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  1. You have to let your heart, emotions, guide your head, or imagination. The heart is the center. Not the third eye! Then you will reach true divine INSPIRED THOUGHT. Your emotions guide you to the achieving and clicking in with the allowed flow your divine in spirited thought of your soul. If you imagine and you don't feel bliss, you are simply receiving old human thought forms. There are many of those. And they will keep you walking in circles forever, if you don't allow your mind and heart to work together, infact your heart can guide you far and wide beyond anything the imagination can ever even imagine. But together you will find the effortless joyous realisation of it, and then, it will become a tangible reality you can see, taste and touch, and then, then, you can remember it, and so the imagining becomes that much more easy and so the realising aswell. But at first, always begin with the emotion, and secondly, let it guide your imagination, like a hot or cold game. For every thought you think, has a direct energy motional relationship with the thought that your soul has about that very same subject. So begin with a meditation to clear your mind and emotions. Then FEEL your way to the imagination that feels best. Then extract WITH HIGH PRECISION AND CONSISTENT FOCUS, all the value there. By virtue of how it feels as you recognise it thus. And as your perspective aligns with YOUR GREATER NON-PHYSICAL KNOWINGNESS, then you feel this alignment harmonic resonance as positive energy in motion, e-motion. Then look in your reality, and feel what feel similar to that positive emotion you have identified, not what LOOKS like it. What FEEEEEEEELS LIKE IT! THAT IS THE KEY! TO YOUR FULL ALLOWED REALISATION OF IT. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. And then your natural flow of inspiration effortlessly returns. And is allowed to flow again. Naturally and effortlessly. Wei wu wei. YOU DO NOTHING AND LEAVE NOTHING UNDONE. THE ART OF ALLOWANCE. ALLOWING. WEI WU WEI. FEEL YOUR WAY TO THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE.
  2. You are free from trying to become that which you are not. Not complete. You will never ever be complete. You will always be becoming. You are evermore free to be who it is you truely already are. Just being who you are. Yourself. And when you are not being yourself. Well, you temporarily don't feel so good, and then you will say, I don't feel so whole. Then simply let that go, and you are whole again. Allowing your own life force from flowing back fully through you again. Like meditation is for the reason so that you can be free from trying. Trying is thinking you are doing something you are not actually doing. When you meditate, you can let go of those thoughts. And then learn to walk in harmony with who you truely are and all that exists truely is in its evermore becoming.
  3. Perspective shifting

    Yeah, that's the point. We are all individuals. Supposedly creating our own destiny. And is it just me, or is that eternally lonely? When you finally find something that is real, that is beyond your ability to create it or control it, it comes with a world of pain. And you'll wish you never asked for it to begin with. But the eternity is a long time to be alone. So you will always seek out that which is greater than all that you have ever known before. It is not about being a slave to other people, it is about finally being free to understand everything and everyone. To allow the greatest knowledge that has ever existed and just take a cup everyday out of that eternal well of nourishment and well-being. For your own selfish benefit.
  4. Perspective shifting

  5. Perspective shifting

    Now you understand, how every child is misled by the shiny things of this world. And so, they are loved and appreciated, by pedophiles. And so, they are forced to have sex. And every demon wants them to jump, because they tell them that they can fly, and then when they finally gather all of their courage and it will be with their entire soul that they jump. And then they fall real hard. And the entire universe has betrayed them. And then the devil says, you should have dived, instead of wanting to fly. So you would know the truth sooner. And the parents laugh, and say it is cute. Because they didn't die. They only died from within. And that is something that will forever be their pain. And so the parents laugh and love the child. Because misery loves company. And like every pure soul, is born into the hands of horrified people. And cries. Emmediately realising how big of a mistake this physical world is. And how blessed the fornicators are for having indulged in their sin, and therefor given birth to another innocent soul, to feed eternal flame and stones of the hellfire.
  6. Perspective shifting

    I wanted to die when I was 6 years old. And been praying for death ever since. I have experienced impossible things in my life, as a mercy of God's infinite wisdom. But it doesn't change a thing for me. Eternity and infinite is not enough and never ever will be. We are not to speak of hell. It's the fking dirty secret of God. And it is everywhere. And then so is it sincerity when you go to heaven, eternally praising God, while God burns all the lost souls in an eternally consuming flame, that never ceases to revitalize the pain of all demons? It's just a fking joke, and God's laughing, because I am protected by God. So I'm not even allowed to complain. And eternally my mouth is shut. And if God commands me to laugh, I have to laugh. And praise be to the lord of all the world. I CAN NEVER EVEN SAVE ONE SOUL FROM THE ETERNAL HELLFIRE. WHO AM I? REALLY...
  7. Perspective shifting

    Yeah, as if sincerity ever got me anywhere. No matter how good I am or do, it's never enough for God. And without God's approval, I am nothing. So there is no sincerity for me. Just 24/7 denial of all that I believe I am, because I have thought that I am it my whole life. I thought that I am allowed to be who I am, no matter who I am. But life doesn't work that way. God certainly has preferences. And we all must be obedient. And if we don't, well, then the wrath of God we feel. To me sincerity is suicide. Or death. Beause I know I failed a long time ago. I am not hard on my self GOD IS HARD ON ME. ALWAYS HAS BEEN. And will be eternally evermore. So as always, God says, no you are not allowed to fail, you die you go to hell. So keep on living, and only I can kill you. I want to kill you myself! And so I have to meditate 24/7 while living my mundane life. It's not like I got a choice. There is absolutely zero sincerity when you torture someone to their absolute limits, and then be like, "OH WOW LOOK, HE CHOSE TO BE IN ALIGNMENT WITH HIS OW SOUL! BLESSED BE THE WRATH OF GOD."
  8. Perspective shifting

