I have a suspicion this is instructed to him from my teacher or his accomplished wife as we live in close proximity) He comes to scream at me whenever I have subtle "pest" bothering me. As if to say "Don't listen to it, it's a pest, send it away". A good friend he is!


    For practice I'd say if you sit in the early a.m. listen to bird songs with the appropriate neutrality and hear when/what they are trying to communicate.  They are literally sitting there screaming to one another.  I was delighted to sense the richness and range of each respective personal expression behind each little squeak and chirp.  

    • Like 4

  6. 57 minutes ago, Everything said:

    So funny you have described it spot on. The words you use are perfect. You truely are blessed. It is the lifeforce, aliveness, rejuvination. There are endless words, and you used the perfect most purest most original and authentic of them all. Liquid bliss. To describe the malleable nature of true reality. And aliveness to describe the essence of every single thing that is in creation, has ever been or shall ever will be. 


    From a young age people are often (by good willing and well intentioned parents) taught to block their own aliveness of who they truely are, and they thus then disconnect from infinite intelligence. And after a while, the child begins to realise that the problem is death. This illusion causes one chase an exit, which the chase is actually unto itself is the entire prison and the reason for its own motivation. So while trying to solve death, one all the while becomes more dead. Less alife. And then when they die, they become fully alive again. 


    Thus when you meditate, it is like consciously falling asleep. Which is similar to what the death experience is. Always FULL BLOWN CONSCIOUS AWARENESS. FULL ALIFENESS. NON-PHYSICAL FLOW SOURCE OF ALL CREATION. VIBRANT FIERY PASSIONATE POWERFUL ALIFENESS. ENERGY THAT CREATES WORLDS. EXCITEMENT. REJUVINATION. EVER REFRESHENING. FRESH! EVER NEW! EVER NOW AND EVER MORE AND EVER EXANDING! AND FREE AND FREE TO MOVE AND BE! AND ACT IN SPIRIT INSPIRED! That motion of all life AND ALL OF CREATION. Of all and infinite freedom. The hand of god. The eternal journey. Of bliss, rapturous extacy and evermore and more and more and more than all that will ever be known by us evermore. 


    It is so liquid so loving. So free. So playful. So wise. So powerful. It is like a dao miaow. I'm at loss for words that's why! :lol:


    We often feel like that when we appreciate the animals of our world. That alifeness it is why they are here. To always show us all the ways of being alife. Of becoming truth. Of flowing with the intention of God. Of infinite intelligence. Of being true freedom. And true naturalness. True innocence and true purist and true perfection and true alignment. It is nature. It is all that exists. And it flows through you all of the time. It is the energy of who you truely are. It flows through the path of least resistance at all times. For the benefit of you and everyone. This energy is everywhere, and when you meditate you let it in and you let it flow. You release all resistance towards it, and it naturally flows for you again. You do nothing and you leave nothing undone. You become part of all of creation again. Your life becomes like a surfer on a powerful tsunami, amidst endless billion of powerful tsunami's of well being. Gushing forth, expanding vibrant liquid joy of passions. It is the nature of all creation. You are here to flow this energy more fully to your object of attention and express it in anyway you so wish or want. There is unwavering success for you here. All that you can ever possibly choose for yourself is for the benefit of all, because you live, just for the joy of it. 

    You can't do anything wrong, and you didn't come here to get it done. And so, since you are eternal. Enjoy. 

    I like you

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  7. 6 hours ago, dawei said:



    Are you doing that because you feel lead to from a destiny point of view or because you read about doing it?   




    That's a tricky question.  


    And I talk to much as it is.  

  8. 1 hour ago, dawei said:


    Here is a simple test...


    Once you feel your breathing is steady and slow and focused on a palm... lets say the left palm...  and smiling to engage the heart (or not, if you don't feel it, that is ok)...  then take your right hand index finger and very slowing move it around the left palm in a circle... focus now on the index finger projecting to the left palm as a singular connection...    Do you feel the circular energy movement in the left palm based on the right hand index finger ?


    This is the Index finger (Large Intestine Meridian) reaching to the PC channel , 7 stages instead of all 12... but you passed through the heart at stage 3 for a boost !   remember to smile with the heart...  


    Thank you for sharing.  Great experiments and many things to perceive.  


    I wonder about the correlation between what's called "internal strength"  (In my experience and in this reference, a increasingly powerful hydraulic like manifestation in the limbs) and sensations that you and freeform are talking about?  

    • Like 1

  9. 1 minute ago, dawei said:


    Very cool !!!


    You are feeling the end-points or turn-around points in the meridian flow of energy (Qi);  Six meridians run through the hands and six run through the feet... 


    I might encourage you to start focusing on some lines of choice, and then find the middle points for energy sensation.  Some acupressure might help to just sense certain areas but not that necessary.  


    or maybe focus on the seven chakra energy sources and see if you feel them ?


    You have lots to explore and wishing you happy energy travels :)



    I really appreciate your encouraging words.  Thanks


    By "find the middle points for energy sensation"  I'm curious what you mean by "Middle"  ?




