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Everything posted by idquest

  1. If you want to practice with me

    Because one has a calling? Because one just wants to cultivate?
  2. Hostility towards Russian members?

    This is just wrong. I've been a member here for almost 10 years and have not noticed any hostility to any nation or race group including Russians.
  3. Under Trump

    There are two separate issues: 1) Trump's victory - is it legitimate or not 2) Whether Putin interfered into USA election Most mass media manage to mix these two separate issues up; and by doing this they try to de-legitimize Trump's victory. Even Obama admits that Trump's victory is legitimate. As for Putin's interference - I'm pretty sure that Putin's actions resulted from an insult that HRC cast at him when she called Putin 'a second Hitler'. That was a deep insult for somebody like Putin, from that generation; and with his formative years being very close in time to post-war period in Europe when memory of WWII was raw.
  4. Questionable Journalism and Fake News

    So Soros will be determining whether a news is a fake or not? Interesting development.
  5. You know what impresses me

    Well the challenge of ageing is that more and more time one has to allocate just to basic joints mobility movements and simple stretching routines. Otherwise the body will be shrinking with frightening speed... As this eats up more and more time, the less and less is left for something interesting like fascia activation or sitting still.
  6. xin heart mind

    Here is a google search: It might be a shocker for some of you, but hearts isn't really located on the left side of your chest. It lies between the right and left lungs, in the middle of the chest and slightly towards the left of the breastbone. The heart is enclosed in the pericardium which is a double layer.
  7. Why do you say "school"?

    Well this group essentially has driven 'Vitalii' out from this forum; so you could say they achieved desired result as far as Vitalii was concerned.
  8. Why do you say "school"?

    So what is the point of discussing Wu Liu Pai (Russian or non-Russian) if they have a strict rule of not accepting any westerner in their school?
  9. Why do you say "school"?

    I'm a bit confused here. I remember you saying numerous times how important it is to study ancient neidan texts. And now this notion above - somewhat mixed messages for me.
  10. The art, science and practices of Good Sleep

    Once I received some advice that if you wake up in the middle of the night and can't go to sleep for more than 20 min (everybody puts in their own time) - stand up and do sitting meditation for 30-60 min. There are interesting consequences from this rule. First - you don't just toss around trying to fall asleep but do something useful. Second - deep night meditation is really something. It is deep yin time - the best for meditation. Third - if you do meditation at night, you can skip it during daytime and go to bed earlier. THis gives some sort of flexibility for the duration of the time you normally allow for sleep.
  11. QI master kit, what you need

    If I recall correctly the first master of the Mo-pai was Bodhidharma The Blue-Eyed Barbarian who was initiated into the knowledge of the vajra path, clearly he was not of Chinese origin. Some say Indian though blue eyes is a rarity amongst Indians. John Chang Mo Pai and Max Kunlun fusion finally!
  12. Rigging the election part two

    Money is the motivation for recount. Anybody who has worked in not-for-profit is familiar with the concept of 10% admin - of any revenue raised 10% is a legitimate grab for administration. And after you add all consultants, marketing, and promotion fees that conveniently go to your friends' companies, the actual admin cost will reach something like 50%. For the lady from Green party this is good money. HRC could have money issues as well if she had some leftovers from the campaign that she now can turn into administration grab.
  13. Is social media dead?

    There used to be groups like Yahoo groups - closed or open. Now they got transitioned to Facebook because Yahoo trended out. Other than groups, Facebook is more about 'It's Awesome" and 'Lovit" inane comments.
  14. Lower Dan Tien Question

    Your English is very good and you choose correct words. And I enjoy your posts!
  15. Lower Dan Tien Question

    Perhaps people would understand you better if you used standard English rather that simplified english? The standard version has capitalized letters and punctuation marks in it. You may save some time using a simplified version but fail to get you idea across to non-native users.
  16. There should be a diagram somewhere in the book that show how qigong, neigong, and neidan flow one into another and overlap a bit. I regard this as Mitchell's instruction that one should attempt neidan only after a certain level in neigong is achieved. This is how Mitchell builds his curriculum - from physical to subtle. But if you have a certain level in neigong, like 500-1000 hours of training, then the book could be good.
  17. Some general notes about "Ming Gong"

    While being in this state of stillness, we can experience something. When we come out of this state, do we retain memories of those sensations or do the memories disappear in a trans-like state of mind? Is there any kind of synchronization of the two states of mind or they start diverging wider and wider? Thank you for the topic, it is rich.
  18. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

    I agree. He comes across as too idealistic for the actual world. I think his biggest mistake was mis-reading of Arab turmoil that resulted in Syrian and Libyan disasters. And it's not even close to be finished yet.
  19. Career and Cultivation

    Kongming, How many hours a day do you cultivate right now?
  20. Hillary and Trump

    Trump is noticeably behind in popular vote. I guess largely due to California and New York.
  21. Hillary and Trump

    Can anybody explain to me who is going to grow vegetables and work in the hotels if 12 million illegals are deported?
  22. Eczema in terms of energy and healing?

    It is a know fact that sun relieves psoriasis sufferers because of ultraviolet present in the sun light. Don't remember hearing anything like that regarding eczema. Re toxins: you could research whether sugar affects flareups. And sugar here will also include fructose found in such veges like carrot and beets and all fruit. Beet is also very reach with oxalates that can cause flareups.
  23. If this is an orbit that runs from perineum to diaphragm, then many systems have it. This is usually a stage in development. Mitchell for instance teaches this as a part of his LDT rotation technique, level 1 in his curriculum.
  24. Seeing beings in Meditation

    Did you check your lineage holders?
  25. Energy Feeling and Pain Around the Heart.

    If your pain is kind of acute one, most likely this is inflammation of tendons and/or other connective tissue that goes through neck and down to chest. If this is a case, an experienced acupuncturist will be able to show you how to massage related tendons to relieve the pain. If your pain is kind of pressure and not acute, better go to medical doctor ASAP.