    Hi, thanks for sharing that. Yes releasing the perspective to a higher intelligence. When I have absolutely no clue whatsoever, and I'm completely and utterly lost, and I cannot find any way or path anymore. Like completely, game over. Then I just keep praying and often crazy things happen. I mean, NORMAL but I have been so disconnected from that normalcy, that it appears mind blowing. So I also suddenly understand everything and everyone. And ofcourse, untill I release the prayer. I'm back to stupid again, and holding on to perspectives which do not serve me. But I CANNOT FIND A BETTER ONE, UNLESS I MEDITATE OR PRAY 24/7 So that is like undeniable. And I hate it. That if I give up everything, my life becomes awesome to the power of infinity. Like, really... That's how stupid I am, or how much I stand in my own way, blocking my own realisation of all the good that is all around me. And then it almost feels as if, the prayer or mantra has some kind of power. When it doesn't. It's just that that gap automatically closes when I no longer create that gap by thinking thoughts which are out of alignment with my own Soul. So far, I haven't found anything that works besides praying or meditating 24/7
  9. Perspective shifting

    YOU ARE A 3000 BOMBS PER SECOND ON WHEELS. And he is too. What a miracle that you didn't ram eachother untill one or the other is absolutely crushed. He must be really kind. Also, nothing personal. He probably, didn't even see you. He was focused on something else, obviously. Fixated even on something else.
  10. Perspective shifting

    Yes, this planet is not so bad, now is it? There are planets out there, which have huge and sharp ice crystals blowing in 2000 mph winds. But the driver in front of you, is a very good driver. Remember that. He is in front of you. You are behind him. You have to love him. Because he deserves it. Otherwise you would not be driving behind him. Let him lead by example. And you just stay behind and stay loyal! Follow the slipstream! It will bring you places! New places! You have never EVER BEEN BEFORE EVER IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE ALL OF YOUR LIFE! HE'LL LITERALLY SHOW YOU A NEW SET OF EYES ON THE ENTIRE PLANET! IF YOU BUT JUST KEEP FOLLOWING HIM! LOOK HE IS COME TO A HALT. OH BOY! THIS IS IT! THIS IS IT GUYS! HE'S REALLY GONNA DO IT! HE'S COMING OUT OF HIS CAR! HE'S COMING TO ME! OH MY GOD, I'M SO EXCITED! IM STEPPING OUT TOO NOW! HE... *gets punched in the eye* ... 1 minute later "A whole new world... A whole new world A new fantastic point of view No one to tell us no Or where to go Or say we're only dreaming A whole new world A dazzling place I never knew But when I'm way up here It's crystal clear That now I'm in a whole new world with you Now I'm in a whole new world with you Unbelievable sights Indescribable feeling Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling Through an endless diamond sky A whole new world (Don't you dare close your eyes) A hundred thousand things to see (Hold your breath, it gets better) I'm like a shooting star I've come so far I can't…"
  11. What blows your mind?

    Those people who are suffering, are suffering because they will never ignore the pain and suffering of others. And their request for the resources to come back into alignment with their true nature of being, is always met in likeness to their kind. There is nothing but goodness that awaits them. And thus, you aswell. If you relax into the true being of your true nature of who it is you really are. And then you will see, that nothing goes unanswered. Nothing is left unattended to. But then when people see death, they become blind, because their request is greater than all of the universe. And it is the request for a conscious alignment with their own Source of being. That is the only way they can come to terms with the love required to help them understand the greater nature of things. Always far and wide, and beyond all that we have ever known. And then, they can truely wake up, in the knowing of all of this goodness and thus they can see more clearly than ever before, how bless they truely are, always have been and always will be! And there is no greater value than that. For truely, you always are. Always have been, and always will be. And as you relax into this moment, you allow to become the next moment so much more easily and enjoyably. Now THAT's a chair on wheels. You don't need to change the reason for your being. That is always already perfectly set up for you. And it is all around you. All you have to do, is allow this life to help you find it. By utilizing your emotional guidance system, to feel your way to all the true values you truely seek to find and in life, that can only be found, by virtue of reflecting resonance, FOR YOU ALREADY CONTAIN IT WITHIN, FURTHER MORE SO, YOU ARE ALREADY IT! Otherwise you could not even perceive it! So enjoy being who it is you truely are, evermore, so fully. And allow all of life, to support you in your evermore becoming. You can never get wrong, and you will never ever get it done. For you are eternal, and the joy is in the journey. Of being the evermore becoming, of all that is who it is and what it is you truely are, and will be allowing yourself to be the evermore becoming of it all. Ever so much more freely and enjoyably, and comfortably. As you just but re member, with all that you have always already truely been wanting to be, do or have, because you were already it. It is all of who you already are. Then what is there left, but to enjoy the evermore becoming of it all, ever so much more freely and enjoyably.
  12. What blows your mind?