  10. 15 minutes ago, maheosphet said:

    Well, if it isn't against your principles or precepts, of course, I mean that you move it around and cultivate it (intensify it).


    When you discover a center, a persons awareness is at the location of that center to experience it. By remembering that feeling one can move awareness to a new location of the body and feel that feeling at the new location by remembering and recalling the feeling they felt at the original location.


    Inner-fire for example, starts as a tiny flicker of light in the middle dan tien, but by practicing it, the tiny flicker can become a fireball that encompasses the entire body. Tummo for example.


    Do you suppose there is significant difference between post and pre-heaven energies and their practice with regards to what you're saying?

  11. 1 minute ago, maheosphet said:

    The next "step" is really up to you. There are many options, from exploring all the centers and discovering all the energies or practicing with the ones you currently have awareness of or even just continuing to meditate and see what comes of it on its own. Personally, I would work with the heart center and become adept with that energy then if inner-fire manifests while doing that, begin practicing that energy.


    How do you mean "practicing that energy"?   


  12. 3 minutes ago, maheosphet said:




    Now, if you can feel the MDT (middle dan tien, heart chakra), energy in your head (feeling it (heart energy) at every location in the body firstly), then you can move on to combining the UDT (upper dan tien, crown, heavenly qi) energy with the MDT energy and the heart energy courses through the body alongside the heavenly qi. Which could be described as a flood of blissful electrical love.


    To do that you just have to practice feeling heart energy everywhere, then you feel it at the starting point and the locations of the heavenly qi when it is being manifested or channeled.


    "blissful electrical love"  sounds about right, thought I don't know that I'm "doing" anything but the most slight awareness movement. 


    and I've noticed when I shift mentally and subtly to begin the act of sensing it,  Then say I put my awareness into my elbow, It feels as though this blissful sensation flows past into the end of whatever limb.  If I keep my awareness in the abdomen, it flows into the end of EVERY limb and results in increased (as in more intense than the already present full body sensation) of "blissful electrical love" at the hands and feet.


    Most of what I've been taught centers around non-doing.  But this is a new and consistent phenomena so I'm very curious about it's significance as a signpost.  I also like to talk here more anonymously as so as not disturb my fellow classmates.  Thanks.

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  13. Requesting feedback on some new development in my practice.  I feel a little embarrassed about the timeline, but after seven years or so of consistent practice I'm noticing a very consistent and distinct/intense feeling of bliss all the way to my hands and feet.  Especially in my hands and feel but throughout the entire body also.  


    I assume this is good =) 


    Looking for any guidance or insights by those who've traveled further along the path.  


    Is there a name for this?  

    What further signposts might indicate advancement?






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  14. On 2/22/2019 at 10:58 AM, wandelaar said:

    This doesn't prove anything: some forms of stupidity never die. See for instance:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy


    The illusions of heaven and hell and of the immortality of the soul are in all probability just make-believe. People find it particularly hard to accept that crime often pays and that death is the end. Many religions basically tell the people what they want to hear: that evil people will eventually have to pay for their crimes, and that all our toil on this earth will not come to nothing when we die because we will live on after death in some other form. There is no reason at all to think those religious dogmas are true.


    Often out-of-body experiences and near-death-experiences are taken to prove the independence of the soul of the body, but when put to the test the amount of proof for the independence of the soul looks rather shallow.    


    The nice thing about philosophical Taoism is that it doesn't need such religious dogmas.




    If Wandelaar's statements were resounding capital ""T" Truth" they wouldn't need to have such a confrontational posture, it would just be obvious.  People like that feel entitled and cheated that others might have experience/perceptions that they don't.  It's a common mistake of the clever and a damn sticky trap if you're not careful.  


    Why not put in the effort to ascend the celestial ladder and see for yourself what there is to see?


    I say this out of compassion for the people who might be misled (as I once was) by posturing such as the Wandelaar's.  


    The pesky thing about "philosophical Daoism" is it isn't actually Daoism.  

  15. On 1/29/2019 at 9:50 AM, steve said:

    I once offered a previous teacher a gift of the best tea I could find in Seattle, expensive stuff. He told me it was crap and that he only drank much finer tea. My wife was pissed. I never offered him another gift! :D


    Ha!  You never know what they are going to do.  


    The self reflection brought about by my teacher (which I'm fully working on) seems correct. 


    In regards to the friend it's interesting. The health concerns conjured thoughts about what someone else in this thread already said. 


    The intention behind the gift. 


    True Intention (whatever that really means) seems to be important to be aware of.  Inner & Outer



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  16. On 1/26/2019 at 6:04 AM, Jeff said:

    15For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.


    This one makes me do a double take.  

    Makes me question the esoteric reasons Jesus sacrificed himself.  


    I remember reading in some random place of peoples ideas about humanity "getting lost" in this layer of reality or something to that effect.   


    @Jeff do you have any thoughts on what I'm relaying here?

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