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Everything posted by hydrogen

  1. Do we Change? Do we Evolve?

    Where is hope, love and compassion?
  2. Do we Change? Do we Evolve?

    I believe that we're here on earth to change ourselves for better. I used to be a cheater. Now I'm a very faithful person. I'd rather die than cheating now. I had a death experience (not near death). I can't describe what happened. Basically I died. All my wrong doings came back to me. I was in hell for a few days. Please keep an open mind and have compassion for those who don't know.
  3. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

    thetaoiseasy, good posts. I've learnt a few things. One thing I always forget is the that the journey counts. I tend to get so involved that I lost the joy of practice.
  4. I used to have similar line of thinking until I had my first self-realization, which was accompanied by bliss and oneness. I genuiely felt every body is part of me, every animal and every thing in the universe. I kind of felt the true enlightenment was only possible if every one on earth was enlightened. It's good that you have passion and desire. Please keep an open mind. I'm sure you'll be successful.
  5. My friend, I have similar prolbem. I have depression now. I have tasted the bliss. I don't what kind of bliss that you have experienced. I assume they're from the same source. However I don't know the pursuit of bliss is the correct path. It sounds like an addiction and very selfish. Shouldn't we be thinking what we can do to help others? I think every kind word and deed are manifestation of God. Be rid of one's ego is the buddhaist path. The emphasis of I want bliss may be counter productive. I'm struggle with the concept too. I hope we can help each other on the search.
  6. stillness movement - self healing

    I don't want to hijack the thread. But I have a simple question regarding SM. Can I learn SM from the book A Light Warrior's Guide? Or Do I have to attend the workshop to receive the initial "vibration"? Thanks.
  7. I don't think that's how Aneros works. It should help you to intensify the pleasure "feeling" and trasmit the "feeling" to every part of your body and organs until you have a whole body orgasm. It's not a tool to test your will against lust. The Aneros forum has tons of useful information about it usage. Some of the members have oneness and universal love experiences. They're a loving bunch.
  8. If you believe the legend that Buddha medicated for 49 days without sleep to achieve enlightment, then you're on to something. Jesus and Mosses also fasted forty days to "meet God". I suppose they didn't sleep too much either. Personally, I already have a hard time sleeping. I don't want to play with my sleep schedule.
  9. If it doesn't work well for kundalini purpose, at least you can prevent prostate cancer.
  10. No, it's not a marketing hype. The intense mind blowing multiple full body orgasms are real. If you read enough taoism books, you might realize that some type of butt plug was employed by some practioners. It might speed up the process. dc9, I'm sure you're aware of the aneros forum. It contains lots of useful information.
  11. Emptiness

    I haven't seen or heard anyone one can walk through a solid wall. So I'd say very few.
  12. Hello, My first self-realization.

    Hello, After a few month of practice kudanlini yoga and some taoist practice that I got from a book, I had my first self-realization. It's very obviously to me that we're programs inside "Matrix" controlled by God. I don't think there is "human" body outside of matrix as battery. We're pure programs. I hope to meet a few follow programmers to discuss the way to inspect a grogram (our true self) inside a program (our body) by a program (earth plane self).
  13. Hello, My first self-realization.

    Good question. I don't know. I'm just convinced that we live in a virtual world. Maybe we're not pure program. The soul inside us maybe organic.
  14. Why isn't the world in harmony?

    The world is in harmony. I'm just not in-tune enough to hear the harmony. I hope meditation will help me to hear the wonderful universe symphony.
  15. Nei gong induced psychosis! Please help.

    There is a branch of meditation method called inner sound. Their main practice is to hear the "music" inside. The theory is that soul is vibrating/singing a wonderful music. Only your heart can hear it if you open the channel. Once you hear it, you immerse your whole body to the music, so every cell inside your body sings the same "song" or vibrates in synch. My knowledge of inner sound is purely academic. You should find an inner sound practioner to figure out what to do. It's a gift that you souldn't waste. Some people spend years trying to hear the music. I don't think it presents real damage except involking your fear of unknown. Remember love conquers all. Love is the most powerful energy. With puer love in your heart, you might find it's the most beautiful music out of this world. Again, it's just a theory and stories that I've heard.
  16. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    By the same definition, then whatever you see is your mind playing tricks on you. One purpose of meditation is to "view" things correctly without the "trick". One of the main theme in Buddha is emptyness. The "real" world you "see" is an illusion. That's the first step. The next is to influence other to "see" whatever you want them to "see". Jesus sure knew how to do it.
  17. Hello, My first self-realization.

    Thanks. I practiced kudanlini from a book Kundalini Tantra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. The Taoist book was Taoist Yoga: Alchemy & Immortality. It contains a very unique technique (at least to me). I was lucky to get out alive without serious damage. I don't advice anyone to practice without a true master to guide.
  18. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    Be very very careful with kundalini awakening. I was hospitalled twice due to unrully kundalini awakening. The world is a like a reality TV that I can switch channel to see different view of the same thing. I could make thing appear and disapear (only I could see the result unfortunately). I'd suggest you to open your energy channel to ground you first before playing kundalini force.
  19. why?

    1. Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

      Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

      Because it was my birthday the day after you asked! :D

    2. silent thunder