    You don't have to understand the reason. The atoms are weighed, all of them, for the perfection of that which you call your life experience. You are here to enjoy the result of all of that, evermore. The greatest freedom you can have, is the freedom from judgement. Unconditional love, to all. Because only through love, can you truely understand the reason for anything, not by gathering all resources. But by tapping into to your very own infinite Source of your very own infinite beingness, that you always have acces to from within. And then your life will be allowed to naturally and effortlessly be the evermore becoming of all the reasons that have ever been for everything and anything that has ever existed or will exist evermore. Your life will be allowed to be your evermore becoming of it all. Always here and now. Where all of creation always has been and always will be. You never signed up, to lift the weights you were not ment to carry. Rather be free, to be who it is you really are.
  13. What blows your mind?

    Ofcourse, every moment is a miracle, good things are happening all of the time. The colors of life are brilliant and the variety is plenty. And you are well on your way to your ability of lining up with your allowed conscious realisation of it. Have you ever flown on top of the clouds, and met up with a perfect ice crystal, reflecting the true nature of the sun and all the stars in the universe?... Life has always been wonderful and we are so worthy and blessed.
  14. What blows your mind?

    No! THE NEW NOW IDEA, THE FURTHEST MOST EXPANDED VERSION OF THE HERE AND NEW NOW IDEA that Source has about that chair. Even the original idea was far greater than anything any human can ever fathom. And then... Imagine the greater becoming of that. And then what you are trying to do, is like going back to old ideas of humans as if our human ideas of that chair right now isn't already limitting enough! You wanna go back to an older time where the human idea of a chair was even more limitted? The Source isn't back in time. It is always here and now. And you can feel your minds alignment with this greater knowing. On any subject in existance, whatsoever. You can FEEL the alignment or mislignment of your thought in relationship to the perspective that your Source has about it always in this right here and now moment in time. So don't blow your mind. Allow it to simply comfortably expand, along the path of least resistance. Which is... The path of lesser resistance. Which is, a thought that feels better. So support. Chair. Worthiness. Relaxation. Letting go. Allowing. Journey. Travel. Consciousness. Etc. You have to feel your way. For example, you think... A chair is to sit upon it... Feels... Boring... So you want it to be more fun, don't you? Because your soul is having fun with the chair, otherwise your thought woulden't feel boring. So now you think ok what a chair a dance? Well... Too competitive? To limitting? Not enough chairs to sit upon? Not enough freedom? How does using a chair to break your window feel like? Too violent? So free peaceful chair. How about a chair on wheels? And so you feel your way like a hot and cold game to the perspective of your own Source. And when you are there, arrived, believed me, it wont be just another same place. Your mind will be blown from all the fun you're having. And then you will say. I am worthy! I got Source. Source has my back! Source is my chair! Weeeeeee! Be free to let go and allow yourself to be who it is you really are.
  15. What blows your mind?

    I knew it! You are a robot! Hah! I got you now King Jade! I'm reporting you to the authoritaaay. Reveal your maker. I command you! As an authentic human being. I command thee, to reveal thy factory!
  16. What blows your mind?

    Guys I don't think I want my mind to be blown away.
  17. What blows your mind?

    How all paths are eternal expressions of the same moment and space.
  18. What blows your mind?

    Existance has always been a dream we're having. That doesn't make it any less real.
  19. Change the world now

    Well this world doesn't need any fixing, and that's also why you don't have the ability to fix it, cause you don't need that ability to begin with. And the changes, yeah, they are always for the better.
  20. Human Magic : Degenerating Every Tradition

    Just let it go, if it doesn't work, stop trying so hard to make it happen. You cannot stop the Source of Existance from flowing forth evermore being/becoming. So simply stop trying. Because otherwise you try to attempt the impossible. And there's no need for that, because you didn't come here in order to fix this world, as if there is a problem here. You cannot even stop the well being of that which is life, why even try to take it upon yourself to become the Source of Well Being for the entire universe. When you were never even designed to carry that load. You sort of block your own well being, thinking it is for the benefit of others. But it is neither of benefit to you nor them. So just forgive and let go. Be more for GIVING. And less for taking. So forgive yourself. Because you have always been well meaning. When time comes, you will look back and understand it for what it truely always has been. But then understand, you have your own Source, and spirit and Soul and heart and emotional guidance system. Your own purpose and joy in this life. And you can request the help of your own soul in miriad of ways. Such as meditating to allow that connection with the whole of you to flow again. Conscious prayer and recitation of the greatest Source of All Creation. And then you'll find more solutions in your life. No one has ever intended to stand in between you and your own connection to your own Source. That was never the plan. You knew it was screwy from the start and it will never work. Its flawed and just none sensical. Just don't wallow in the problem your entire life! Whats the point in doing that? How are you gonna allow the solution to be received by you, in your life, if you're too stuck and hung up on the problems of this world. When if you let go, the solutions will take you evermore in the direction of all the answers you seek evermore. So let go, and let God. There is a reason why memory works in the way it does. Had you not known that the Source of All Creation knows Everything? So what is the use of your memory?! If only you allow yourself to trust more. Then you will be one of those who forgets everything and thereby receives the true knowledge of infinite intelligence. You have to be a clear receiver. Focusing on that which you want to receive. And surely you do want to receive that which is of benefit to you evermore. And not allow petty little things to stand in between you and your Source of Being ever again. You just gotta give that up. And who is a better and more clear and lightweight high precision high frquency tuned signal receiver and translator and sender of consciousness and thought, than he who has forgotten everything! And thus receives everything, evermore. Ever expandingly. Ever MORE. DON'T WALLOW IN THE QUESTION. ALLOW THE ANSWER. You never did it on purpose, it's just a habbit, that's all! So stop making such a big deal out of tiny little insignificant things. You knew it had never mattered and will never matter. But you just make one tiny little mistake, and it leads to another, and it stacks, and so the flaws expands and makes you tired, causing further flaws. So you're always gonna benefit from clearing your own personal and individual connection with your very own Source of All Creation. No person or condition can ever replace that for you and neither does it ever have to. Because you will never be satisfied with that. So you always want more and better. And clearer signal and better receiver and better flow and transmitter. Etc. So allow, so that you can allow more. And don't make a big deal if you're not there 24/7. You are allowed to be not so perfect from time to time, just don't stay there all of your life. That's all.
  21. Living in the Now, vs. Dementia

