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Everything posted by gatito

  1. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    You forgot scammer. He just uses a basic stage hypnotist technique to screen-in and prey on the vulnerable. Anyone can do it with a bit of practice but only certain people are susceptible.
  2. Kaivalya Upanishad

    A better translation is benevolent indifference.
  4. Discovering Happiness - 10 Keys

    10 Keys: Giving Relating Exercising Awareness Trying out Direction Resilience Emotions Acceptance Meaning
  5. The same ad infinitum. Nothing to see here.
  6. Nice haiku!
  7. It wasnt a command ralis. It was a sggestion. The solution is to ignore it. Don't feed your trolls (unless you want to keep them as pets).
  8. Just let go of it ralis.
  9. Happily, memory served me well:
  10. .

    Nice meme! Spot on! Glad to see the back of that lot together with their facilitator. They were even more insidious & invidious than the fascists. Hoping this forum recovers. If so, the rule of thumb is that it will take six months to two years. Incidentally, glad to see that you've now raised the Mopai game here to one that respects fully the founding principles of this forum. Hoping your interlocutors will now begin to follow your example.
  11. .

    So Karen was lying here:
  12. .

  13. .

  14. simplify

  15. Post-Flu Appetite Loss/Indigestion
  16. चैतन्यमात्मा ॥१॥ caitanyamātmā ||1|| Consciousness which is omniscient and omnipotent (caitanyam) (is) the Self or true nature of Reality (ātmā) ||1|| Vasugupta (860–925 AD)
  17. Vasagupta's Shiva Sutras

    However, as Shakti says in her conversation with Shiva (in the Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra), there's no point in discussing this further because in order to acess fully this fundamental Truth (of Trika Shaivism) its philosophy/cosmology is a dead end as it does not cut the mustard (to paraphrase).
  18. Some interesting points here Apech, which I'll treat with the respect they deserve: As it's been a few years since I've chosen to discuss the world through the lens of Zen, I'll refresh my memory before I respond to them as a (Zen) Buddhist.
  19. I think you'll find Buddhism 101 to be more than adequate.
  20. Kunlun & happy new year

    Happy New Year Nichole. You'll probably find the staff of the China & Inner Asia Section, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at SOAS to be a somewhat more academically rigorous line of inquiry than this forum's membership.
  21. Nearly finished. When I've stopped, I'll run another Buddhism 101 for the newbies including why Buddhism doesn't exclude anything (even God).
  22. .

    Feed trolls only if you want to keep them as pets.