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Everything posted by Bubbles

  1. Hi Lin, Are you vegan? Just curious
  2. 7 Levels of Humanity

    ****************** Mod in**************************** 1. The Mod Team wants to make it clear that every member - Vmarco included- is welcome to post in any section of the TTB. No TTB member is ostracized to the point that s/he can only post into the Pit. 2. Threads are moved into the Pit when they obviously stray from the Terms and rules of this forum which you can find here: Terms and rules and here : Insult Policy reminder So any ill-advised or malicious thread will find here a place to rest. 3. We remind you that Terms and Rules of the forum still apply here. We don't delete content but we will lock any thread and/or hide any content that violates the terms and rules of TTB and take action against members accordingly. Thank you for your understanding and good will. *************************** mod out*****************************
  3. Hello new to forum looking for teache

    You can learn Chen Taijiquan from a legit teacher here: http://www.**************.com/ Good practicing! edited: link no longer needed.
  4. Hello new to forum looking for teache

    Hello nilesh99, Welcome aboard, What style of Tai Chi do you want to learn?
  5. spells that always work

    I won't do it because it is too hard I will stick to my practice/decision at all costs Each time I used one of those it worked flawlessly. I am sorry, it may be not the type of spell you are looking for.
  6. UK/European Cultivation Masters

    No need to apologize
  7. Hello from another Newbie

    Hi kumachan Welcome to TTB. Tom Bisio is a serious and well known Bagua teacher and Tuina practitioner for sure. Why are you asking about his lastest book?
  8. UK/European Cultivation Masters

    Yes. But Lam Kam Chuen has moved to the US and only comes to UK for short periods of time. Yet, there are his disciples in Europe. One name among others that pops up in my mind is Peter den Dekker in NL.
  9. UK/European Cultivation Masters

    huh! edit 1: Dear Gerard, do you really think that each of the teachers at lotusneigong has at least 10 000 hours of practice? I am not so sure. edit 2: Practice doesn't necessarily mean true cultivation. I have seen too much teachers chasing women, live off of students, abusing students.And I have seen people thinking that cultivating qi will lead them to some absolute. They are deluding themselves and some self-appointed teachers have understood very well the situation and market themselves. Just saying
  10. UK/European Cultivation Masters

    Not trying to be disrespectful here, but I would be very cautious regarding the so-called and often self-appointed cultivation masters. There are a lot of bogus people in the spirituality market and Daoism is no exception. BUT I would without hesitation go to Yue Liming ( he is a student of Chen Zhenglei) or any Chen Taijiquan lineage holder. We have more and deeper lessons to learn from real Taijiquan (or any rigourous internal martial art) than from fake meditations and fancy methods.
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi pitisukha, Not an expert here, but just answering from my experience. My vision doesn’t become blurred in MGM. But it occurred to me when I was practicing Zen meditation years ago. I guess it occurs when the eyes are staring too fixedly to something. It was clearly the case during Zen meditation (the wall ). As for MHP my knees are locked but not to the point that it creates tension. Knees are not bent but not locked by excessive tension. There is a point of equilibrium there, where legs are naturally straightened without tension. Sifu Terry says in the DVD that there must be straight line from elbow to elbow in MHP. To do that in an optimal way, my shoulders have to be very relaxed, and my hands can’t be too far from my chest (5cm/2 inches) It creates a very little stretch of the triceps. Hope it helps!
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    This will be my last post on this. You don't have to agree with me Antares, it is perfectly ok like that. I am sorry if I misunderstood you. My take on this is simple, let me rephrase it and as I say, I will not post again on any peripherical matter so that you will feel free to directly engage a discussion with Sifu Terry if you want FP or SYG or any system from Doo Wai family seem to be quite sophisticated systems that require a lot of practice from people willing to master them. Reading what Sifu Terry or Sifu Garry say about that should be enough to convince anyone. Therefore, whether they have 2, 18 or 72 levels doesn't really matter to me because I sense that thinking about that over and over will only disctract me from the practice. What matters to me is to do my best with what I have during the time I can practice. I notice that Fu_Doggy is a business man with a busy schedule. I mean he probably has less time to practice than most of us. But to my knowledge, he is the one in this thread ( I don't count Sifu Terry of course) who has the most steady, regular and solid rock practice of FP. And guess what, he is just practicing without asking himself myriads of questions about the best system (SYG or FP or Burning Palm or God knows what) or the most doable or what have you. He is just doing FP because he found it was so beneficial to him and he obviously discarded all others ancillary questions. Correct me Fu_Doggy if I am wrong Digging here and there will make small holes whereas digging everyday at the same place will make a profound hole. I am done Antares . I will not interfere anymore and I am sorry for my misunderstanding. edited for spelling
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thank you alleswasderfallist, I was going to make a similar answer. Allow me to add one thought or two It is none of our business and not under our power to ask for the complete FP system. Sifu Terry will or will not release/teach the complete system at his own discretion. We are not in charge of that and have no right to demand a complete system. Our business is to practice, practice, practice and make the most of what we have. I find my integrity in this. Best,
  14. I should just mind my own business