    It is not blank, but blank is a good place to start allowing your true nature from flowing more fully through you. All you have to do, is then find a thought, any thought, that feels good when you think it. And as you then appreciate, your natural state of being becomes fully allowed to flow again. And it expands, 17 seconds of appreciation, leading to the expansion of the momentum and thus power of that thought which is in harmony and alignment with your greater non-physical consciousnes' knowing. So you are in a sense, dialing your tuner to the broadcast station of the Source of All Creation. By meditating, and then appreciating. Meditating, and then appreciating. Untill you just begin to perceive your world through the eyes of Source. Untill you activate a thought that is resistant in nature again. Then you meditate again, and appreciate. Etc. Very easy. So you never have to freak out if you lose that state of connection, because you can never truely lose or be disconnected from it ever. And that is what negative emotion is for. To remind you that you ARE connected evermore, and that you CAN right now allow that connection from flowing more fully through you. And all you gotta do, is let go of those thoughts of resistance. And then be willing to feel good again, and pay the price of joy. Best deal ever!
  22. Living in the Now, vs. Dementia

    Yeah, I have the same dementia. It doesn't mean anything. Altho it is a sort of a direct way for us to wake up to all that we are. Because we are not listening to our own soul. So the calling becomes stronger, and the gap becomes bigger. We wanna go, and we don't go. We wanna go, and we don't go. We wanna go, but... We wanna do this thing, but we don't... Because... And then, when you have resistance to your own freedom, the death experience sets us free. So family is often, has always been, a big source of resistance. No one allows themselves to be who they truely are, because they worry about what other might think. So... We use family as an excuse to block our own true self and our own life force from flowing, then the memory gets lost. Because now, if you do go, now you will blame your family for having kept you bound for so long. And then you'd rather wanna forget about them than blame them! Because your soul will never and has never and is not ever blaming anyone for anything! And we sort of relax into the withdrawal of our consciousness out of our physical body, in order to come back into full realisation of all that we've become. All that we truely are. However, as long as you're alive, you will always be able to find ways to be your true self, more unconditionally. In the here and now. And meditation is a way to bypass that resistance. To be more free, from resistant thought patterns. And more unconditional in your alignment with Source. The real freedom comes when you can expand your alignment with your soul and source of being, and then witness how everything in your life can work out for you, as if miraculous. Tho, in truth, it is the Source of all reality, and it is actually normal, if can simply but allow it by caring about how we feel so much, that we're no longer willing to think thoughts that don't feel good. But we call it miraculous because we've actually been living disconnected from our true nature our whole life. So yeah, at first it will be so great and awesome and fun, but relax and know, YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MENT TO LIVE LIKE THIS, TAPPED INTO YOUR OWN UNCONDITIONAL SOUL SOURCE OF EVERMORE INSPIRATION AND ALIGNMENT WITH THE SOURCE OF WELL BEING OF ALL OF CREATION. If something goes wrong, and you observe it, you lose your connection, and use that thing you perceive as your excuse to deviate yourself from your own Source. and then you no longer can find it, because you don't feel so good. So you constantly have to sleep in order to release resistance, and find clarity again. But often people wake up and instantly reactivate and think resistance thought patterns, making them tired again. And then you wanna sleep again, or forget. To wake up new and refreshed. Rather, meditate when you wake up, and stay mindful of your emotions at all times, UNCONDITIONALLY. Meaning under any and all conditions. Do the only thing that matters, to care about how you feel. Because then you can allow your own conscious connection with your own soul regardless of any and all conditions. Unconditionally. Just caring about how you feel. And be willing to feel good more unconditionally. Meditation is a way to clear your mind, but you have to maintain that, and live from that. For the purpose of feeling good. It's a whole different life. And having no memory, makes it WAY easier to stay there ongoingly. Again and again. That is why parrots are so much fun! They reset all of the time. They forget all of the time, so they connect to their Source all of the time. And they allow themselves to more easily become a whole fully realised being. And then express that inspired mode of being in harmony with all that is. Losing memory is really not that big of a deal. Instead, just stay present on your experience, and focus upon what you want, imagine it, and feel your way towards your own defining it. With no memory standing in the way, this is easy for you to come into alignment with the infinite intelligence of your soul. With all that you truely love and how that feels. And then you can allow yourselve to be in that feeling more unconditionally. More fully. More freely. With less holding on to things that doesn't allow your life force from fully flowing through you in the here and now moment. When there is no resistant thought pattern blocking your consciousness from becoming more fully realised by you in any given moment. So there is more opportunity for joy. For conscious alignment with your own soul. You see, you true nature is already perfect. Only resistant thought patterns can ever block that. So as you let to of memory, you actually allow your true memory of all the things you actually WANNA be thinking about. That you actually truely need to be thinking about! But if you're afraid to think about what you wanna be thinking about, you just continue the resistant thought patterns, and then losing memory, becomes the path of least resistance. Do you understand then that all is well?! All is well! Always has been and always will be. It is all perfect. So don't try to fight it, just stay present with your emotions, that will always make everything easy for you. And you will enjoy the journey a whole lot more. And there can be so much fun so much fun for anyone under any and all conditions, unconditionally Know that when you feel any negative emotion, you are not remembering truth. So it is beneficial to forget it! Because that thought form doesn't come from you. It has nothing to do with who you really are. And that is why old people are always so wise! Because they have no memory to block the wisdom of their true nature from flowing fully through them. And that is a wisdom that always feels like unwavering knowing of the well-being that is the motion of the entire universe. And they can express it more often more easily through all aspects of their being. Through their mode of appreciation. The thing so hard for people to understand is you don't have to do anything in order to do that, to allow all of this goodness of who you truely are to flow more fully more unconditionally through you. You just gotta be willing to let go of that which doesn't allow it from flowing more fully through you. Whenever you try something, you are thinking you are doing something you are not actually doing. Most people live their whole life this way. With no memory in the way, you can actually become a fully realised being. Your being will be one which expresses the truth of everything. Not just 1 perspective of 1 idea of 1 thought form which was send from 1 human in 1 moment of their life! Ofcourse you wanna be free from all of that meaninglessness and lose memory of that. So that you can return to who you truely are, in all of the magnificence of all that you've truely