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Everything posted by idquest

  1. You might want to look at Kabala Letter U as per Franz Bardon / Mark Rasmus. THis letter U represents (as per Bardon) akasha/vacuum which is highly dissolving by nature, and one of the attributes of the letter is color black. I must warn that everybody states it is quite dangerous to meditate on this letter U, so I'd suggest doing thorough research before doing anything at all.
  2. Nathan Brine

    If you feel connection to WLP system, Nathan is a good teacher. In fact, Nathan has practiced and learned much more than WLP system, but this is the only one Nathan teaches. Nathan's advantage is that he is fluent in mandarin and he has talked with WLP a lot. On a personal anecdote, there was an incident one time after his class when he wanted to demonstrate something to a student and accidentally released some amount of qi that was more than he wanted. The student had to sit and wait for 5 minutes before getting back to normal. When people develop their internal qi, it is no joke.
  3. My Experience With Tummo By Tulku Lobsang

    Thank you for the report, @Nuralshamal, very interesting. It is interesting that some students did not feel any transmission at all. Transmission is real. What is more interesting, transmission is real even via internet. I was really surprised when I discovered that. Did you feel heat/warmth as in increase in temperature in your body parts or was it as a generation of energy that would flow inside the body?
  4. Education - advice

    Regardless of what qualification/degree you get in your younger years, you will have to change or adapt it 2 or 3 times during your lifetime. If you feel strongly about your desired work place right now as an electrician or care, you could apply the credits you already have to the new profession. But finishing your economics would be good because you will have a degree that will be applicable to any change you might have later in life. Getting something finished is important.
  5. Your thoughts on Black Magic

    What Hitler did to German people in 1930th is a good example of black magic. We don't exactly know what tool he used for that, but the result is well known. Ultimately, it is the intent that defines magic is black or not. The same as technology and science. It is always intent. The older I get the more I'm a proponent of the idea that ethics and morale are the most important things to muster in life.
  6. What is your purpose for your practice?

    Practice evolves, and the goals evolve as well. This is a moving target. This is why it is more important to do something than not to do and just try to understand what exactly to do.
  7. Jesse Lee Parker/Dao Zhen

    I don't argue that traditional methods of education are wrong or bad, they are good, - it is just that life has changed so much in the last 100 years that traditional methods of education don't work for majority of students.
  8. Jesse Lee Parker/Dao Zhen

    He looks legitimate for me and his explanations have reasonable depth. Not too much not too little. The 24 movements form he teaches has movements you can come across in numerous neigong and daoyin sets; but this does not matter. What matters is how he explains and transmits his knowledge, and this seems to be reasonably good. Have you bought it yet? A bit pricey.
  9. Questions regarding Damos books

    If you enjoy reading, just read all the books, they are all good - Damo, Chia, Brine/Wang Liping. If you want to achieve something real, stop reading and start practising. Reading does not bring any benefits if your goal is to achieve something with dao or yoga.
  10. Looking for good teachers

    You can look into one of Damo Mitchell's teachers Mark Rasmus. Rasmus uses different vocabulary from daoism, but essentially he teaches the same stuff.
  11. There is a perception of non-dual light/dao and there are preliminary practices that lead to this perception. Among the practices that lead to the perception are numerous neigong techniques, and visualization is no worse than any of those techniques. The only difference is that neigong trains 'feeling' area of brain, and visualization trains a different area of brain. So for the completeness, one needs both. As for perception of the NDL/dao - one needs none.
  12. St. George and the dragon

    The cave is a treasury, the dragon is the guardian of the treasury, the knight is short of cash (as always) so he must rob the treasury. The role of the maiden is somewhat ambiguous, she might even be the owner of the treasury, but she can''t do anything against the brute knight.
  13. Launch of Liuhebafa Online

    many times personally. Nathan has studied with Nelson for several years.
  14. Bardon and Golden Dawn

    I"m actually quite impressed with what Rasmus teaches. here are some glimpses to his study material: As for the Golden Dawn, I've heard that there are literally several people (like fewer than 10) who actually understand the system.
  15. Bardon and Golden Dawn

    Regarding Bardon's system and qigong & taiji, have you looked at what Mark Rasmus teaches?
  16. Mind Body cultivation

    Assuming that the goal of your cultivation is enlightenment/nirvana/samadhi - nothing will bring you to these states as I'm sure you have heard. It is a qualitative jump rather than quantitative when you move from one level to another. What yoga and qigong do - they provide your body-mind with empowerment which may help your make this qualitative jump. Yoga is good for health if practised correctly, so it is a benefit by itself. Silent sitting could also be good for health is you include internal cavity practice in your sits.
  17. Chanting Deity/Buddha names and The Cosmic Doctrine

    IMO chanting Hindu (or others) deities names is the same practice as done in Hermetics/Magic as invocation/evocation of various beings. But when it is done in Hermetics, there are a lot of security measures taken, and there is a list of friendly beings and not so friendly ones. I don't remember any security measures in Hindu deities chanting, I could be wrong though. What I'm trying to say is that you are right in a sense that poking into these practices could bring more harm than good; and following security protocols is better than not.
  18. Visualisation - any good?

    I don't think there is big difference, if at all, between feeling something in various parts of the body, and visualising certain things like colours, shapes, etc. Both are senses and I can't understand why one type of sense would be preferable to the other. Ideally we need to cultivate all of them. I still voted for 'Other' to highlight two things. First - visualisation should not be used as imagination. Pure imagination is just a waste of time. Second - visualisation could become a waste of time either if it becomes a goal. As any somatic experience, BTW.
  19. Types of immortals

    That was exactly my point. Some people become ghosts by way of unfortunate events, and some work hard to become ghosts.
  20. Upper dantian

    A Third eye is not the same as the upper dantien. When somebody works on the 3rd eye, this is not necessarily the work on the UDT, although it may coincide. When somebody works on the UDT, they may work either up or down. If down, they go from shen to qi. If up - they go from shen to wuji. At least this is how I understand things. It is not advisable to work on the UDT until you get at least basic understanding of how LDT and MDT work.
  21. Types of immortals

    The real question is this: What is a danger of becoming a ghost immortal from doing daoist practice incorrectly? In my understanding the danger is quite high, although I haven't come across meaningful discussions about this.
  22. Franz Bardon's KTQ

    I'm studying his online curriculum. Very impressed. And I can compare to others...
  23. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Less theory, more practice. The more people talk and use professional jargon, daoist or not, the more dualistic they become. Talk less, practice more.
  24. Open and Close refers to the fundamental characteristic of the Universe which is pulsing. WHile you cultivate, you find this quality of pulsing everywhere from physical movements to stillness meditation. It is fun to observe.
  25. Daoism 101

    I'd agree that the goal in Daoism is to go XIAN ไป™. The problem is that this is translated as 'immortal' to English which does not render all meanings of the character. Perhaps a better idea would be 'transcendent' rather that 'immortal'. I dislike the idea of 'going back to source'. The whole life set up in the Universe is about going against the current of increasing the entropy; while going back to source would just mean to dissolve in the entropy which is, how one of the Daobums members put it - just become a cosmic fart. If somebody's goal is to become a cosmic fart - sure. I personally don't find this motivating.