    Hi tao stillness, What you are describing seems more like 50-100-20 instead of 50-20. In bfsyg 3, there are breath percentages with 100% in between other %, say for eg 100-70-50-100-5-etc.. This is indeed confusing. Sifu Hearfield, can you clear it up? Thanks
  16. Any recommendations for Qi Gong teachers in New York

    Hi Christian, This might be off topic, but you may also study Chen Taijiquan with Master Yu Guo Shun http://www.meetup.com/The-New-York-Chen-Tai-Chi-Chuan-Meetup-Group/ It is not Qigong per se but you may receive tremendous benefits from the practice besides the intrinsic benefit of learning something from a good master. C.K Chu is good also Best,

    Here it is taiji_cat:
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Alleswasderfallist, Sifu Terry, anyone interested, If I understand well, Puxian is the Chinese name for Samantabhadra, it is also known as Fugen Bosatsu in Japanese Buddhism. I found two mantras associated with Samantabhadra. The first one is “Om sammaya sat tvam” (Om samayas tvam) (Sanskrit) The second is more complex and is extracted from the Lotus Sutra, and is pronounced by Samantabhadra : Mantra Pronounced by Samantabhadra Bodhisattva for Upholders of the Lotus Sūtra adaṇḍe daṇḍapati daṇḍāvartani daṇḍa-kuśale daṇḍa-sudhāri | sudhārapati buddha-paśyane sarvadhāraṇi | āvartani saṁvartani saṁgha-parīkṣite saṁgha-nirghātani | dharma-parīkṣite sarva-sattva ruta kauśalyānugate | siṁha-vikrīḍite anuvarte vartani vartāli svāhā || Below is the audio file for chanting the second one. http://www.sutrasmantras.info/tem09.mp3 Please find also a pdf file compiling internet ressources about Samantabhadra: http://ia700309.us.archive.org/11/items/SamantabhadraInternetResourcesOnTheBodhisattvaUniversalWorthy/samantabhadra.pdf and the pdf file of the ten vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva (recommended!) http://www.buddhanet.net/pdf_file/samantabhadra.pdf Hope its helps
  19. There is already 3 pages of spams in the General Discussion forum and more than 1 page in the Lobby. I am not sure a technical solution can beat a manual validation of the registrations. I suspect people are more put off by the spams than they would by the manual validation. My 0.0002cts Good luck viator, it's an unrewarding task.
  20. Looking for yi quan schools

    Lam Kam Chuen is in California. He teaches Zhan Zhuang and Da Cheng Chuan but It's perhaps not the lineage you are looking for. http://www.lamkamchuen.com/News_%26_Events/News_%26_Events.html
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thank you GM Doo Wai for those awesome systems Thank you Sifu Terry Thank you Sifu Garry
  22. and information please

    Welcome at TTB You can find the forum rules here: http://thetaobums.com/topic/19575-forum-terms-rules/ After a minimum of approved posts ( something like 26 if I recall well) you will be able to set up your signature in your CP>My settings>signature Enjoy your stay here
  23. Getting pretty Spammy in here

    At emptyflower.net all registrations are manually validated by the mods. It surely requires a great deal of work and a larger team of mods for a forum like TTB, but I never saw any spam at emptyflower. It may put off some people who want immediate access to the forum, but everything has a cost of some sort.
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Since all arises from the heart, it's the intention that makes your deeds pure or not. You can pay $10 an entry ticket to a place physical or online when you can have "free" material, what makes it a wrong doing is your intention to get stolen material. Ebay is not the problem, your intention is. The same if you register to a public library to borrow books and dvd's and make copies of them. Although you payed for registering, if your intention is to copy them, then you're stealing. that's simple. If you don't have $10 to spend on a teaching but only on your food, then what's the problem? Avidity is the problem which makes you wanting the teaching and the food when you can only have one of them at the moment. Make more $ to be able to get both. That's creating right karma. If I give myself excuses to steal, kill, there will be no ending to that. Edited for spelling
  25. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I took this example to adapt the question to one of the component of our modern times. There are a lot of ways of "paying" for a teaching you receive. In our times, using money is just of way of framing some kind of exchanges between people. In ancient times, people had to pay by other means. Don't you think that paying for a teaching you receive is a way (not the most noble, not the only one of course) to repay a small part of your debt to the lineage your receive it from? Get something online "for free" without paying back the people who made the material available is stealing in my eyes, and I would not dare practicing a teaching knowing that I did not receive it in a clean way. To me this has nothing to do with legal matters, it has to do with inner matters. And to me again (but that's just me), if you get something online for free when it was designed to be purchased, you will pay it in another way, and not in a way you will necessarily appreciate. This is just the basic level. Best,