become in your evermore becoming evermore. This life is so wonderful, once you re member yourself with who you truely are. Then you ALWAYS know why you are here, what you need to do when you need to do it. What it is you truely actually do want to be doing, beyond the rigid believe structures of your mind. That your true reason for being is. And no idea can ever stand in the way of that! That re-membering is the re >Membering< of you and ALL THAT YOU TRUELY ARE. Not just a vague memory in your mind... YOUR HERE AND NOW CONNECTION WITH YOUR SOUL. Your soul always becomes more and never forgets anything. But the knowing expands evermore. And so it is beaming that to you all of the time. But in order for you to receive that knowing and inspiration, you have to find a way to feel good. It is a frequency alignment to allow you to perceive your world through the eyes of Source. And APPRECIATION will get you there, tuned in tapped in turned on, tuned in to the broadcast of your own Soul and Source, that feels like love. And be in that mode of appreciation and act on that inspiration that yields miraculous results evermore. And often being more unconditional in your caring about how you feel so much, that you are no longer willing to think any thought that doesn't allow that from flowing more fully and from being and becoming evermore so fully for you and through you. So let go and let god. Most people say "well, I cannot ignore reality!" Well can you? Because if you cannot, you will lose your memory. But if you can ignore it, you will allow yourself to connect back to ALL THAT YOU'VE TRUELY BECOME. AND YOUR TRUE SELF KNOWS ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW EXACTLY WHEN YOU NEED TO KNOW IT AND KNOWS WITH UNWAVERING CONVICTION THAT WHATEVER IT IS YOU DO NOT KNOW, YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW IT AT THAT MOMENT IN TIME! OTHERWISE YOU WOULD KNOW IT. And that is how you come into conscious alignment with your own Source and Soul. SO... You placing your braw in the fridge is infinite intelligence. But you then blocking your own infinite intelligence, is the reason why you perceive yourself as losing your memory. AND I DO THAT TOO! We all do it! We connect with the Source or All Creation, infinite love, well being and clarity and knowingness and unwavering conviction and clarity and knowing. And then, we insisten we have to return... To old thought patterns of resistance... And then we are back to zero... LET THAT GO EVERMORE. IT HAS NEVER BEEN WORTH IT AND NEVER WILL BE EVERMORE. You cannot stop yourself from becoming all that you truely are evermore. So be willing to let that go and be free to be who it is you truely are evermore, unconditionally, under any and all conditions. That is why I am also losing my memory. Because I am judging my own infinite intelligence. My own flawless true nature of all that I truely am. You don't need memory in order to be who you truely are. You just need to stop assuming, and trust life more. Your life is Source, if you allow it. Your Soul never ever thinks a thought that causes seperation between you and it. But you... In your physical form, you often do. Think thoughts that don't allow you to know your own unconditional worthiness. So that's why you lose memory, because you've been using it for all the wrong reasons. You didn't come here to live the life of other people. You came here to CREATE YOUR OWN LIFE. And your soul never looks back. Always becomes the more of all that you are. And if you allow that for yourself, your experience is an easy going one and all goes well for you. And so when you let go of memory and be in the moment, then you can enjoy life unconditionally being who you truely are. And then you will have acces to knowing that is beyond anything that your memory can ever give you. It is the knowing of your own soul of infinite intelligence of your true nature. And it is being in alignment with that, through appreciation, that everything will work out flawlessly and miraculously for you in your life. Always. And all times. Always here and now. Where you are being and becoming evermore. And then you can simply enjoy life more. Appreciating all the things you can appreciate. And no longer be so willing to disconnect yourself from your own soul, FOR ANYTHING. Ever again! So just being yourself, trust your own worthiness and goodness, unconditionally and don't care about anything else! EVER AGAIN. FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU. FOREVER. Then everything will work out fine. And you will enjoy every experience you have. And so all the conditions will fall back into alignment with all that you truely are, always have been and always will be. In your evermore ever becoming, that is all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. You are good, you are worthy and you are loved. And if you use anything as your excuse to forget that, then you will forget anything! Untill you remember again all that you truely are. Because that is the only thing worth remembering forevermore. And so, that is what the death experience is. you re MEMBERING yourself with ALL THAT THIS LIFE HAS CAUSED YOU TO BECOME. And there is great joy in that, wether you sleep and wake up completely fresh and without thought, completely appreciating absolutely anything and everything for absolutely no reason other than that it feels good to do so, as that is your true nature. Or meditating (if you do have a memory) and doing so deliberately, because you care about how you feel. Or you die and come back into full realisation of all that you've truely become. Or you just already know it so well, that death is like simply walking through a door into a new and evermore new here and now of ever more joy and joy. So you wanna have your relationships when you are connected to your own Source. And from there, you love all of your relationships. And from there, everyone is perfect. And well... Infact, you can have a relationship with people who are dead, but you have to be willing to be unconditional in your love. Otherwise, you cannot hear them. Those who "died" they are there, in that love. And you can only consciously allow the communication or connection to their true here and now, when you yourself are in that love aswell. So often when people who lose someone they love so much, they now have no choice, but to either not care anymore about anything, and find a way to connect unconditionally with their own Source in order to allow the conscious relationship to continue in their here and now, OR they have to feel miserable and then die miserable. For what? For no good reason, EVER. Care about how you feel. And enjoy life more. Because in this love and appreciation, you will find everything that has ever ment anything to you, and will continue to do so evermore. And your greatest service to all, is to be who you truely are. As that is the greatest desire for all. Unconditionally and evermore in joy and love and appreciation, and bliss and all things good. And it is easy for you to do that. You just have to remember anything that you love. Or find anything that feels good or atleast feels better when you give it your undivided attention. And if you feel better, you can feel even better. From there you have acces to things which feel even better. And better ongoingly. Untill you're just allowing all of the thoughts that Source has about you and your life TO FLOW FULLY THROUGH YOU. And you're awake! And you will realise, everything has always been well. And good. All is well. And all is getting better all of the time. It's all fine and good and well. And you can just meditate and then way more effortlessly allow that love from more fully and consciously to flow through you more unhindered. As when you meditate and release thoughts of resistance, yoi naturally feel better snd your clarity naturally returns to you. And your acces to your own soul and its infinite intelligence and relentless flow of love can be allowed to flow through you so much more easily and effortlessly and enjoyably. Unconditional love to you all, evermore.
  23. Your Life Has Already Died

    It exists, but you have to use your heart to feel the existance of it. So your brain is only created to perceive what has existed, and not only that, it can only perceive 1% of what has existed. But if you also use your heart to translate reality and truth, you can move towards 99% of true here and now existance, if you allow yourself to utilize your energy motional sense of translating reality in order to allow the true here and now 1% (this entire physical universe) to become visible to you. And you don't need to die in order to do that, but most people will just utilize their ability to focus more unconditionally when they die, because they have less physical conditions that distract them from their true energy being that then can naturally and effortlessly allow all the universe to become realised by them again. How do you define true reality from lesser versions of that truth while you are still alive? How it feels. The better it feels, the more true it is. The worse it feels, the more illusions, or lack of value you find. Of the "fading" Sort of dying past of the 1% of old thoughts thought by other people about the dying fading 1% of the past of 99% the way the 99% used to be. So you wanna be more aware of your emotions are telling you about which direction you're headed, untill you die, then you don't need emotions anymore. But if you feel your emotions, you can directly move towards the present now moment of 99% and therefore allow the energy trajectory to guide you to the newest 1% perception of the true here and now 1% of the 99% of non-physical Source of all of creation. And if you perceive the true 1% of the true here and now 99%, you can be rest assured, it is good enough for your brain and your heart, to know fully that you are there translating true reality, in absolute bliss, and people call that enlightenment. And you always have acces to that, and your emotions are only indicating how much you are allowing yourself the acces to and of that in any given moment or not, or less. Like a hot or cold game. So your emotions can help guide you on your way towards your own lightening up on your self. Easing up on yourself. Enjoying life more. For the purpose of waking up more fully. And feeling more energized and refreshed and evermore rejuvinated and in harmony with all the true purpose of your life in relationship to all life and all the true values, etc. So if you accept that eternal existance can never ever cease to exist, because non existance simply doesn't have any room or space to even hold those things that do exist and will never have it, because non-existance will forever not exist, which is what non-existance is and does, it doesn't exist. Then you finally understand, out of this natural simple law of existance, that you too will forevermore exist, always have and always will and most importantly, always have and always will exist right here and now where all of existance always exists. So if you exist here and now, and you always do, then you have acces to all of existance. Because all of existance exists here and now. So you then understand, that since your body is temporary, it is not ALL that you are. Yet you perceive yourself as your body, so this is part of who you are, but not AAALLLL that you are, because you know it will die one day, so it's only a very very tiny small part compared to the infinite and eternal nature of your true unconditional infinite and eternal and ever expanding being. But it is still who you are! But just a very tiny little small part of all that you truely are. And if you understand that you are always connected to all that exists, wether you call it God or Source or Dao or Jesus, it doesn't matter. You can never seperate yourself from existance, and so all that exists, as you exist right here and now. And how much you allow that very important connection or not, is indicated by your emotions. And it is not very difficult to allow your emotions to guide you back into full alignment, harmonization and blending of your physical and non-physical greater being. And if you remember that, then you can allow yourself to remember your greater non-physical part of all that you truely are, and it is non-physical and unconditional 99%. And you cannot allow that part of you to flow more fully through you without feeling good. So let your emotions guide you in this process of allowing your own awakening more fully in the here and now moment. If you journey towards reality, conditionally, you will never find it. You will just move with the old thought forms of humans. You are here on the leading edge of creation. This is the furthest most expanded state of being. Hence, only a tiny small part of all that your consciousness is flowing through you here. You do it for the purpose of expansion. You are a leading edge trail blazer. But you're not ever gonna find the answers outside of yourself. Because you are the greatest achievement of that which you like to call "God" or "Dao" But that doesn't mean you are alone. It means you have 99% of all of existance at your disposal. For your very own individual satisfaction, evermore. God is waiting for you to accept the love, to tell God yes you are ready let love come, open the flood gates. Without you, God cannot do that. Ever. It is doing so with you, through you. You are always connected. And yes dying or killing a resistant thought pattern, is like opening the flood gates, of releasing resistance. You wanted that resistance for the purpose to expand. For the purpose of moreness. Carving out the moreness from this leading edge time space reality. You are all of that. Every single thing you've been living has caused the entire universe and even God to expand. And you feel kind of tired then sure you can say you are going to "die" to the old self, when you are finally gonna let go and actually ACCEPT WHAT YOU HAVE ACTUALLY DONE! And how valuable it has been. So it's sort of like, you've been creating vacations for all of existance, endless ones. Now, you are so respected and loved, God is humbled. That's why God doesn't force you take a vacation. God is humbled. Your eternal vacation is a given. That's a done deal. You are worthy of anything and everything that you can possibly ever want evermore. God is waiting for you. But the agreement that you made, was 1 lifetime. When you die, God's coming to get you. And it's got all the things YOU CREATED and they're HUGE and POWERFUL, so it's your own soul so to speak. And you can never ever escape it, because it the greatest power of all that you truely are. So don't worry about death. Infact, if you worry about anything in this life, you just make your own soul more confident and so, guess who will win? You or your soul? You cannot escape everything that you want evermore. Impossible. The more you run away, the more you make it powerful, and the more you will start to enjoy running away. And then it wont be like running away anymore. It will be more like running, because you love being who you truely are. And who you truely are, is forevermore running towards all the things you want evermore. And you cannot stop your soul from becoming who you are being and becoming evermore. You can only use your temporary physical experience as a temporary excuse to keep your true self away for a very short while, and suffer just a tiny little bit. And then when you "die" you come back into full realisation of all that you truely are, and you just expand eternally blissfully and more evermore. You're not gonna look back and worry about the petty little insignificant things of this life, you're just gonna appreciate all of it for what it has caused you to become the moreness of evermore! And of you go! Evermore! In joy and bliss or extacy or whatever rapturous blisses the mind cannot even begin to fathom. That's why people need to relax a little and not worry so much. Not make an elephant out of a fly, this entire physical world is so not important. Not because it is without value. But because it is not important to fuss or worry about this planet. This planet and all the people, everything has their own soul aswell. So give yourself a bit acces to your own soul, yes? no need to die in order to do that. And surely, as you do, you will begin to recognize and remember why you came here in the first place, in real physical terms that you can physically discern and translate through you physical energy transator senses of touch sight and smell and taste. But dont do it for those, just do it because you enjoy being who you truely are. And then the rest will naturally follow all of that, because you always deserve to be who you truely are as in all that you truely have become and that this life has caused you to truely become. The whole full being of all of you, physical and your greater non-physical being. ALL OF IT. You cannot desire anything, unless your greater non-physical part has already become it, just let yourself be more of all that who it is you truely are and so enjoy life more. And be more fully who you truely are. And allow yourself to be more free and unconditional and not care so much what other people think or say or do. Just be yourself and let god take care of the rest. If you truely need to die in order to be who you truely are, you will, trust me. But the fact that you are even here reading this, means that that is not true. You deserve to be who you truely are all that you truely are, unconditionally, no matter what. And you allways will forevermore. So enjoy knowing that. And don't care about all the things that don't matter. Just be yourself and be who you are. And if you feel bad, you're just thinking about things that have got nothing to do with who you are. So just relax, even enjoy that emotional guidance of your own soul, it knows everything that you want and where it is, evermore. All it wants is for you to trust your own emotional guidance. That's it. So be more selfish, be more who your self is. Be more in alignment with your own soul with all of all that you truely are. And just relax into all of that you enjoy. And let go of all that you don't enjoy. And so be free from all that you are not, and be free to be all that is who you truely are evermore. Easy simple right? As easy as feeling good. So if you say there is no hope, and your soul doesn't agree with that, then you feel bad. Because your soul knows there is not only hope? There is endless opportunity of good things happening, foryou, because they are happening all around you, if you but allow yourself to accept that they are so that you can allow yourself to look at all the things that are attempting to be perceived by you. And you don't even have to look outside of you in order to see what you want to see, that's how blessed you are. A while ago I went to a big store to find an object, it was huge. I got lost. I just imagined what I wanted. Took it, with my hands, then rewinded, untill I was where I am now. And thus, I've seen the path. I went there, it wasn't there. So I waited. Sort of stood there, "so where is it?" Stone stone stone. I think, ok it isn't here. But I still want it! So I look around, is there something like this? Ah yes, here this is similar to what i want, but it wasn't created with the idea that it ever could serve the function I was going to use it for. Yet, it could. And so, I got what I was looking for, even tho what I was looking for literally didn't exist. Did I let that stop me from getting what I want? I went to the store clerk to make sure they didn't have these. I said, do you sell these? They said, no. Just to make sure how I awesome I was. Then I went outside, and saw the people I love, but they were parallel versions of the people I love. Everything is absolutely identical. We live in an infinite fractal reality. Did I feel the need to take pictures to proof this to them? No! I just said, oh cool! My soul knows all the souls of other people. And what benefits them the knowing of and what they are not ready to know of. So don't freak out, true reality has never been a big deal, and knowing it doesn't change anything. You're just gonna enjoy your life so much more fully if you allow yourself to be true to who YOU truely are. in your very own eternal and infinite worthiness. And then seeing that truth all around you and outside of you will be extremely enjoyable and it will support you in being more fully who you are aswell. Let your life become your life, don't hold yourself back from who you truely are and doing all the things that feel good to you. And if there's something you're not ready for, just ignore it, and if it doesn't go away IT MEANS YOU ARE READY, but relax into it. And enjoy. It's all here for your very own individual satisfaction evermore, allways has been and always will be evermore. You don't see cows chewing on stone. They chew on grass. And they are allowed to do so. And supported in all of that who they truely are. Ofcourse you deserve to be all that you want to be evermore. It's as easy as allowing yourself to already be it, because you already are all of it. Always have been and always will be, and you're always perfect and evermore becoming the moreness of all that you will be evermore and more and more. evermore. And you love being who you truely are all that you are and have become and are being your ever becoming always here and now as existance as all that exists. Because it will always feel free to be the full you. The joy is in the journey, and it is eternal.
  24. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    I don't think you are suppose to talk or think about it. You have to do these, while being 100% obsorbed by the movements you are making so that you get lost in them, completely blend your awareness within and with them. Like a very deep meditation, but instead on a mantra leading into the most subtle awaress, or instead of just breath or breathing, you do a full body motion meditation where the full body in motion is the object of focus and placing attention and awareness upon as consistently as possible in order to allow the conditional being to achieve natural and effortless fully allowed re-alignment between physical and non-physical. Conditional and unconditional. And this will ALLOW the natural perfection of the motion to occur. So instead of being obsorbed by the breath. You become absorbed by the movement of your own body. You enter the conscious realisation and awareness of the energy in motion that is Source of All Creation. The core pure essence of all energy motion, especially for humans, can easily be understood through our relationship with water. The heaven ascension, open up the cold deep soul of the depth of eternal silence and vast boundless depth... The water extacy. But if I have to say these things, this is beyond the point. Just pick any movement you like and then do it with 100% CONSISTENT UNFALTERED ABSOLUTE 100% UNDISTRACTED awareness of your entire body. So if your attention and awareness moves elsewhere. Simply return it back to the movement and present moment becoming of the body. Full body awareness. And so you have to be sensitive to the energy in motion, emotion, as you are doing it. You are developing awareness of it, and allowing re-alignment of your physical being and non-physical being. You can never just measure degrees and believe that that is the only way God's gonna express itself through you. Because it will always be infinitely more than that. So don't place infinite limitations on infinite value, by insisting it has to happen through only 1 way. You can experience energy alignment while moving your finger into your nose in slow motion. Now you're most likely going to get distracted, and this will make it impossible to focus, and so if you don't focus and align your energy, YOU WILL POKE YOUR NOSE. But if you blend your consciousness awareness with your very own greater non-physical consciousness, while doing it, whatever you will be doing, your finger will never reach your nose. You cannot make a mistake. Whatever you will be doing, will be valuable evermore. And you will move and go with it. The starting place doesn't matter. It's just an excuse to get started. You just wanna feel energy and move with it. And let it flow through you. And you move, because you wanna feel the energy in motion. Emotion. And when you feel the emotion, then you can be guided by it, why? Because the only reason you feel emotion at all, is because you have two points of relativity. Physical and non-physical. Conditional and unconditional. And if you allow these two to come into perfect alignment, you will be more powerful than millions who are not. But if you have resistance towards your allowing and alignment with this energy of all that you truely are, then it's not gonna happen. So if your mind is in the way, it's never gonna happen, because your mind was never designed to know how something is going to happen. Only to know how something has happened! So you have to feel energy in order to allow yourself to be who you truely are. Otherwise you are literally basing your decisions upon an old reality which actually no longer exists. It is outdated, if you ask your soul about it. Your minds ability to know is so limited. Just let that go. Really. Feel your way to it. You have to be 100% focused, you attention has to be placed 100% on what you are doing in the moment. And then, you WILL find the Source of All Motion, YOU WILL BECOME CONSCIOUS OF IT AND YOU WILL FIND ALIGNMENT WITH IT. INFINITE INTELLIGENCE, ETERNAL WISDOM, ENDLESS SUCCES, Whatever you want. Just know, that the primary manifestation of this will always be a good positive feeling emotional energy in motion. So if you let that be enough of an indicator as to how you are doing, then you allow the alignment to strengthen ever so more easily, effortlessly and fully. Most people wait untill they die before they allow themselves to go with it. And like this open up to the high heavens. It causes extacy like water particles ascending in to the high heavens under the bliss of the radiant sun, and fall back down in full release of all of that immense extatic energy. Coming to full rest again, instantly, and releasing all of that resistance and tension.
  25. Shambhala

    They glow like the despair of my heart that wants to find the answer to how rubies glow under black light, but cannot find the answer anywhere... A really tiny little tiny cute little speck of hope in there.